英语听力汇总   |   英语听力文摘455 奇妙的海洋食物链





Overfishing Whales and the Environment


Until recently, when scientists studied changes in open-ocean ecosystems, they looked at changes in the bottom of the food chain that gradually make their way to the top, like food shortages and shifts in the ocean environment. A recent study, however, suggests that more attention needs to be given to top-down influences as well.

For example, over the past few decades, there’s been a major collapse of the populations of harbor seals, fur seals, sea lions, and sea otters living on the coasts of western Alaska. Now a new study suggests that all this destruction can be traced back to humans overfishing sperm and baleen whales between 1946 and 1979.

Killer whales, who live at the top of the ocean food chain, used to prey on sperm and baleen whales. When these were no longer available, the killer whales were forced to fish farther down the food chain. First they fed on seals, which were the easiest to catch and the most nutritionally valuable.

Then, when seals became rare, the killer whales turned to sea lions. When the sea lion population crashed, they started fishing sea otters. The domino effect reaches even farther. Without sea otters keeping sea urchins in check, their population has exploded. And they’ve destroyed the kelp forests, and with it, the kelp forest ecosystem in southwestern Alaska.

Animals switching food sources can have a very serious effect on the environment. And that we humans, as the ultimate predators, need to give a lot of thought to the choices we make. They may affect the food web in unintended ways.








Vocabularies and expressions:

harbor seal:斑海豹

fur seal:海狗

sea lions:海狮

sea otters:海獭

sea urchin:海胆

sperm whales:抹香鲸

baleen whales:须鲸

killer whale:虎鲸

domino effect:多米诺效应(在一个相互联系的系统中,一个很小的初始能量就可能产生一连串的连锁反应,也称之为“多米诺骨牌效应”。)

kelp forest:海藻林

keep in check: 阻止,约束