英语听力汇总   |   2015年12月英语六级作文真题第一套点评:误导信息





  It is true that the internet has brought us great convenience and efficiency, however, as the data grows at an exponential rate, the severity of misleading information arises.

  Deceptive news or tips travel fast online, and worse still, they may shadow our routine life or even hinder the progress of our society. Lack of enough consideration, we are easily misled by false information which always appears in bulk on the webpage. Some will alter their plans to deal with the so-called disaster but only affect their normal life; a few may even go further to violate social security and economic trend. Moreover, if the misleading news isn’t corrected soon, there may be a trust crisis between individuals and the government. For example, the nuclear leakage in Japan in 2011 has caused great panic in Eastern China, where thousands of people went out to rob salt after the rumor that salt can prevent radiation, and ended in a turbulence in the domestic market.

  To prevent misleading information spreading, government should set up laws to regulate online news while individuals need to judge independently. Only when they work hand in hand will the harm of false information be diminished to the end.


  题干中明确标出同学们需要focus on the harm caused by misleading information online,所以同学们这篇文章重点就应该放在harm危害这个词上面。

  范文中,开篇以社会现象引入到主题词misleading information误导信息的出现;之后第二段开始重点讨论误导信息的严重危害。内容层层递进,从谣言使一些人做出冲动行为,推进到若不治理将会产生对于政府信任危机。并且段落最后用日本核辐射导致国内抢盐事件的举例进一步证明了谣言的危害。中间段紧扣主题。

  文章结尾部分采用建议式的结尾方式,提出了针对之前提出的危害的解决措施,从政府到个人都有对应的建议。这也更加紧扣之前第二段所提到的内容。最后一句运用押韵的手法(hand in hand对应to the end)将文章带入收尾。最后一段的目的在于使得文章从单纯的列举误导信息的危害加入了作者自己对这一现象的思考,也让文章的内容更加完整。