1. I took a detour through your defense lab.
2. I formally tender my resignation.
3. What's the occasion?
4. Don't worry, she's in good hands.
5. You're in for a treat.
6. Just a tall tale.
7. You don't know the first thing about being a father.
8. They were really rooting for you.
10. I'm getting the hang of this.
11. We don't have time to screw around.
12. It took a toll on me.
Hank: The final phase of your training will be a stealth incursion.
Scott: It's freezing! You couldn't make a simple flannel lining?
Hank: We must retrieve this prototype of a signal decoy, it's a device that I invented during my SHIELD days.
Hope: We need it to counteract the transmission blockers that Cross installed in the Futures vault.
Hank: It's currently collecting dust in one of Howard Stark's old storage facilities in upstate New York. Should be a piece of cake. You're over the target area. Disengage, now, Scott.
Scott: Squadron A, go. B, go. C, go. All right, Antony, please don't drop me this time. Ah, it feels like a big leap from sugar cubes to this.
Hank: Stay calm.
Scott: Uh, guys, we might have a problem. Hank, didn't you say this was some old warehouse? It's not! You son of a bitch!
Hope: Scott, get out of there.
Hank: Abort! Abort now.
Scott: No, it's okay. It doesn't look like anyone's home. Antony, get me to the roof.
Hank: He's gonna lose the suit.
Hope: He's gonna lose his life.
Scott: All right. I'm on the roof of the target building.
Hope: Somebody's home, Scott.
Captain: What's going on down there, Sam?
Scott: It's the Falcon!
Falcon: I had a sensor trip but I'm not seeing anything. Wait a second.
Hank: Abort Scott, abort now.
Scott: It's okay. He can't see me.
Falcon: I can see you.
Scott: He can see me. Hi. I'm Scott.
Hope: Did he just say "Hi I'm Scott?"
Falcon: What are you doing here?
Scott: First off, I'm a big fan.
Falcon: 'Preciate it. So who the hell are you?
Scott: I'm Ant-Man.
Falcon: Ant-Man?
Scott: What, you haven't heard of me? Nah, you wouldn't have heard of me.
Falcon: You want to tell me what you want?
Scott: I was hoping I could grab a piece of technology just for a few days, I'm gonna return it. I need it to save the world. You know how that is.
Falcon: I know exactly how that is. Located the breach. Bringing him in.
Scott: Sorry about this.
Hank: What the hell are you doing?
Falcon: Breach is an adult male who has some sort of shrinking tech.
Scott: Sorry. Look, I'm sorry about this, sorry.
Falcon: That's enough!
Scott: Antony, a little help.
Hank: I've lost visual.
Falcon: He's inside my pack!
Scott: Sorry. You seem like a really great guy.
Falcon: It's really important to me that Cap never finds out about this.
Hank: That was completely irresponsible and dangerous. You jeopardized everything.
Hope: You got it.
Hank: Well done.
Scott: Wait a minute. Did you just compliment me? He did, didn't he?
Hope: Kinda sounded like he did.
Hank: I was good, wasn't I?
Scott: Hey, how about the fact that I fought an Avenger, and didn't die?
Hank: Now let's not dwell on the past. We gotta finish our planning.
Hope: Don't mind him. You did good.