英语听力汇总   |   英语听力文摘 水塔物理学原理





The Physics of Water Towers


Water towers take advantage of the force of gravity to provide pressure for the water they contain. Every vertical foot adds point-four-three pounds per square inch to the water pressure. Towns usually keep their water pressure between fifty and one-hundred pounds per square inch, so a simple equation tells them how high to build the tower. And since a typical tower contains a full day’s worth of water, the force of gravity can maintain the hydrostatic pressure of the water system even when the power goes out.


Actually they serve an important day-to-day purpose as well. A city’s water usage varies throughout the day, usually peaking in the early morning when many people are showering and washing. Water usage during this time can be four or five times higher than during other parts of the day. To maintain water pressure during peak hours of the day, a city could invest in a very powerful pump, but this would be expensive and wasteful, since its capacity would go unused for most of the day.


Let me guess,instead, the city draws on the water tower’s supply of water during these hours of high demand.


That's right, the water tower and pumps work together to keep the water pressure stable throughout the day.



1.pounds per square inch:磅/平方英寸,缩写为PSI,英制压力单位,欧美等国家习惯使用psi作单位,在很多进口的压力容器安全阀上采用这种标示。

在中国,压力用“公斤”描述(而不是“斤”),体单位是“kg/cm^2”,一公斤压力就是一公斤的力作用在一个平方厘米上。而在国外常用的单位是“Psi”,具体单位是“lb/in2”, 就是“磅/平方英寸”,这个单位就像华氏温标(F )。此外,还有Pa(帕斯卡,一牛顿作用在一平方米上),KPa,Mpa,Bar,毫米水柱,毫米汞柱等压力单位。


2.hydrostatic pressure:静水压力。