英语听力汇总   |   托福独立写作:如何让教育类话题的语言更地道





  笔者跟大家分享针对于教育类的话题,如何让你的文章语言更地道更出彩。众所周知,托福考试的写作和口语部分都属于输出型(output)的测试,需要大家自己写出或说出你的理由并解释。但是,输出前一定要做的工作是输入,否则大家再考场上会觉得大脑空空如也,任何有效信息都输出不了。可能有些考生会觉得自己的思维活跃,在考场现场编写也能够完成考试内容。但殊不知,对于一个英语不是母语的考生而言,这样做是非常危险的,因为英汉语言有很多差异,导致大家在考场上临场编写出的理由和解释都非常中式,换句话说就犯了托福写作评分标准中的大忌——语言不地道。为了帮助大家能够在准备托福考试的初期高效地积累大量的地道语言,笔者在此帮助大家从外文杂志及相关书籍中摘录出大量Native Speaker所写的文章中一些地道的表达,大家可以在平时进行积累,即便在考场上挥笔写出让考官大为称赞的地道文章。从本期开始,笔者会依据不同的话题分类给大家提供相关积累,本期重点推出教育类话题的地道语言。


  · have a strong impact on 对。。。有很大影响


  Peers can have a strong impact on a teenager’s performance in his/her studies at school.

  · feel peer pressure 感到来自同龄人的压力


  Some adolescents feel repellent to go to schools because they feel peer pressure.

  · Work as a team 作为团队工作


  Working as a team makes it easier for people to achieve success.

  · prevent school violence 预防校园暴力


  If we can prevent school violence,it is expected that the juvenile crime rate will decrease as well.

  · major in 主修


  It is more advisable for students to major in the course they are into.

  · Participate in a class discussion 参与课堂讨论


  Students participating in a class discussion with enthusiasm are more likely to perform better in their study.

  · study abroad 出国留学


  It costs a lot of money for parents to make their children study abroad.

  · career preparation 职业准备


  Besides pursuing knowledge, people also attend a university to do their career preparation.

  · increase one’s potential capability 增加某人潜力


  Offering students opportunities to take part in club activities at school can help student increase their potential capability.

  · organize one’s thoughts 理清思路


  As you write, you will be able to organize your thoughts better.

  · be required to 必须;被要求…


  From my perspective, every citizen should be required to make contributions to protecting surrounding environment.

  · develop expertise in 培养在…方面的专长


  If we have a long summer vacation, we can use it to develop expertise in a certain field.

  · form a study group 组成学习小组


  Once you form a study group with others, you should follow the rules of the group.

  · make a change in 在…方面做出改变

  例句:Taking responsibility for your own behavior will be the first step to make a change in your life.

  · attend a summer camp 参加夏令营

  例句:Children these days can gain the opportunity to attend summer camps and can thus become more independent than in the past.

  · study with a group 与小组一起学习

  例句:Studying with a group is often not as efficient as studying by oneself.

  · have a strong curiosity about 对…有强烈好奇心

  例句:Children usually have a strong curiosity about the plots in some violent movies and might consequently mimic those improper plots unconsciously.

  · optional subjects/compulsory subjects 选修科目/必修科目

  例句:I believe most optional subjects are as important as compulsory subjects.

  · be competent in 在…方面有能力

  例句:Students who have been taken the pre-career training classes tend to become more competent in the competitive job market.

  · put a priority on 优先考虑。。。

  例句:Some people commit crimes because they only put a priority on personal gains.



  Some students do not want to go to school because they feel peer pressure. According to the research, peers do have a strong impact on teenagers’ performance in their study at school. In order to help students to get rid of peer pressure and create a sounder study environment, schools take a series of measures. Some schools encourage students to work as a team when doing their assignments; also some boarding schools require students to share a room with other students. These measures can make students to know much about each other and help each other as well; subsequently, these measures are also favorable for preventing peer pressure. (有些学生不想上学,因为他们感到同龄人的压力。调查表明,同龄人确实会对青少年在校的学习表现产生很大的影响。为了给学生营造一个更健康的学习氛围,帮助他们抵抗同龄人的压力,很多学校采取了一系列的措施。有些学校鼓励学生在完成任务时进行团队合作,还有些寄宿制学校要求学生与他人分享一个宿舍。这些方法都有助于学生们之间增加相互之间的了解与帮助; 进而对于避免同龄人压力也是有帮助作用的 )


