英语听力汇总   |   The Age of Innocence《纯真年代》精讲之五









本片段剧情:纽兰终于按捺不住内心的焦灼,向艾伦表白了自己的心迹,但是被艾伦拒绝了。艾伦认为两个人在一起,会造成别人的痛苦,最后自己也不会幸福。放弃他,他们的爱情才能继续存在下去。 ……


Ellen: Well, I will tell you, in almost everything she says there's something true and something untrue. Why? What has Granny been telling you?

Newland: I think she believes you might go back to your husband. I think she believes you might at least consider it.

Ellen: A lot of things have been believed of me. But if she thinks I'd consider it, that also means she'd consider it for me...as Granny is weighing your idea of advancing the marriage.

Newland: May and I had a frank talk in Florida. It's probably our first. She wants a long engagement to give me time.

Ellen: Time for what?

Newland: She thinks I want to marry her at once...to get away from someone that I care for...more.

Ellen: Time to give her up for another woman?

Newland: If I want to.

Ellen: It's very noble.

Newland: Yes. It's ridiculous.

Ellen: Why? Because there is no other woman?

Newland: No. Because I don't mean to marry anyone else.

Ellen: This other woman. Does she love you too?

Newland: There is no other woman. The person that May was thinking of was never... That must be your carriage.

Ellen: Yes. I suppose I should be leaving soon.

Newland: To Mrs. Struthers?

Ellen: Yes. I must go where I'm invited or I should be too lonely. Why not come with me?

Newland: May guessed the truth. There is another woman. Only not the one she thinks.

Ellen: Don't make love to me. Too many people have done that.

Newland: I would never make love to you. But you are the woman I'd have married had it been possible for either of us.

Ellen: You can say that when you are the one who has made it impossible?

Newland: I've made it?!

Ellen: Isn’t it you who made me give up divorcing? Didn’t you talk to me here, in this house, about sacrifice, and sparing scandal! And for May’s sake and for yours, I did what you asked!

Newland: The things in your husband's letter...

Ellen: I had nothing to fear from that letter. Absolutely nothing. I was just afraid of scandal for the family and you and May.

Newland: Nothing's...Nothing's done that can't be undone. I'm still free. You can be too. Please. (Newland and Ellen kisses) Can I marry May now? Do you see me marrying May now?

Ellen: I don't see you putting that question to May, do you?

Newland: I have to. It's too late to do anything else.

Ellen: You say that because it's the easiest thing to say this moment, not because it's true.

Newland: I don't understand you.

Ellen: You don't understand because you don't realize how you've changed things for me. You don't know all that you've done.

Newland: All I've done?

Ellen: All the good things you've done for me, Newland, that I never knew. Going to the van der Luydens because people refused to meet me. Announcing your engagement at the ball so there would be two families behind me instead of one. I never understood how dreadful people thought I was. Granny blurted it out one day. I was stupid. I never thought... New York meant freedom to me. Everyone seemed so kind and glad to see me. But they never knew what it meant to be tempted, but you did. You understood. I'd never known that before, and it's better than anything I've known. Newland, you couldn't be happy if it meant being cruel. If we act any other way, I will be making you act against what I love in you most. And I can't go back to that way of thinking. Don't you see? I can't love you unless I give you up.


May's letter: "Ellen, Granny's telegram was successful. Mama agreed to marriage after Easter. Only a month. I will telegraph Newland. I'm too happy for words and love you dearly. Your grateful cousin, May."[page]





1. weigh: 考虑,斟酌。例如:

The teacher told him to weigh this matter patiently.


2. make love to: 向……示爱。例如:

There was moonlight on the roses and he made love to her in the porch swing.


3. spare: 避免。例如:

Your joke spared her needless embarrassment.


4. blurt it out: 冲口而出。例如:

You can't just blurt it out over coffee.


5. telegraph: 打电报给……。例如:

He telegraphed me to go to the party.


6. too happy for words: 高兴得说不出话来。[page]





1. 投资者应当仔细权衡风险。

2. 别讲那些血淋淋的可怕细节了。

3. 当你想从一个男人身上得到什么的时候,可万万不要像对我这样直统统地说出来。

4. 我给妈妈打电报,要她给我寄本词典。









丹尼尔·迈克尔·布莱克·戴-刘易斯(Daniel Michael Blake Day-Lewis),1957年4月29日出生,英国和爱尔兰演员,曾凭借《我的左脚》(1989年)和《血色将至》(2008年)两获奥斯卡最佳男主角奖,两次获得英国电影学院奖最佳男主角奖,也曾获金球奖提名,《血色将至》被A.V.Club评选为21世纪00年代十年最佳表演NO.1。

丹尼尔-戴-刘易斯1957年4月29日出生于英国伦敦,是英国皇室册封的爱尔兰桂冠诗人塞西尔-戴-路易斯(Cecil Day-Lewis)与他第二任妻子、演员吉尔-巴尔康(Jill Balcon)所生之子。他慈母般的祖父迈克尔-巴尔康(Mi chael Balcon)爵士是英国电影史上的一个重要人物,著名的伊琳制片公司(Ealing Studios)创始人、总裁。他的姐姐莉迪亚-塔玛辛(Lydia Tamasin)也是一位纪录片制片人,良好的家庭环境注定了丹尼尔具有超常的艺术素质。


