英语听力汇总   |   双语读电影 《怪兽大学》后记 :从今天起,华斯基和苏利文组合将改变世界







“I can’t believe it! We work at Monsters, Incorporated!” Mike said to Sulley. They both proudly wore their MI hard hats. “I bet we break the all-time record in our f irst year!”
“Mike, we’re in the mail room,” Sulley reminded him.
“Oh, I know,” he replied, smiling and sorting envelopes. “I’m talking about the record for letters delivered!”
“Hey, enough chatter, you two! Get back to work!” the mail manager barked.
“We’re right on it, Mr. Shrill!” Mike said. Then he turned to Sulley. “The team of Wazowski and Sullivan is going to change the world, starting today! Say ‘Scream!’” He held up a camera and snapped a picture of the two of them working.
And Mike wasn’t wrong. The next picture they added to their album was on the day they were given an award for Most Mail Delivered. Next came their promotion to cafeteria workers and their award for Most Soup Served. Finally, they made it onto a scare f loor as full-f ledged Scream Can Wranglers. And when the company had several openings in the scare department, Mike and Sulley were hired as a scare team.
On Mike’s f irst day, he stepped onto the scare f loor, clipboard in hand, smiling. Sulley walked past him. “You coming, Coach?” he asked.
Mike looked down and saw the yellow line that he’d accidentally stepped over when he was a kid. He’d come a long way since then. “You better believe it!” he answered. He stepped over the line proudly — and this time he knew it was exactly where he belonged.