  Everyone knows that it costs a lot of money for parents to make their children study abroad. Despite of this fact, my parents sent me to America after I graduated from senior high school. Before I went to America to finish my bachelor degree, I used a long summer vacation to develop expertise in biology. As biology is my favorite subject, I majored in biology when I entered in the Stanford University in America. In the tutorial class, we formed many study groups and each group contained about 4-5 students. At class, all students together with the tutor would participate in a class discussion with enthusiasm. Those discussions were related to our future career and thus could help us to do our career preparation. We were also required to read a book every week and to write a book report. I found that this was a good way to share ideas with others and could help me to organize my thoughts better. From my perspective, our university provided students with opportunities to increase their potential capabilities by offering the tutorial classes. (每个人都知道,让孩子出国留学对父母来说要花费很多钱。但不顾这个事实,我的父母在我高中毕业之后将我送去了美国。在我去美国读本科之前,我利用了一个很长的暑假来培养我在生物方面的专长。由于生物是我最喜欢的学科,在我进入斯坦福大学之后我主修了生物。在我们的研究班上,我们组成了许多学习小组,每个小组大概4-5个学生。在课上,所有学生和老师都满怀热情得参与课堂讨论。这些讨论都是与我们未来职业相关的,因此可以帮助我们做职业准备。我们被要求每周读一本书并且写读书报告。我发现这是一个与人分享观点的好办法,并且还能帮助我更好地理清思路。依我看来,我们学校通过研究班的方式为学生提供了提高潜能的机会。)



  · 一些人强调合作的重要性,其他人则认为个人竞争的意义不应被拒绝或被忽视。

  · While some people emphasize great importance of cooperation, others argue that the significance of individual competition should not be rejected or neglected.

  · 我很难想象出这样的计划除了会深层扭曲十几岁的孩子们的天性外还能产生出任何益处。

  · I can hardly imagine any benefit that such a scheme could produce except for further distortions of teenagers' natures.

  · 他们上大学是为了在竞争日趋激烈的劳动力市场上获得更多的选择,更高的工资和更多的晋升机会。

  · They attend college to obtain more choices, higher salaries, and more opportunities for advancement in an increasingly competitive job market.

  · 除了建造适当的图书馆设施的费用,大学必须每年花钱使其馆藏安排有序且不断更新。

  · In addition to the cost of building adequate library facilities, a university must pay every year to keep its collection well organized and up-to-date.

  · 一些学生发现很难在大班授课时集中精力,安静地读书是更有效的学习方法。

  · Some students find it difficult to concentrate in large lectures and find reading quietly a more effective way of studying.

  · 如果要求学生参加那些已经熟悉的课程,最好的情况是他们会对多余的材料感到厌烦,最糟的情况是他们会在不太精通的科目中考试不及格。

  · If students are required to attend classes which they are already familiar with, at best they will be bored by redundant material, at worse they will fail tests in subjects they are less proficient in.

  · 父母应对孩子的教育应该积极参与,鼓励,激发他们以帮助他们走出难关。

  · Parents should take an active interest in their child’s education and help him/her get through difficult times by encouraging and motivating him/her.

  · 大学生需要被授予更多关于个人理财的技巧和信息以应对日常生活中每个人都将要面临的挑战,它包括:守信誉,个人理财和顾客意识。

  · College students need to be taught more skills and information about personal finance management to enable them to meet the challenges that face everyone in daily life, which includes playing the credit game, planning their personal financial strategy, and consumer awareness.

  · 大学开设更多关于人际关系及交流的课程是必须的,因为社交比死记硬背的知识与学生们更加息息相关。

  · It is imperative and inevitable that colleges and universities should offer more courses on interpersonal relationship and communication because social contact has much greater relevance for students than the knowledge by rote.

  · 艺术对于学生们的教育至关重要,因此应该和数学、自然科学等主流学科一样受到重视。

  · The arts are vitally important to students’ education and should therefore receive as much emphasis as mathematics, science, reading and other mainstream subjects.
