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Gender-Jumping Toads

美国研究人员说,常用除草剂阿特拉津会令雄蛙变性为雌蛙。美国加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校研究人员把40只雄性非洲爪蛙放入阿特拉津浓度为10亿分之 2.5的水中,发现90%雌性化,“10%变性成雌蛙,与未接触阿特拉津的雄蛙交配后产卵”。阿特拉津又名莠去津。先前研究显示,这种除草剂会干扰激素分泌,导致蛙体同时具备雄性和雌性特征,可能是野生蛙类等两栖动物数量下降的一大原因。研究人员蒂龙·海斯说:“我们过去知道,(阿特拉津会导致)雄蛙减少、变得雌雄同体。这项研究明确显示,(它会使)许多蛙变性。”

As you may have heard, frogs and toads have had a rough time over the past several years.

Some populations have vanished entirely, while others suffer disease and gross deformities like extra or missing limbs. And now there’s more bad news for the spring-legged amphibians—male toads living near farms are likely to develop female sex organs and other female features, according to scientists at the University of Florida.

What is it about farming that causes toads to gender jump? The Florida researchers aren’t certain, but one likely culprit is atrazine, a weed killer used widely by sugar cane farmers. Other farm-related chemicals could also play a role. In order to probe the possible causes of frog and toad deformities, the researchers collected specimens from various sites. Some of the toads lived near suburban development, some near farms. The male specimens collected near farms were most likely to show signs of feminization.

For example, of the male toads living near large farms, forty-percent had both testes and ovaries. Another twenty-percent of these toads had a developing Bidder’s organ—an organ that’s normally without function in male toads, but that can change into an ovary if the testes stop working. Some of the male toads were found with Bidder’s organs full of eggs. Part of the problem is that the feminized toads are most likely sterile. Without virile male toads, the females are left high and dry, and toad populations dwindle.





例如,在大农场附近居住的雄性青蛙,百分之四十同时拥有睾丸和卵巢。其余的百分之二十拥有正在进化中的毕氏器官 -- 在雄性青蛙体中中并没有任何功能,但是一旦睾丸停止工作,这个器官就会转变为卵巢。一些雄性青蛙被发现拥有装满卵的毕氏器官。问题的一部分就是雌性化的青蛙有可能会不孕。如果没有阳刚的雄性青蛙,雌性青蛙就会处于孤立无援的境地,青蛙的数量就会减少。