OZ: Is that it? Is that my throne?
Evanora: Do you like it? I do so hope you like it, because I've been personally watching over it awaiting your arrival.
OZ: Oh... Much obliged.
Evanora: Praise be you are here at last and the prophecy shall be fulfilled. Oh, this is a glorious day for us all. And may I add, you're as handsome a king as we've ever had.
OZ: (Chuckles) Flatterer. Who is this fetching woman?
Theodora: This is my sister.
Evanora: I am Evanora, the royal advisor. I have been protecting the Emerald City whilst we awaited your arrival. I am here to serve you as I served the king before you.
OZ: Well, I look forward to being served.
Evanora: Oh, sister, I like him already.
OZ: Oh... My scepter.
Evanora: Oh, yes, go on then, have a seat. How does it feel?
OZ: Fits like a glove.
Evanora: Goodness. Knuck will show you to your chambers and then we can, uh...(Whispering) We can chat more later.
OZ: Can't wait. Monkey, my bag.
Monkey: Yes, Wizard, right away, oh, great and powerful one.
OZ: Thank you, sourpuss.
Knuck: Whoa! (Grunts) My name is Knuck!
Theodora: Isn't he wonderful? Didn't I say he would come?
Evanora: You dare escort that oaf in here and allow him to climb on the hallowed throne?
Theodora: And why not? He is the Wizard.
Evanora: "The Wizard." Or so he says. Did it not occur to you that he might be an imposter in league with the Wicked Witch and sent here to kill us?
Theodora: The Wicked Witch? Don't be ridiculous.
Evanora: (Scoffs) I'm not the one who's underestimating her cleverness. Or maybe it's you I'm underestimating. Have you finally joined her side, sister?
Theodora: I am on no one's side. You know that. I simply want peace. It's all I ever wanted, and the Wizard can do that. He's a good man.
Evanora: What do you know about goodness? Deep down, you are wicked.
Theodora: I am not wicked! (Theodora gasps)
Evanora: That temper really is wasted on you.
Theodora: Do you honestly think that I could conspire against you with her? You are my sister and I love you.
Evanora: All right. But I do need proof that he is who he claims to be.
Theodora: But he has already proven himself.
Evanora: Not to me, he hasn't.
OZ: Thank you for the tour.
Evanora: It's my job.
OZ: Giving tours?
Evanora: Taking care of the king.
OZ: Of course. And on that note I was thinking it might be nice to have a royal feast. Maybe a grand roast.
Evanora: You know, my sister has been telling me that your magic is really quite powerful.
OZ: Oh, really? Yes, uh, boggling to the minds of all who witness it.
Evanora: Oh, I do wish I could see it for myself.
OZ: Yes.
Evanora: Why not show me now?
OZ: Now?
Evanora: Here.
OZ: All things in good time. And a good time for all things.
Evanora: So wise. So true. Well, um, there is one last room that I would like you to see. The royal treasure of Oz. It belongs to whoever is king.
(Oz sighs heavily)
Evanora: It's all right, Wizard. Go and enjoy your riches.
(Oz laughing)
OZ: It's mine! Mine! Oh, no more second-hand suits for you, baby! Nothing but the silks and satins! Ali Baba! (Laughing) And one of these things! What is this?
Evanora: A chalice.
OZ: A chalice! I've always wanted a chalice. And now I've got one.
Evanora: Well, uh, not quite yet. You see, you only become the king after you defeat the Wicked Witch. That's the prophecy. And since you haven't done that yet, you're not...
OZ: I'm not actually king.
Evanora: Not yet, no. You still have to get rid of the Wicked Witch.
OZ: Right.
Evanora: And killing her won't be easy.
OZ: No, I don't suppose it will be.
Evanora: Mmm.
OZ: Wait a minute. No one said anything about killing anybody.
Evanora: Oh. Well, if you're not interested in being king that's all right with me. We can just forget about the whole thing. The gold and the rubies, the chalice.
OZ: I'm interested! I'm just not too keen on killing a lady.
Evanora: She's not a lady. She's a wicked witch. And your magic is the only thing strong enough to destroy her. All you have to do is journey to the Dark Forest and destroy her wand.
OZ: Her wand.
Evanora: Yes. It's the source of all her power. Without it, she dies.
OZ: I haven't even said goodbye to Theodora. She will be upset.
Evanora: I will talk to her in the morning. I will tell her how much you love her...
OZ: No. No, don't... Don't say anything.
Evanora: All right. I will say whatever it is you want me to say but are you going to save us all or not?
OZ: I'm your wizard.
1. Yes, well, opportunity comes when you least expect it, my dear.
2. Then it's high time that you learned.
那现在是时候学一下了。(high time: 正是应该……的时候。)
3. You got to come clean for that innocent young girl.
4. Who is this fetching woman?
5. Oh, sister, I like him already.
6. Fits like a glove.
7. I am on no one's side.
8. Yes, uh, boggling to the minds of all who witness it.
9. Oh, I do wish I could see it for myself.
10. All things in good time. And a good time for all things.
11. She'll get over me.
12. Guys, um, take five.