英语听力汇总   |   英语听力文摘759 眼镜的发展简史





A Brief History of Eyeglasses

Spec-tacular Inventions

When you think about inventions that have radically changed human existence, what comes to mind? Probably the wheel, the printing press, maybe the refrigerator and definitely personal computers. Then there are those more mundane things that we rarely think about, but without which we’d be much worse off. Like eyeglasses, for example. Imagine a world without glasses—many of us would walk around bumping into things and driving our cars up onto the sidewalk. So who invented glasses, and how were they first made?

The truth is that nobody knows who invented eyeglasses. At some point in Italy between 1268 and 1289 someone came up with the idea, but the actual inventor remains anonymous. What we do know is that the earliest lenses were made from quartz and were usually set into bone, metal, or leather. As soon as early opticians figured out how to make glass without bubbles and other obstructions, they started making lenses out of glass.

Ye Olde Nose Pinchers

Although glasses spread quickly throughout Europe and Asia, there was one major problem: Keeping them on the wearer’s face. Early glasses acted a bit like pinchers, squeezed onto the bridge of the nose. Ouch! It took nearly 400 years before opticians figured out that rigid sidepieces resting on top of the ears might do the trick.

No history of spectacles would be complete without some mention of Benjamin Franklin, who invented bifocals in the 1780s. Annoyed at having to constantly switch glasses whenever he wanted to read or take in the sights while traveling, Franklin had his reading glasses cut in half and fused with his distance glasses. Now that’s American ingenuity for you.

came up with 提出,想出

quartz 石英

optician n. 眼镜商;光学仪器商;光学仪器制造者

rigid adj. 严格的;僵硬的,死板的

bifocal n. 双光眼镜;双重焦点透镜

ingenuity n. 心灵手巧,独创性;精巧







至今仍在全世界享有盛誉的威尼斯穆拉诺的玻璃工厂有理由声称自己是眼镜的诞生地。13世纪,他们是唯一能够制造纯粹的软玻璃的工厂。不久以后第一份质量标准出炉。这些眼镜,称为阅读助视器, 有一个凸起的立式镜片,边框是用铁,牛角或木头制成的。那时只有一种简单的硕大的镜片。总之,第一副眼镜只能用作远视者阅读用的助视器。





