Allie: You sent the police for me?
Mom: Yes. It is two in the morning. We sent the police.
Dad: Thank God you're all right. Where you been?
Noah: Mr. Hamilton, all this is my fault.
Dad: Would you give us a moment please? I'd like to talk to my daughter. Alone, young lady. Thanks for everything, Lieutenant.
Cop: You bet, John, anytime.
Dad: You go straight home now, it's late.
Noah: Sir, it's really not her fault. I lost track of time.
Dad: Sit down.
Allie: I'm sorry, Daddy.
Dad: Is he a rapist?
Allie: No. Like what, mother?
Mom: You are going to stop seeing Noah. She is out fooling around with that boy till 2:00 in the morning and it has got to stop. I didn't spend 17 years of my life raising a daughter and giving her everything...so she could throw it away on a summer romance.
Allie: Daddy, come on!
Mom: She will wind up with her heart broken or pregnant.
Dad: Anne, please.
Mom: Now, he is a nice boy. He's a nice boy, but he's--
Allie: He's what? He's what? Tell me.
Mom: He is trash, trash, trash--not for you.
Allie: Trash? Don't touch me!
Mom: Now that is enough. You are not to see him anymore. And that's final.
Allie: No, it's not final.
Mom: Yes it is.
Allie: No, it's not final!
Mom: Allie!
Allie: You're not going to tell me who I'm gonna love.
Dad: Love?
Allie: Yes Daddy, I love him. I love him.
Dad: He's not suitable for you, baby.
Allie: I love him.
Mom: You are 17 years old, you don't know anything about love.
Allie: Oh, and you do? You don't look at Daddy the way I look at Noah. You don't touch or laugh. You don't play. You don't know anything about love. Noah? Noah? Hey, hey. You leaving? Oh my God, I'm so sorry. I don't even know what to say. I'm humiliated.
Noah: It's all right.
Allie: No, it's not.
Noah: Yeah.
Allie: No, it's not. No.
Noah: I'm gonna go.
Allie: No, I don't want you to go.
Noah: I got to think about some stuff.
Allie: What do you got to think about, huh? Come here and talk to me. Talk to me!
Noah: About what? You want--you're going away! You're leaving. And I'm staying here. And I'm so happy that you're doing it, but you're gonna have a million things to do.
Allie: No.
Noah: You got so much ahead of you.
Allie: Don't talk like that.
Noah: It's true. I'm not going to have nice things, fancy things. It doesn't--It's never gonna happen for me. It's not in the cards for me.
Allie: I don't have to go to school, okay?
Noah: Yes, you do.
Allie: I can stay here.
Noah: No. Do you see, that's exactly what I am talking about.[page]
1. Lieutenant: 中尉
2. You bet: 当然,真的,的确
You bet I'll be there.(当然我会到那里去的。)
3. lost track of time: 失去了时间观念,忘记了时间
We took a walk along the river and totally lost track of time.(我们沿着河岸散步,完全忘了时间。)
4. fool around with: <口>与…鬼混; 搞不正当的男女关系
Don't fool around with another man's wife.(不要与有夫之妇鬼混。)
5. wind up: 最终沦落到;最终落得;(以……)告终
Both partners of the marriage wound up unhappy.(最后婚姻双方都不幸福。)
6. a million things: 很多事情,通常想说某人很忙
He has got a million and one things to do today.(他今天有很多事要做。)
7. in the cards: 可能的
I had always felt that my marriage to her was in the cards.(我觉得我的婚姻是命中注定的。)
1. 先生,这真的不是她的错,我忘了注意时间。
2. 你不能再见他了,这是最后决定。
3. 你有很多事要做,你的前途一片光明。
4. 我就是不可能,我没那个命。
Sarah Lawrence College 莎拉劳伦斯学院
Sarah Lawrence College(简称SLC),莎拉劳伦斯学院是一所在美国极具盛名却因为不参加排名等原因鲜为国人所知的文理学院。SLC位于美国纽约州 Bronxville,创办于1926年,成立之初是一所女子学院,学校曾拒绝了普林斯顿大学合并的请求,1969年,SLC自己开始实行男女同校教育。 学校现有约1400名在读学生,师生比例为1:9。
学校没有专业一说,学生只需自己选择想学习的方向的课程。学校实行独特的seminar and conference system,及学术研讨会及讨论会系统。每个研讨会最多15个人。基本所有课程都是研讨会的形式,只有少数基本有教授讲座。研讨的形式一般为课前阅读布置的材料,课上所读内容。讨论会则是每周与自己的课程指导员单独进行一次谈话,每两周一次与其它老师进行单独面谈。会议内容是对课上不懂之处进行询问、对感兴趣之处进行进一步了解以及向老师汇报会议研究项目的进展。会议研究项目即为对所选课程最感兴趣之处进行研究,学期结束时写成一份几十页的研究报告。新生经常苦于找不到研究方向,不过经过锻炼,就会更了解自己感兴趣并喜欢的方向,所以更容易集中,研究起来也更如鱼得水,这种学习方式不仅锻炼了学生的思维,还加强了学生的写作能力。
高中成绩:因为SLC的课业要求比较繁重,首先要保证学生有良好的学习能力和学习习惯g8 J1 q" A
写作: SLC的课程,通过上面的介绍可以了解,需要大量写作。因为完全不看SAT,所以学校对申请人另外要求的文章尤其是一篇分析性论文就变得非常重要。这篇文章的要求不求文笔优美想象力丰富,文章主要考查的是学生的学术写作能力,所以应该以简练,有逻辑性,有思想为好。
奖学金方面,基本只要学生家庭可以承担每年20000美元,学校都可以负责剩余的部分,全奖则会比较困难。对于需要全奖的学生,学校设有Board of Trustees奖学金,不过每年只有一个名额。