Colleague: Hey, I heard. I can't believe this.
Nick: My next headache.
Colleague: Don't worry. We'll get through it.
Nick: Yeah.
Boss: Everyone, everyone, meet Darcy McGuire.
Nick: Oh, jeez.
Darcy: My goodness. Everybody showed up.
Colleague: Darcy, how are you?
Darcy: Nice to see you. Hi!
Colleague: Pleasant surprise.
Darcy: God, what a small world.
Colleague: Welcome aboard.
Darcy: I'm so glad to meet you. Hello. I'm Darcy.
Nick: Hi. I'm Nick Marshall.
Darcy: Oh, I've heard a lot about you, Nick.
Nick: I've heard a lot about you too.
Darcy: Don't worry, can't all be true.
Nick: Let's hope not. Hey.
Boss: Hey, standing room only. It's a first. I'm very, very excited for you all to meet Darcy McGuire. Darcy's extraordinary reputation...as a leader in the field precedes her. At B.B.D. & O., Darcy led a creative team...that snagged $500 million in new business wins. And that was just last year alone. At Sloane-Curtis, we've prided ourselves on our strategic thinking. Now it's time for us to step up and prove ourselves creatively...in the marketplace. And I'm thrilled that Darcy has consented to move across town, join our team and lead us into the 21st century.
Darcy: Thank you, Dan. And thank you all for that warm welcome. Let me start off by saying the feeling is mutual. I am absolutely thrilled to be here. When I first started in this business, it was my dream...to work at Sloane-Curtis. I even believe I applied for a job here twice.
Boss: Somebody call personnel.
Darcy: But it was B.B.D. & O. That offered me a home. And what I learned there was that any success I had...was a direct result of the team of people that I work with. I know that two heads are better than one. I know that five heads are better than two. And I know that if we put our heads and our hearts into this company, we will deliver, I know that. Now, I love challenges. I love hard work. I look forward to sitting at this very table tossing ideas around...until what I fear will be the wee hours of the morning. I want the work we do to say something about who we are. How we think, what we feel.
Nick: I'm sorry.
Colleague: Excuse me.
Darcy: So, as our friends in Hollywood say, "Let's cut to the chase." How are we gonna turn this company around? When Sears decided to go after women in their advertising...and said, "Come see the softer side of Sears," their revenues went up 30%. Thirty percent. That's huge. Female-driven advertising totalled $40 billion last year. And Sloane-Curtis' share of that was? Zero. If you want to sell an anti-wrinkle cream...or a Ford Mustang to a woman... forgive me...but this is the last place you bring your business. And we can't afford to not have a piece of a $40 billion pie. So, I have put together a little kit for everybody. Nobody panic. This is supposed to be fun. Every product in this box is looking for new representation...right now, and they're all made for women. I'm pretty sure all the women here are familiar with these products, so for the men let's just briefly run through them. Here you go, Nick.
Nick: Thank you.
Darcy: Each kit contains anti-wrinkle cream, mascara, moisturizing lipstick, bath beads, quick-dry nail polish, an at-home waxing kit, a more wonderful Wonderbra, a pregnancy test, hair volumizer,
Coleague: Oh, sorry.
Darcy: Pore cleansing strips, Advil, control-top panty hose and a Visa card. Now I want everybody to come up with something...for one product, for two, the whole box... whatever moves you. We'll get together tomorrow, have a little show-and-tell. How's 8:30 for everybody? Great. See you at 8:30 tomorrow morning.
1. headache: 令人头痛的事
Trying to make the children eat is a big headache.(要小孩子们吃饭是件头痛的事。)
2. get through: 通过,完成
I've pile of papers to get through before the meeting.(开会前我有一大堆文件要处理。)
3. what a small world: 世界真小。
4. standing room: 站立的空间,立足之地
5. snag: 抓住机会,这里是指拿到了500万美金的合同。
6. personnel: 人事部门,也可以指全体成员。
7. the wee hours: 深夜,凌晨
8. cut to the chase: 开门见山,切入正题
9. anti-wrinkle: 抗皱
10.at-home: 在家里进行的,家常用的
We imagined an at-home wedding for about 35 people.(我们设想了一个为大约35人举办的家庭婚礼。)
11.panty hose: 女式连裤袜
1. 我知道达西在这个领域有出色的口碑。
2. 如果你想卖一瓶防铍霜或是一辆伏特野马跑车给女人,这是我们插手的最后机会。
3. 大家都不要紧张,这会很有意思。
4. 明天,我们把大家的想法说出来,看看结果如何?
开始时他很不适应这份上天赐予他的意外本领,但很快他就发现可以用它来做点儿“好”事儿,比如对付新来的女上司Darcy McGuire。但随着他不断的斟听Darcy的内心世界,他最终发现自己爱上了这位能干的女上司......
该片的演员阵容不容小觑。剧中主演梅尔·吉布森、海伦·亨特和玛丽莎·托梅都曾获得过奥斯卡大奖,另外,曾成功饰演过Celine Dion和Martha Stewart等角色的安娜·盖斯泰尔也在剧中饰演一个小角色。其中最值得一提的当属梅尔·吉布森了,该片拍摄前曾有不少人质疑,这位擅长大题材作品的巨星是否能够用浪漫和幽默将一个小人物演好呢?对此梅尔·吉布森调侃的说道:“这个角色对我来说比较新鲜,有一点点挑战,一点点兴奋。”