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Vaccines Not Linked to Autism

最新发表在ClinicalEvidence杂志上的一项来自美国循症医学调查中心的研究显示,麻疹、腮腺炎和风疹(MMR)联合疫苗或单一麻诊疫苗接种与儿童孤独症无关。 新生儿在出生以后往往会连续接种各种不同的疫苗,以增强机体的免疫力。但疫苗在生产过程中为了保证其稳定性,通常会使用含有一种名叫噻汞撒的抗菌素,噻汞撒学名叫做工汞硫代水杨酸钠,这种抗菌素中有一半的成分是乙基汞。由于科学研究早已证实,汞对人体来说是一种慢性毒性物质,如果体内汞的含量过高则将对人体的神经系统,特别是儿童的大脑、肾脏造成永久性伤害,患儿会出现孤僻、中毒性震颤、注意力不集中以及语言和记忆力方面的障碍。因此接种疫苗后是否可能会留下孤独症等后遗症成为许多家长关心的事。 研究人员为此进行了一项涉及数百万名儿童、课题超过2000项的研究,查阅了过去50年来曾接种过麻疹、腮腺炎和风疹联合疫苗的儿童资料。研究结果表明,现有的大量的科学证据并不支持儿童接种疫苗后会引起儿童孤独症,儿童接种疫苗是安全的。

Is there really a link between autism and vaccines? Find the truth, on this Moment of Science.

Y:Today on the moment of science the link between vaccines and Autism.

D:Hold on there Yael.What link?There is no link.

Y:There isn't?

D:Absolutely not.The initial study that triggered all this panic was based on anecdotal evidence(轶事证据) and wasn’t substantiated by scientific analysis. In fact, after a careful review of more recent and more extensive studies, the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies concluded that there’s no evidence of a link between vaccines and autism.

It’s ironic that now that diseases like measles, polio, and small pox are so rare in the U.S. thanks to vaccines, people are all panicky about vaccine safety. It doesn’t help that the media, when they present both sides of medical issues by giving each side equal time, may unintentionally imply that there’s an equal body of evidence supporting each side.I mean Based on the faulty study, some people decided not to immunize their children.

Y:Really?Isn't that incredibly risky.

D:It is.After all, We’re talking about highly contagious, devastating diseases here.

With international travel so common, it only takes one person to introduce a disease to a community, and if enough members of that community aren’t immunized, that disease can spread quickly. That's why it's important to make sure that you’re getting information from the right sources.For up-to-date information on immunizations and potential side-effects, ask your doctor, or visit www.immunizationinfo.org.








