英语听力汇总   |   英语六级真题模拟练习:人工智能







Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing many aspects of our lives, including career paths and job opportunities. As AI technology advances, it is becoming increasingly important for individuals to understand how it will impact their professional futures.


The rise of AI has led to a significant change in the job market. Automation and robotics have replaced many traditional jobs, while new positions requiring specialized skills in AI and data analysis have emerged. This shift has created both challenges and opportunities for workers.


On the one hand, those without the necessary skills to adapt to the changing job market may find it difficult to find employment. However, for those willing to invest in acquiring new skills, there are ample opportunities. Jobs in areas such as machine learning, data science, and AI development are in high demand and offer competitive salaries.


Moreover, AI is not only changing the types of jobs available, but also the way we work. Remote work has become more prevalent as AI-enabled tools allow for greater flexibility and efficiency. This trend is expected to continue, with more companies adopting AI-driven technologies to facilitate remote collaboration.


However, the integration of AI into the workplace also poses some ethical challenges. Concerns have been raised about the potential displacement of workers and the loss of human jobs. It is crucial for society to address these issues and ensure that the benefits of AI are shared equitably.



1.What is the main idea of the passage?
A. AI is taking over all jobs.
B. AI is changing job market trends.
C. Remote work will become obsolete.
D. AI development is unethical.

2.According to the passage, what are some of the emerging job opportunities in the AI era?
A. Traditional manufacturing jobs.
B. Jobs in the service industry.
C. Jobs in machine learning and data science.
D. Jobs requiring little to no skills.

3.What is the concern raised about the integration of AI into the workplace?
A. The loss of flexibility in working hours.
B. The decrease in job satisfaction.
C. The potential displacement of workers.
D. The increase in human error.


Explanation: 文章主要讨论了人工智能如何改变就业市场的趋势,包括工作类型和工作方式的变化。选项A“AI正在接管所有工作”过于绝对,与文章内容不符;选项C“远程工作将变得过时”与文章内容相反;选项D“AI发展是不道德的”并非文章主旨。因此,选项B“AI正在改变就业市场趋势”是正确答案。

Explanation: 文章提到,在AI时代,机器学习、数据科学和AI开发等领域的工作需求很高,并提供有竞争力的薪水。因此,选项C“机器学习和数据科学方面的工作”是正确答案。选项A“传统制造业工作”和B“服务业工作”并未在文章中提及为新兴工作机会;选项D“几乎不需要技能的工作”与文章内容相悖。

Explanation: 文章提到,人工智能与工作场所的融合引发了一些伦理问题,尤其是关于可能的工作者替代。因此,选项C“工作者的潜在替代”是正确答案。选项A“工作时间灵活性的丧失”、B“工作满意度的降低”和D“人类错误的增加”均未在文章中提及为相关关注点。
