The Hurt Locker is a 2008 American war film about a three-man Explosive Ordnance Disposal (bomb disposal) team during the Iraq War. The film was directed by Kathryn Bigelow and the screenplay was written by Mark Boal.
The Hurt Locker is a riveting, suspenseful portrait of the courage under fire of the military's unrecognized heroes: the technicians of a bomb squad who volunteer to challenge the odds and save lives doing one of the world's most dangerous jobs. Three members of the Army's elite Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) squad battle insurgents and one another as they search for and disarm a wave of roadside bombs on the streets of Baghdad-in order to try and make the city a safer place for Iraqis and Americans alike. Their mission is clear-protect and save-but it's anything but easy, as the margin of error when defusing a war-zone bomb is zero. This thrilling and heart-pounding look at the psychology of bomb technicians and the effects of risk and danger on the human psyche is a fictional tale inspired by real events by journalist and screenwriter Mark Boal, who was embedded with a special bomb unit in Iraq. In Iraq, These men spoke of explosions as putting you in "the hurt locker".
The Hurt Locker premiered at the Venice Film Festival in Italy during 2008. After being shown at the Toronto International Film Festival, it was picked up for distribution in the United States by Summit Entertainment. The film was released in the United States on June 26, 2009 but received a more widespread theatrical release on July 24, 2009.
Because the film was not released in the United States until 2009, it was eligible for the 82nd Academy Awards, where it was nominated for nine Academy Awards. It won six Oscars, including Best Director for Bigelow, the first woman to win this award. It also won Best Picture. Boal won for Best Original Screenplay. The Hurt Locker earned numerous awards and honors from critics' organizations, festivals and groups, including six BAFTA Awards.
The Hurt Locker received near universal critical acclaim. Rotten Tomatoes gives the film a score of 97% based on a sample of 209 reviews, with a weighted mean score of 8.4 out of 10. It was the second highest-rated film in 2009 at Rotten Tomatoes, behind Pixar's up with 98%. Rotten Tomatoes wrote of the critics' consensus, "A well-acted, intensely shot, action filled war epic, Kathryn Bigelow's The Hurt Locker is thus far the best reviewed of the recent dramatizations of the Iraq War." Metacritic, which assigns a rating normalized to 100 to reviews from mainstream critics, reported that the film has received an average score of 94/100 based on 35 reviews.
美国布拉沃军(即B连)在巴格达执行任务时,拆弹小组队长参谋军士汤普森不幸身亡。上士威廉·詹姆士(杰瑞米·雷纳 饰)被调入该组,接替过世的同事。该组原本的队员,即负责联络的中士桑波恩(安东尼·麦凯 饰)和负责掩护的技术军士欧文(布莱恩·格拉格提 饰),对意气用事的詹姆士相当反感。但在联合国大楼的拆弹行动中,抗拒命令强行拆弹的詹姆士却得到上校瑞德(大卫·莫尔斯 饰)的赞赏。在一次仓库拆弹任务中,詹姆士认为被用作尸体炸弹的伊拉克小男孩是他在军营认识的卖盗版DVD的贝克汉(克里斯多夫·萨伊 饰)。小贝克汉的死让詹姆士更为疯狂,竟私离军营单枪匹马入城进行调查……
It was eligible for the 82nd Academy Awards
文中的be (was) eligible for是英语中的一个常用固定搭配,它是“有资格的;符合…的条件”的意思,比如:Anyone who finds my lost dog will be eligible for a reward.(凡是找到我走失的狗的人就能获得一笔奖金。)
Kathryn Bigelow's The Hurt Locker is thus far the best reviewed
文中的thus far是英语中的一个固定搭配,相当于so far,是“至今,迄今,到此为止”的意思,比如:Thus far, fortunately, they have always been proven wrong.(然而幸运的是,迄今为止,事实证明他们都是错误的。)
explosive[ikˈspləusiv] adj. 爆炸的;爆炸性的;爆发性的
riveting[ˈrivitiŋ] adj. 吸引人的
suspenseful[səˈspensfəl] adj. 悬疑的;令人紧张的;焦急不安的
unrecognized[ˈʌnˈrekəgnaizd] adj. 未被承认的;未被认出的;未被认可的
roadside[ˈrəudsaid] adj. 路边的;路旁的
mission[ˈmiʃən] n. 使命,任务;代表团;布道
psychology[saiˈkɔlədʒi] n. 心理学;心理状态
theatrical[θiˈætrikəl] adj. 戏剧性的;剧场的,戏剧的;夸张的;做作的
eligible[ˈelidʒəbl] adj. 合格的,合适的;符合条件的;有资格当选的
universal[ˌju:niˈvə:səl] adj. 普遍的;通用的;宇宙的;全世界的;全体的
intensely[inˈtensli] adv. 强烈地;紧张地;热情地
dramatization[ˌdræmətaiˈzeiʃən] n. 编剧;改编成戏剧