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The Strength of Spinach?

Don: Yaël, have you ever heard of Popeye the Sailorman? Whenever he is getting beaten up he eats some spinach and becomes really strong. His muscles bulge out and everything.

Yaël: I do burst your bubble Don. But eating spinach has nothing to do with strength.

D: Popeye is a lie?

Y: Not a lie, exactly. See, some time in the 1920s it was reported that a half cup of cooked spinach has thirty-four milligrams of iron, which is a lot. Iron is important because it carries oxygen in the blood. We need oxygen for energy; without enough of it people become weak and tired.

D: So spinach does make you strong, or at least puts extra pep in your step.

Y: Well, it might if it did have much iron. It turns out that the thirty-four milligrams was a typo. A half cup of cooked spinach really has only three point four milligrams of iron. Plus, spinach is actually worse than other iron-containing vegetables because it has a chemical that blocks most of its iron from being absorbed by the blood.

But when the typo was published the idea caught on that spinach was a muscle-building vegetable. That’s where the idea for Popeye came from.

D: So now I have to came up with another point.

Y: Or, how about just being happy with who you are!

D: Or, maybe I'll learn koradji.

Y: Whatever!


Don: 你有听说过大力水手波沛吗?每次他被痛打的时候,他就会吃菠菜,吃完了之后他就变得非常强壮——肌肉凸出,一切的一切,变得好强壮啊!

Yaël: Don,我可就要打破你的幻想了!吃菠菜与变得强壮根本就没什么联系。

D: 波沛是一个谎言?

Y: 确切地说,不是谎言。在上世纪20年代,有报道称,每半杯已烹饪菠菜含有34毫克铁元素,含量相当的高。由于在血液中的运氧功能,铁元素颇为重要。氧是人类的动力之源——一旦缺氧,人类便会变得虚弱、易疲乏。

D: 因而,菠菜确实能让人强壮——至少能积存下多余的精力。

Y: 嗯,如果铁元素的含量很多的时候确实如此。事实证明,那34毫克的铁元素是排版的错误——每半杯已烹饪菠菜仅含3.4毫克铁元素。再者,事实上菠菜还不如其他含铁的蔬菜好。原因在于,菠菜含有一种化学物质会大大的阻碍铁元素被血液吸收。


D: 那么也就是说,我得重去找其他的方法啦!

Y: 抑或,就高高兴兴的做你自己!

D: 或者,我还可以去学巫术!

Y: 这个就要看你自己啦!