英语听力汇总   |   英语听力文摘657 为什么我还饿?





Why Am I Still Hungry?

You’ve just snacked on rice cakes. Why are you still hungry? That yummy feeling of being pleasantly full depends partly on the weight and volume of what you eat. As the stomach churns away at a large enough weight and volume of food, you start feeling full.

Stomach Churning

The stomach’s churning also prompts the small intestine to release a hormone which adds to the feeling of fullness. Rice cakes alone may not satisfy because they’re too little and light in the belly.

What does this mean for your waistline?

According to nutrition and obesity researcher Barbara Rolls, choosing more low calorie, but relatively heavy foods can help dieters lose weight without feeling hungry. In Rolls’ study, women tended to eat about three pounds of food every day–even when the number of calories in those foods varied. For lunch one day, the women were served pasta salad.


The next day, the salad had more veggies, but the women chose to eat the same amount, by weight, as before. That meant they were eating fewer calories, since veggies have fewer calories per pound than pasta.

Veggies and fruits top the list of foods which create a feeling of fullness for fewer calories. Their fiber and water content make them heavy, and they’re full of vitamins and minerals, to boot! If you’re watching the scales, avoid high calorie, lightweight foods, like potato chips. It might take a whole bag of chips to fill your belly! Instead, try topping those rice cakes with apple or banana, for a healthy and “satisfying” snack.







据营养与肥胖研究员Barbara Rolls称,选择较低卡路里但相对更重的食物,可以帮助这些节食者们进行有效减肥同时还不会感觉饥饿。从Rolls的研究中发现,不管食物中卡路里的数量如何变化,女性倾向于每天食用大致3磅重的食物。在节食实验的过程中,对于午餐,我们为这些女性们提供了意面沙拉。


