英语听力汇总   |   英语听力文摘 如何对付缺乏公德心的邻居





Dear Annie:

I live next door to people who leave their windows open and have the television blaring most of the night, while their children play loud video games. They also run some sort of compressor all day long that's right next to our patio.

This home was once our retreat to get away from the hustle and bustle of the world outside, and it has turned into noise pollution central. While our neighbors seem like nice enough people, hearing noise when I'm trying to sleep or getting blasted with sound when sitting on the patio is starting to wear on my nerves. I did put a water fountain out back, and that seems to cut down a bit on the surrounding noise, but I can't keep it on all night. Any ideas? - Matt in Michigan

Dear Matt:

First, try talking to your neighbors. Ask nicely if they would shut their windows or lower the volume on their entertainment systems at night. They may not realize how much they are disturbing you. If that doesn't help, try earplugs or other sources of white noise, such as fans. There also may be noise ordinances in your area that they are violating, in which case you should notify the authorities.

to blare (v.) 发出声响;喧嚷

compressor (n.) 压缩机

patio (n.) 内院

retreat (n.) 藏匿处;避难所

hustle and bustle 忙碌、匆忙(的状态)

to wear on one's nerves 令人难以忍受;让人勃然大怒

fountain (n.) 喷水池;喷泉

to cut down 减少;降低

to disturb (v.) 打扰;扰乱

ordinance (n.) 法令;命令