英语听力汇总   |   英语听力文摘 猫薄荷






猫薄荷是一种草本植物,闻上去非常清凉,是一种可以让猫咪疯狂和开心的植物,所以被广大猫友戏称为“猫毒品”。猫薄荷,Nepeta cataria,为唇形科荆芥属的植物,茎直立多分枝,茎叶有白色绒毛,穗状花。花期夏季。在医学上,该植物有兴奋的作用,并含有铁,硒,钾,锰,铬等矿物质和维生素。猫对该植物的反应特别强烈,当猫闻吸了猫薄荷之后,会兴奋不已,上窜下跳,产生许多古怪的行为,猫薄荷因此得名。猫薄荷对猫的健康对猫的健康有实际帮助吗?猫薄荷的作用很短暂,既不会令猫咪上瘾,也不会有副作用。猫食用后会产生暂时性(5-15分钟)的行为变化,例如会打喷嚏、咀嚼、摩擦、翻滚、喵喵叫、发谵语等。有些猫吃了猫薄荷之后会追逐幻想中的老鼠、有些则呆坐着空茫地瞪着眼,这些行为并不会造成任何危害,也不具成瘾性。在猫食欲和精神不振时,让其闻闻猫薄荷有利于猫恢复健康;但不可频繁地给猫使用。

It induces euphoria, and excites the sexual regions of the brain. It is quite possibly hallucinogenic. What is it? Find out on this Moment of Science.

It induces euphoria, and excites the sexual regions of the brain. It is quite possibly hallucinogenic. It leads to strange, unpredictable, and unproductive behavior in those who use it. What’s more, it grows wild, much as a weed. Is this the latest menace to society? No, it’s catnip.

The catnip plant is actually an herb, and a relatively common member of the mint family. If kitties ever decided to have a war on drugs, catnip would be outlawed because of a chemical called “nepetalactone(荆芥内酯).”

Lactones(内酯) carry chemical messages inside a body, and nepetalactone carries it’s message straight to the pleasure center of a cat’s brain, where it can randomly excite the cat’s neural circuits associated with sex, playing, hunting, and feeding.

Although a cat may try to eat catnip or a catnip toy, it is only the smell of catnip that transfers the drug to a cat’s brain, not the actual ingestion. This is why a small amount of catnip inside a toy can make a cat happy again and again. It’s also why a cat will sometimes be more interested in the cardboard box that a catnip toy came in than the actual toy–the cardboard might carry more of the smell.

If your cat seems unaffected by catnip, don’t worry. A cat’s sensitivity to catnip is genetically determined, and some don’t respond at all.









hallucinogenic [h?,lu:sin?'d?enik] adj.引起幻觉的;迷幻药的

Hashish: Hallucinogenic drug preparation derived from resin from the flowers of hemp plants.
