英语听力汇总   |   英语听力文摘508 昆虫也有舌头吗?





Ya?l: Somebody bought my daughter a game called "Cuddies".

Don: I love that game!

Y: I don't know about that. But the little plastic tongue-like part of that strange insect like body did inspire me to wonder about taste and insects. Do insects have tongues? And if so, what do they taste?

D: Well,scientists have mapped out the Drosophila fruit fly equivalent of our tongue and have made some interesting discoveries. Taste receptors are actually located in a variety of places on the fly's body, but its primary taste organ is called the labellum. It’s positioned on the creature’s head, and it looks like a hairy pair of lips.

The labellum does certainly look different from our tongue, and the genes involved in fruit fly taste are distinct from our own taste genes, but despite all that, taste in insects and mammals works similarly.

Taste receptors send signals to the brain, and the fly responds accordingly–it chows down if the brain determines the food is safe, and it looks elsewhere if the food item is determined suspect. In particular, fruit flies respond to sweet and bitter tastes.

They have such a wide variety of combinations of bitter-sensitive tasting cells that scientists believe that when it comes to bitter flavors, fruit flies have more discriminating tastes than us mammals. This knack for tasting bitter flavors may help them distinguish between harmful and safe bacteria on a spoiled piece of fruit.

Y: And I supposed that understanding taste in insects may lead to better repellants to keep them off our fruit in the first place.

D: You got it!



Y: 我不太了解。但是那只奇怪的塑料昆虫有个部位跟人一样—— 很小,像舌头一样,这让我对昆虫和(它的)味觉产生了好奇。昆虫也有舌头吗?如果有,它们又是怎样品味的呢?

D: 这样的,科学家已经提出果蝇属的果蝇有着跟我们舌头一样的(部位),还发现了一些有趣的东西。(果蝇的)味觉感受器实际上是位于果蝇身体的很多部位,但是它们最主要的味觉器官叫“唇瓣”。唇瓣位于果蝇的头部,看起来像一对长毛的嘴唇一样。




Y: 我觉得理解昆虫的味觉可能会帮助我们从一开始就让它们原理我们的水果。

D: 你已经会了!