英语听力汇总   |   英语听力文摘475 打针一定会痛吗?







Female: From fluvaccines to tetanus boosters, injections are a must in modern medicine. But do they always have to make you say Ouch?

Male: Eh,no?

F: No,indeed.If new microneedle technology is successful, we may soon have needles that inject medicine without your even knowing it. How does this work, you ask?

M: How does it work?

F: You feel things because of the nerves that are embedded in your skin. However, the entire surface of your skin is not covered. From a microscopic viewpoint, there is plenty of space between nerves where a super-tiny needle wouldn’t be felt.

M: No way!

F: Way! Researcher Mark Prausnitz and his coworkers at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta have already built micro-injection devices. Imagine a platform the size of your thumbnail, made

of silicon, metal or glass. The surface is covered with a thousand needles, each no bigger than a period at the end of a typewritten sentence.

When this chip is placed on your skin its like rolling in a briar patch–you are pierced again and again. But so small are the briars, you feel nothing. Because they cause no discomfort,

microneedles may soon allow doctors to administer controlled amounts of medication over long periods of time. That would be a big step toward the precision medicine of tomorrow–and away from the

big Ouch of yesterday.







男:可能!亚特兰大乔治亚理工学院的研究人员Mark Prausnitz和他的同伴们已经研制出了微型注射器具。试想它就如拇指指甲盖大小,材料是硅、金属或是玻璃。表面被一千个微型针所覆盖,每一个都还没一个句子中的句号那么大。
