英语听力汇总   |   Serendipity《缘分天注定》精讲之三









本片段剧情:几年后,乔纳森有了新的女友,两人就要结婚了。在结婚前的一次全家聚会过后,乔纳森独自离开,路过一个旧书摊时,忽然想到了莎拉写有电话的那本旧书。但遗憾的是,书摊上的这本书的内页上并没有电话。乔纳森有些遗憾地离开了。 ……



Dean: And it's ridiculous and all for naught. Well, thank you. I take this very seriously. It's a gift to be the best man. They say that once in your lifetime, someone comes along whom you're absolutely meant to be with. Everything feels great, stars are aligned, body and spirit are in balance. For my friend Jonathan Trager, that person...was me. But as you know, Jonny and I were simpatico. We were brothers from another mother. We were friends since freshman year. I watched him go out with woman after woman, and he'd always come crawling...He would come crawling back to me. It was embarrassing.

Jonathan: You loved it.

Dean: But then one night he came home and things were different. His adolescent dream of becoming a documentary filmmaker was a thing of the past.

Dad: Thank God.

Dean: He hardly even responded to my playful yet tormenting flicks of my finger against the soft part of his skull as he studied for finals. And that is because he had found her: the woman he was meant to be with. And if anyone is qualified to know when he met his soul mate, it would be me, his first wife. She's smart, she's funny, she's beautiful. In short, she's the kind of woman that any man would dream about. And I think we all have. So it is with sadness and fond, fond memories, that I raise my glass to the new Mrs. Jonathan Trager. Hear, hear. I'll tell you what. I'll tell you something. my friends, if I had to lose Jonny to anyone, I can't imagine a more perfect woman than Halley.

Woman: To Halley.

Dean: Cheers to both of you.

Halley: How drunk is he on a scale of one to ten?

Jonathan: Twelve.

Halley: You think we'll ever out-romance Dean and Courtney?

Jonathan: I don't know. I don't think I've ever seen them fight.

Halley: Me neither.

Jonathan: Must be a bitch on their sex life.

Dean: We... We have a pomegranate souffle, which is amazing, which is different than the sorbet. Listen, we'd love to join you guys, but Courtney has to wake up, so I got to be good. Halley, listen to me. It's not too late to back out. And I'm up... I'm up 116...

Halley: Good night, Dean.

Dean: Mama, you don't want to see this, but I need... I need to snuggle. I'm gonna sleep it off. Listen, you're wonderful.

Halley: Good night.

Dean: You know what? You need me.

Dad: Take care. Come on, hon.

Jonathan: You guys, listen, I hate to tell you, but I gotta go home too. I have to.

Man: Come in for one drink.

Jonathan: I gotta get up at 8:00 in the morning. My day is crazy tomorrow.

Mom: He doesn't have to come.

Jonathan: I'll see you in about 20 hours.

Mom: Bye-bye, dear.

Jonathan: Good night.

Dad: I love you, son.

Jonathan: Night-night. George. You okay?

Halley: You better be up later.

Jonathan: Yeah, why?

Halley: Because I'm gonna come home and...get undressed...climb into bed...act like we just got over a terrible fight.

Jonathan: See you later now.

Seller: Buy a book. Reading is good for you. Knowledge. Read it? Hold on, hold on. Listen, listen.

Jonathan: I read it. I read it a long time ago.

Seller: I'll throw in the screenplay to the Bridges of Madison County.

Jonathan: I saw the movie. It was great.

Seller: I know you like that.[page]





1. all for naught: 徒劳,无用

Thank goodness my fears were all for naught.(谢天谢地,我的担心都是多余的。)

2. best man: 伴郎

3. simpatico: 和谐的,讨人喜欢的,令人亲近的

I find our new neighbor simpatico in every respect.(我发觉我们的新邻居在各方面都能共处。)

4. a thing of the past: 过去的事情,陈年往事; 陈迹

5. on a scale: 在某个规模上

We can do all these things on a scale never dreamed of before.(我们能以过去根本不可能想象的规模去做上述任何事情。)

6. out-romance: 比某人更浪、更恩爱

7. pomegranate souffle: 石榴奶酥

8. sorbet: 冰冻果子露

9. be good: 听话; [戏谑语]规矩点

10. snuggle: 依偎; 舒适地蜷伏; 紧靠; 拥抱

When you say disco music is delightful, I snuggle up and listen.(你说迪斯科音乐好听,我也凑上来听听。)

11. throw in: 搭送,附带奉送

They were offering me a weekend break in Paris — with free beer thrown in.(他们让我去巴黎休息一个周末——外加免费啤酒。)[page]






1. 小强跟我臭味相投,情同手足。

2. 要说谁有资格说他遇上真命天女,只有我,他的第一任老婆。

3. 我们会比狄恩和蔻妮更恩爱吗?

4. 买就送你一本“麦迪森之桥”。











婚礼中配备伴娘、男童、男傧相和迎宾员的观念源于这样一种信仰,即嫉妒新人幸福的邪恶幽灵会在婚礼当天破坏新人的婚礼,伤害新人。可如果婚礼上有许多着装类似的人,就能迷惑幽灵,从而保护新人完成结婚仪式。 因此在西方婚礼上,伴娘和伴郎会身穿与新人礼服相统一的着装。而且由于古代的西方人认为香气浓郁的花草和香料可以驱除邪恶的鬼魂、厄运和疾病,因此在婚礼上除了新娘手捧花外,伴娘也需要手拿花束。 男傧相的习俗要追溯到荒蛮时代,那时的新郎往往要带上一个朋友将新娘从娘家绑架出来。

花童,又称小傧相,是指婚礼仪式上为新人(新娘)托婚纱或者在新郎新娘前面抛洒花瓣的小女生,一般都是4、5岁的小女孩,有些地方讲究用5、6岁的 “童男子”来陪伴娘,是求“早生贵子”之意。 根据基督教的典故,花童是丘比特,是婚礼上的小天使,带着祝福的喜悦来到新娘身边。可爱的小天使象征新人纯美的爱情,寓意未来子孙绵延的兆头,也为婚礼增添了一抹灵动之气。 花童是天使的象征,用于迷惑恶魔,他会向新郎新娘抛洒花瓣,祝福他们在婚姻的道路上幸福美满。此外在西方还会让小花童手那铃铛,为新人引路,驱散魔鬼幽灵。