英语听力汇总   |   《借东西的小人》电影精讲










James: Ahhh!!

Arrietty: Ahh!!

James: Ahhh!!

Arrietty: Get away from me!

James: Ow!

Granny: If that's someone breaking in, I suggest you break back out again.

James: Gran, you won't believe this.

Arrietty: You can't let her see me.

James: But...

Arrietty: You can't! Please!

Granny: What is it? What are you hiding in there?

James: Nothing. My paint pots.

Granny: Well, which is it?

James: Both. It's nothing. Well, no, it's not nothing, it's my paint pots, which is nothing. I'm not hiding anything. Have a look if you like.

Granny: Well, keep it down. You might not need your beauty sleep, but I do.

James: You're telling me.

Granny: I heard that.

James: I can't believe she was right. My own little person!

Arrietty: Who are you calling little?

James: Well, you are quite small.

Arrietty: No, I'm not. It's you who's...too big, a great big overgrown giant. We're just the right size.

James: We? There's more of you?

Arrietty: I didn't say that. Get back!

James: Ow! I was only going to help you out.

Arrietty: You aren't going to eat me?

James: Eat you? What would be the point? My name's James.

Arrietty: Arrietty.

James: You want a hand?

Arrietty: Yes, please. Oh...! If that was supposed to be funny...!

James: Well, it serves you right for stealing my gun.

Arrietty: We don't steal, we borrow.

James: So there ARE more of you?

Arrietty: What's that?

James: How about I show you?

Arrietty: So what exactly does this thing do...aaargh!

James: Arrietty, are you all right? Look, I'm so sorry. I had no idea you'd fly so...well.

Arrietty: Can we do it again?

James: That was the furthest yet!

Arrietty: What shall we do now? (Dawning) What's out there?

James: How about I show you?

Arrietty: I've tried to imagine what it looked like, the sky, the houses. It's amazing.

James: We call it Hackney.

Arrietty: Right, you must promise not to tell anyone.

James: I promise.

Arrietty: Who's that?

James: My mum. She died last year.

Arrietty: Sorry.

James: We don't talk about her in case it upsets me.

Arrietty: I'll see you soon. Well, go on. Don't just sit there gawping. Go.


James: See ya.[page]



1. Nonsense, you're letting your imagination run away with you.


2. Don't get ahead of yourself, though, you've got a lot to learn.


3. I've taken a night job, just to tide us over.


4. It makes my skin crawl thinking about it.


5. Oh, you keep rubbing me up the wrong way, see what happens.


6. Do you really think we're going to be able to pull it off?


7. I was worried sick.


8. Well, it serves you right for stealing my gun.


9. We didn't have enough to get by.


10. You might not need your beauty sleep, but I do.
