英语听力汇总   |   英语听力文摘 孩子在家喝酒安全吗?





Dear Annie:

My daughter is in high school and splits her time between my house and my ex-wife's. She often attends parties, and I've hosted many myself. Recently my house has become unpopular because I don't serve alcohol. My daughter has been to parties where the parents provide a bar for the kids that includes beer, wine and mixed drinks. Neither my ex nor the other parents see anything wrong with it. "We might as well provide a safe place," goes the argument.

Annie, my daughter is 15 and some of her friends are younger. I've thought of calling the police, but I hate to escalate things to that level. What do you think I should do? -- Worried Dad

Dear Worried:

A lot of parents believe it is safer to let the kids drink at home, but kids can still get alcohol poisoning, leave the house and get hit by a car, or wander outside in the cold and pass out. Some become violent. And evidence indicates there is a greater risk of brain damage for underage drinkers. Even with strict supervision by extremely vigilant parents, problems abound.

We are NOT in favor of these parties and prefer parents talk to their children honestly and openly about the hazards of drinking instead of teaching them that "it's OK, everybody does it."

to escalate:升高;上升

to wander:游荡,闲逛

to pass out:昏倒

