英语听力汇总   |   2015年6月大学英语六级真题解析:阅读考试部分





  2015年6月大学英语六级真题解析:阅读考试部分。2015年6月13日下午结束了大学英语六级的考试,各位经历整个春季备考洗礼的小勇士们在考场上大多游刃有余的PK掉了这万变不离其宗的六级真题。为什么使用“万变不离其宗”这个词?是因为我们新东方的学员们的整个培训备考过程,使用的教材都是历年的真题,这次的考试又一次依葫芦画瓢,这葫芦就是我们的历年真题啦。比如我们下面解析的这篇关于美国大学申请的Early decision的传统阅读,就是真题中2013年12月段落信息匹配中的ED和EA,更是我们在基础班一路走过给大家强调的偏好的文科问题里面的校园教育类文章,熟悉的主题是不是让各位在考场上心花怒放,信心倍增呢!不止如此,定位句和选项中的词汇表达更是我们可以信手拈来哒!比如64题定位句跟选项中的be less likely to do结构,看到--理解--秒掉,就是这么爽快的搞定,因为我们从基础班开始就扎实的强化着大家高频考点的理解与应用,而A选项的refrain from与我们强化班补充教材中第六篇文章63题C选项refrain from making promises they cannot honor是一模一样哒!小伙伴们解题就一马平川了!但是最最重要的是,正确的解题姿势我们学会了,考试的时候保持了做到了,所以就轻松顺利地秒杀了所有的题目,so easy!


  Early decision - you apply to one school, and admission is binding - seems like a great choice for nervous applicants. Schools let in a higher percentage of early-decision applicants, which arguably means that you have a better chance of getting in. And if you do, you’re done with the whole agonizing process by December. But what most students and parents don’t realize is that schools have ulterior motives for offering early decision, and in many cases, it’s better for students to use nonbinding options like early action or to simply wait to apply at the regular time.

  Early decision, since it`s binding, allows schools to fill their classes with qualified students; it allows admissions committees to select the students that are in particular demand for their college and know those students will come. It also gives schools a higher yield rate (the percentage of students admitted to attend the school), which is often used as one of the ways to measure college selectivity and popularity. In short, it’s a tremendously useful tool for colleges and universities.

  The problem is that this process effectively shortens the window of time students have to make one of the most important decisions of their lives up to that point. Under regular admissions, seniors have until May 1 to choose which school to attend; early decision effectively steals six months from them, months that could be used to visit more schools, do more research, speak to current students and alumni and arguably make a more informed decision.

  There are, frankly, an astonishing number of exceptional colleges and universities in America, and for any given student, there are a number of schools that are a great fit. When students become too fixated on a particular school early in the admissions process - especially if that school is a highly competitive school - that fixation can lead to severe disappointment if they don’t get in or, if they do, the possibility that they are now bound to go to a school that, given time for further reflection, may not actually be right for them.

  Moreover, the advantage early decision seems to give its applicants is probably not so great as the numbers might imply, since recruited student athletes (whose admission is all but guaranteed) and legacies (who have a much higher chance of admission) tend to apply through early decision, and the quality of applicants in general tends to be higher. But insofar as early decision offers a genuine admissions edge, that advantage goes largely to students who already have numerous advantages. The students who use early decision tend to be those who have received higher-quality college guidance, usually a result of coming from a more privileged background (a private school or a higher-quality public school that can afford more and better guidance for its students). In this regard, there’s something of an ethical argument against early decision, as students from lower-income families are far less likely to have the admissions savvy to navigate the often confusing early deadlines.

  Students who have done their research and are confident that there’s one school they would be thrilled to get into should, under the current system, probably apply under early decision (unless their top-choice school has the option for early action). But for students who haven’t yet done enough research, or who are still constantly changing their minds on favorite schools, or who frequently second-guess major decisions, the early-decision system needlessly and prematurely narrows the field of possibility just at a time when students should be opening themselves to a whole range of thrilling options.


  What are students obliged to do under early decision?

  Why do schools offer early decisions?

  What is said to be the problem with early decision for students?

  Why are some people opposed to early decision?

  What does the author advise college applicants to do?


  61. B. Attend the school once they are admitted.

  early decision与题文同序的原则将解题信息锁定到第一段,第一句的插入语you apply to one school, and admission is binding就是对early decision的解释说明,句中的you就是我们所谓主体的变写形式,对应题干中的students,插入语的解释部分告诉我们录取和申请是 binding绑定的,继续读第二句,告诉我们“学校给予了提前申请者一个很大的录取比率,虽有争议,但却给予了学生们一个更高的录取可能性,录取几率”。

  62. A. To make sure they get qualified students.

  解题信息来自第二段第一句,early decision可以让学校“充满”资质达标资质合格的学生,定位句中两处平行的不定式结构就对应着答案的出处。最后一步就是去选项中找到对应的重复等价词汇与含义就解决了。

  63. C. It allows them little time to make informed choice.

  根据problem定位到第三段第一句,this process shortens the window of time,通过主干里的shorten与time就成功对应出C选项,再用定位句中的time后面的后置定语从句与C选项做比较,进一步确定我们的选择。

  64. D. It places students from lower-income families at a disadvantage.

  题干中的oppose在定位句中以an ethical argument against early decision的形式出现。明显对应在倒数第二段最后一句话。

  65. B. Avoid choosing early decision unless they are fully prepared.

  最后一道题目,除了根据题干中的advise,college applicants定位外,这个题目也对应了我们强调的转折这个考点。定位在最后一段But之后。经过对句子的分析与理解,就能够改写出B这个选项。

