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Chopsticks and Arthritis


If you’ve ever tried eating with chopsticks, you know they can be a pain to learn how to use. According to a Boston University study, ever since their invention nearly five-thousand years ago, chopsticks have been a source of literal pain by exacerbating the onset of osteoarthritis in old age.

Osteoarthritis is a disease of the joints caused by repeated use of a particular joint. Normally the ends of bones are covered with a shock-absorber-like pad of springycartilage that helps bone ends move more easily.

Over time, repeated use of the joint can wear the cartilage down like the eraser on a frequently used pencil. When cartilage wears down, bone end rubs against bone end on a joint, causing stiffness and often extreme pain. Over time, an unprotected joint can become deformed and parts of the rubbing bones can wear away and chip off, causing even more discomfort.

What does this have to do with chopsticks? Any repetitive motion involving the fingers can amplify the effects of naturally occurring cartilagedecay. If you’ve ever used chopsticks you know that pinching them together puts stress on the thumb and forefinger.

Imagine making this motion at every meal every day of your life and you begin to understand how chopsticks can harm your joints. According to the Boston University study, the thumb joint is the primary victim of chopstick use.

If you’re an adventurousdiner and occasionally like to eat Asian food using authentic dining implements, don’t worry. Only regular use over many years is cause for alarm.





