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Haven’t We Met

面孔失认症是一种神经心理性疾病,表现为对熟悉面孔的识别能力降低或丧失。一般来讲,面孔失认症病人不能再认出以往熟悉的知名人士及亲朋好友的面孔 。虽然面孔失认症病人在看一个面孔时,他们仍可描述面孔的特征,但是所有外显意义上的识别却不能进行或功能下降,对非常熟悉人的面孔也没有任何的熟悉感 。但一些病人解释面孔表情的能力或者匹配不熟悉面孔的能力仍相当完好。除了识别面孔外,识别其它物体的能力可能也相当完好,并且很多面孔失认症病人阅读也毫无困难。幼年时因脑损伤发生的病例不能识别任何面孔,尽管如此,他们仍可以学会阅读 ;这个现象说明了阅读和面孔识别实际上属不同类型的视觉分析。面孔失认症常伴随的一般功能障碍包括左上视野缺陷、全色盲和地形判断的功能异常(topo-graphical disorders)。病人所表现出的障碍是不能将熟悉面孔再认出来,在社交活动及工作中常常遇到一些问题,多数病人依赖其它线索来弥补面孔失认方面的缺陷 ,根据个体的其他特征,如声音、发型、服饰、步态等将其鉴别出来。

You wake up one morning to find a strange man standing in your kitchen; worse than that, he seems to have made himself completely at home.

Someone’s child is sitting in the living room watching television, on which somebody or other is giving a speech while standing next to a bust of some old guy. Who are these people? And where’s your family?

If you suffered from the neurological disorder called “facial agnosia,” a twilight-zone style experience of this sort might be a reality. Facial agnosia typically occurs to people who have received damage to the right hemisphere of the brain due to stroke or injury. People with facial agnosia lose the ability to recognize even the most familiar faces: in this case a husband and daughter, the president of the United States and a bust of Abraham Lincoln. In severe cases an examining physician will be able to hold up a photograph of him or herself and, seated in front of the patient with facial agnosia, ask if they recognize this person — to no avail.

What’s especially interesting to researchers about this condition is its specificity. Visual ability itself is not damaged, and the person with facial agnosia can still recognize anything else — except a face. Indeed, they can still describe faces very accurately, but only in the way one describes an object: “He needs a shave. He has droopy eyes. He has a small scar,” but never “Wait a minute — this is my high school yearbook picture.” Facial agnosia strongly suggests the existence of a mechanism in the brain devoted specifically to recognizing individuals we’ve seen before, a mechanism thought to exist in many other animals and even some insects.