1985年,丹尼尔在英国著名导演斯蒂芬-弗雷斯(Stephen Frears)的同性爱情片《年少轻狂》中饰演自我奋斗而又陷入同性恋情的洗衣店小伙约翰尼(Johnny)。此片令丹尼尔一举成名,获得纽约影评人协会、美国国家评论协会最佳男配角。

第二年,他又在著名导演詹姆斯-伊沃里(James Ivory)的爱情喜剧片《看得见风景的房间》中,为奥斯卡影后玛吉·史密斯(Maggie Smith)配戏,饰演虚伪做作的绅士塞维尔(Cevil),为影片增色不少,获得了纽约影评人协会、美国国家评论协会最佳男配角。巧的是这二部英国影片在纽约同一天首映,让观众和评论界看到了他宽阔的戏路,也确立了丹尼尔-戴-路易斯在好莱坞主流演员的地位。

丹尼尔最为成功的表演当属1989年,在爱尔兰导演吉姆-谢里登(Jim Sheridan)执导的处女作、传记片《我的左脚》("My Left Foot")中,饰演爱尔兰残疾作家克里斯蒂-布朗(Christy Brown),成功地表现了这一独特角色复杂的性格情感世界。此片令丹尼尔名声大震,荣获了洛杉矶、纽约影评人协会、美国影评人协会和第43届英国学院奖(BAFTA)最佳男演员,并最终捧得了第62届奥斯卡奖最佳男演员的“小金人”,确立了同龄演员中最具魅力男主角的地位。之后他又回到舞台,在国家歌剧院里饰演哈姆雷特的角色。但是精神上精疲力竭的他在一天晚上的演出中,跌下了舞台,随后被迫离开了剧院,并再未在舞台和影坛上露过面。

直到1992年,丹尼尔出山主演了迈克尔-曼(Michael Mann)执导的史诗巨片《最后的摩根战士》("The Last of the Mohicans"),他手执长矛为自由而战斗,再次向观众展现了他多面手的才华。影片上映后可谓毁誉参半,但是在票房榜上却着实火了一把,创下了当年北美票房纪录,他也确立了性感强悍的偶像地位。1993年,他与米歇尔·菲佛(Michelle Pfeiffer)、薇诺娜·赖德(Winona Ryder)合作,主演了著名导演马丁·西科赛斯(Martin Scorsese)执导的古装伦理爱情片《纯真年代》("The Age of Innocence"),饰演在婚姻面前迷茫的年轻律师纽兰-阿彻(Newland Archer),演来细腻真实。同年,他再次和爱尔兰导演吉姆-谢里登合作,与艾玛·汤普森(Emma Thompson)联袂主演了黑色社会片《因父之名》("In the Name of the Father")。他在该片中的精彩表演,使他获得了第47届英国学院奖、第51届金球奖(剧情类)和第66届奥斯卡奖最佳男演员提名。

1996年,丹尼尔二度与薇诺娜-赖德联手,主演了英国导演尼古拉斯-海特纳(Nicholas Hytner)执导、改编自美国剧作家阿瑟-米勒(Arthur Miller)舞台剧的影片《激情年代》("The Crucible"),在片中饰演受骗的农夫约翰-普罗克特(John Proctor)一角。1997年,他回到爱尔兰,在吉姆-谢里登执导的影片《因爱之名》("The Boxer")中饰演一位含冤释放的北爱尔兰共和军成员丹尼(Danny),以对生活的追求和美好憧憬博得了人们的高度评价,获得第55届金球奖(剧情类)最佳男演员提名。这以后,丹尼尔因身体状况不佳,退隐影坛达5年之久。

2002年,丹尼尔被《纽约黑帮》("Gangs of New York")的故事所深深吸引,重出江湖,与马丁-斯科赛斯再次合作,并联合了莱昂纳多-迪卡普里奥(Leonardo DiCaprio)、卡梅伦-迪亚兹(Cameron Diaz)等人,在人们翘首以待的黑帮犯罪片《纽约黑帮》中饰演冷血凶残、杀人不眨眼的黑帮头目----“屠夫”比尔(Bill),他被指控在1863年震惊曼哈顿的大爆炸中炸死了阿姆斯特丹(Amsterdam,莱昂纳多饰)的父亲。丹尼尔将这个没有受过教育又异常精明、狠毒、嗜杀的反面形象刻画得出神入化、神采飞扬。此片获得了第75届奥斯卡奖最佳电影、最佳男演员、最佳导演、最佳编剧等10项提名,成为本届奥斯卡大热门影片。丹尼尔本人也因此获得洛杉矶影评人协会、纽约影评人协会、第56届英国学院和第9届美国演员工会最佳男演员,以及第60届金球奖和第75届奥斯卡奖最佳男演员提名。(来源:百度百科)