英语听力汇总   |   Journey 2: The Mysterious Island《地心历险记2》精讲之四









本片段剧情:肖恩喜欢上了卡拉妮,努力地向她献殷勤,但是卡拉妮完全不吃肖恩那一套。汉克看在眼里,于是自告奋勇向肖恩传授“追女秘笈”…… ……


Sean: Hey, how's it going?

Kalani: Well, apart from you stranding us on this stupid island, just fine.

Sean: Good. Good. So, hey, I was thinking, you know, sometime we could hang out or something...if you wanted to.

Kalani: I have a feeling that your idea of fun and my idea of fun are two very different things.

Sean: I don’t know. What do you like doing on the weekends?

Kalani: Collect and label mollusks.

Sean: No way! Me too. I'm way into mollusks.

Kalani: Really?

Sean: Yeah.

Kalani: Well, which one's your favorite? Mine's the Mxyzptlk snail.

Sean: You're not gonna believe me, but that's my favorite too.

Kalani: I just made that up. Mxyzptlk isn't a snail. It's one of Superman's archenemies.

Hank: Way to slay the heart.

Sean: Whatever.

Hank: Getting the attention of a woman is one of the hardest things to do.

Sean: All right. So, what do I do, Casanova?

Hank: I been waiting a long time to have this talk with you, buddy. There are three things you need to know about understanding girls. Number One: Don't follow your instincts. Any other area in life, instincts will get you there. Not with women. So whatever you think you should do, do the opposite. Number Two: You need to be open, sensitive. Women don't want a man just because he's big and strong and has abs like mine. No. They want a thinker, they want a feeler. They want someone who can understand them. Women want a man who is in touch with his most inner emotions. And the third thing is the most important. It's something that women have responded to for thousands of years.

Sean: Well, tell me.

Hank: You have got to do this.

Sean: What is that?

Hank: That is the pec pop of love. Now go on and throw a berry.

Sean: No.

Hank: Go on and throw a berry. There's some behind you. Grab one and throw it. Don't be afraid, they're not gonna bite. Grab a berry. Boom. Go ahead, grab a bunch. Rapid-fire, now.

Sean: I'm not doing rapid-fire.

Hank: They will not stop until you feed them.

Sean: Feed them? No.

Hank: Feed them. They're hungry.

Gabato: I'll feed them.

Hank: Attaboy. Come get some.

Gabato: Okay, you ready? Ready? Here we go. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh.

Sean: Stop.

Gabato: OK. Ready? This one's special.

Hank: Make this one count.

Gabato: Mmm. No way, that's awesome.

Sean: Stop encouraging him.

Gabato: It's a gift.

Hank: It is a gift.

Gabato: He has a gift.

Hank: Sean, it works every time.[page]






1. strand: 使陷于困境。例如:He was stranded in the middle of nowhere.(他身在茫茫荒野中,一筹莫展。)

2. mollusk: 软体动物。

3. way into: 非常喜欢。(be) into有“对……很有兴趣,极喜欢”的意思,way在这里的意思是“非常,大大地”。看一下例子:Actually, I'm not really into spicy food.(实际上,我并不是很喜欢辣的食物。)

4. archenemy: 头号敌人。例如:

The panic from the public is literally the archenemy for a nation's economy.


5. slay: 深深感动(某人),使(异性)产生好感。例如:Your story slays me.(你的故事深深地打动了我。)

6. Casanova: (意大利浪荡公子)卡萨诺瓦式人物,放荡的人,好色之徒。

7. abs: [美国口语]腹肌(=abdominal muscles)。

8. attaboy: 好啊!例如:Attaboy, that's just what I am thinking.(太好了,这正是我所想的。)[page]





1. 这场罢工使成百上千的游客滞留在机场。

2. 厨房的油烟是妈妈们的大敌。

3. 仰卧起坐会让你的腹部肌肉变得更紧实。

4. 我现在真的不想约会。









乔什·哈切森(Josh Hutcherson),1992年10月12日出生于美国肯塔基州的一个小城市,凭借电影《小曼哈顿》、《勇敢者游戏2》受到关注,因电影《仙境之桥》在票房和口碑上都取得了令人欣喜的成绩,让乔什同合作的安娜索菲亚·罗伯一时间成为人见人爱、风头无二的小演员。

2002年,乔什·哈切森得到了第一个角色,出演电视电影《House Blend》,同时他出演了电视剧《急诊室的故事》的“First Snowfall”一集。2004年,乔什·哈切森有幸和汤姆·汉克斯合作了通过电脑捕捉演员动作和表情的圣诞影片《极地特快》,此外还为日本动画片《哈尔的移动城堡》英文版当中Markl一角配音。



