英语听力汇总   |   2017年12月大学英语四级翻译答案逐句解析-华山(网友版)










这句话的翻译重点在于“位于”,当然用be in这个结构也没有问题,但是如果能用be located in或者be situated in会更准确。华山,可以翻译成Mount Hua,也可以翻译成Huashan Mountain。离某地的距离,可以用away from,或者只用一个from。关于西安这个地名的翻译,需要记住标准的写法是Xi’an或者Xi’An。


Mount Hua is located in Huayin City. It is 120 km away from Xi’an.


Located in the City of Huayin, Mount Hua is 120 kilometers from Xi’an.


这句话里首先要注意的还是几个地理名词的翻译。秦岭,是the Qinling Mountains,或者the Qin Mountains。作为一条山脉的名字,准确的翻译方法应该是the XX Mountains。陕南和陕北的翻译中,要注意“陕西”的标准翻译是Shaanxi而不是Shanxi(山西),这个在沪江网校四级课程的词汇课中有提到。“不仅 … 也 …”可以用not only …… but also这样的句型。


Mount Hua is a part of the Qinling Mountains, which divide not only northern and southern Shaanxi, but also China.


Mount Hua is part of the Qinling Mountains, which not only separate Northern Shaanxi and Southern Shaanxi, but divide China into Northern and Southern parts.




“朝拜”,是一个在四级翻译中出现频率较高的词汇,worship。当然如果这个“朝拜”翻不出来的话,可以直接说“去泰山”。而泰山的翻译,规则和华山类似,可以写Mount Tai或者Taishan Mountain。


It was different from Mount Tai, where people often went in the past. Few people went to Mount Hua in the past because the road to the top was very dangerous.


Unlike the widely worshipped Mount Tai, Mount Hua was rarely visited owing to the dangerous paths to the top.


“长寿”,这个单词在沪江网校的写作翻译考前公开课上由Lilian老师说到过,作为一个名词是longevity。“药草”的翻译也是一个难点,medical herbs,而不能用grass这个词。这句话中的“然而”,处理成however就可以了。


However, people who wish a long life often go up to the mountain because many herbs grow there, especially some rare ones.


However, those who longed for longevity visited Mount Hua on a regular basis because there were numerous medical herbs, particularly the scarce.


缆车的英文翻译是cable car。“自 …… 以来”,在翻译的时候应该处理成现在完成时。


The number of tourists has been greatly increased since the installation of cable cars in 1990s.


There has been an increase in the number of travelers since the installation of the cable cars in 1990s.



Mount Hua is located in Huayin City. It is 120 km away from Xi’an. Mount Hua is a part of the Qinling Mountains, which divide not only northern and southern Shaanxi, but also China. It was different from Mount Tai, where people often went in the past. Few people went to Mount Hua in the past because the road to the top was very dangerous. However, people who wish a long life often go up to the mountain because many herbs grow there, especially some rare ones. The number of tourists has been greatly increased since the installation of cable cars in 1990s.


Located in the City of Huayin, Mount Hua is 120 kilometers from Xi’an. Mount Hua is part of the Qinling Mountains, which not only separate Northern Shaanxi and Southern Shaanxi, but divide China into Northern and Southern parts. Unlike the widely worshipped Mount Tai, Mount Hua was rarely visited owing to the dangerous paths to the top. However, those who longed for longevity visited Mount Hua on a regular basis because there were numerous medical herbs, particularly the scarce. There has been an increase in the number of travelers since the installation of the cable cars in 1990s.