Newland: When you wrote me, you were unhappy.
Ellen: Yes, but I can't feel unhappy when you're here.
Newland: I shan't be here long.
Ellen: I know.
Newland: Ellen, if you really wanted me to come...if I'm really to help you...you must tell me what you're running from. Is he what you're running from? Or what you expected?
Ellen: I didn't know he was here.
Newland: Hello, Beaufort. This way. Madame Olenska was expecting you.
Beaufort: You've certainly led me on a bit of a chase. All this way just to tell you I've found the perfect little house for you. It's not on the market yet, so you must take it at once. Well, Archer. Rusticating?
Voiceover: That night he did not take the customary comfort in his monthly shipment of books from London. The taste of the usual was like cinders in his mouth. There were moments when he felt as if he were being buried alive under his future.
Ellen’s letter: Newland, come late tomorrow. I must explain to you. Ellen.
May: Newland! Has anything happened?
Newland: Yes. I found I had to see you. What is it?
May: Nothing.
Newland: So tell me what you do all day.
May: Well... There are a few very pleasant people from Philadelphia and Baltimore who are picnicking at the inn. And the Merrys are setting up a lawn tennis court, but nobody here has really heard of the game yet, so... I have my racket course and so does Kate Merry...
Newland: I came here because I thought I could persuade you to break away from all that. To advance our engagement. Don't you understand how much I want to marry you? Why should we dream away another year?
May: I'm not sure I do understand, Newland. Is it because you are not certain of feeling the same way about me?
Newland: What on earth do you mean?
May: Is there someone else?
Newland: Someone else? Between you and me?
May: Let's talk frankly, Newland. I've felt a difference in you, especially since our engagement.
Newland: Since our engagement?
May: If it's untrue, then it won't hurt to talk about. And if it is true, then why shouldn’t we talk about it now? I mean...you might've made a mistake.
Newland: If I'd made some sort of mistake, would I be down here asking you to hurry up our marriage?
May: I don't know. You might. Would be one way to settle the question. In Newport, two years ago, before we were promised, everyone said there was someone else for you. I even saw you with her once, sitting together on a veranda at a dance. When she came into the house, her face looked so sad...I felt sorry for her. Even after, when we were engaged, I could still see how she looked...
Newland: Is that all you've been concerned about? It's long past.
May: Then is there something else?
Newland: No. Of course not.
May: Whatever it may have been, I can't have my happiness made out of a wrong to someone else. If promises were made, or if you feel in some way pledged to this person, even if it means her getting a divorce, then Newland, don't give her up because of me.
Newland: There are no pledges. There are no promises that matter. That's all I've been trying to say. There is no one between us, there is nothing between us, May. Which is precisely my argument for getting married...quickly.[page]
1. rusticate: 下乡,过农村生活。看一下例句:
They rusticated in villages off the beaten track for nearly fifteen years.
2.cinder: 煤渣。
3. lawn tennis: 草地网球。
4. dream away: (在遐想中或醉生梦死地)虚度(光阴)。例如:She's dreaming away her days.(她闲混日子。)
dream away还有“出神,发呆”的意思。例如:I found her on the seashore, dreaming away as usual.(我在海滨找到了她,像往常一样她又在那儿发呆。)
5. concerned about: 担忧。
6. argument: 理由。[page]
1. 他定居乡村很久,已变成十足的乡下人了。
2. 你为什么坐在窗边发呆呀?
3. 我想一劳永逸地解决这个问题。
4. 我们都担心他的健康。
薇诺娜·赖德(Winona Ryder),美国电影女演员,1971年10月出生于明尼苏达州。她的代表作有电影《剪刀手爱德华》、《纯真年代》和《小妇人》。
在好莱坞众多女星中,要在不同时期获得伟大导演的赏识实属不易,但薇诺娜却可以获得不同领域导演的一致赞赏,不管是喜剧、科幻或是恐怖片,薇诺娜· 瑞德都在用尽全力,努力地扮演一个女演员的角色。1988年《甲壳虫汁》一片使观众注意到这个有着一双慧黠大眼的女星。在演过多部少女片后,1991年接演吉姆·贾木许的《地球之夜》正式迈入成熟角色,而次年大导演科波拉的《惊情四百年》更将她推上票房明星的地位,自此成为好莱坞新一代的接班女星之一。长相甜美的瑞德,一双水汪汪的大眼睛不知迷死多少年轻影迷,帅哥约翰尼·德普、才子马特·达蒙都曾是她裙下的不二之臣。
约翰尼·德普与薇诺娜初次相见是在一次影片首映典礼上。当时薇诺娜正去取一杯可乐,“爱神”使他俩互相认出对方,只四目相交,匆匆一瞥,外界的一切便在彼此眼中倏然消失。数月后,他俩便开始了爱情的旅程。在《剪刀手爱德华》一片中的默契配合,使他俩的恋情更深了,约翰尼在右臂上刺了“永远的薇诺娜” 几个字,以示对爱情的忠贞不二。薇诺娜起初还以为那是贴纸,千方百计想把它擦掉,当她意识到只是徒劳时,惊得目瞪口呆。更令人叫绝的是,约翰尼表示死后要将刺了字的皮肤揭下留给子孙后代。不仅仅是“爱德华”这个角色与众不同,更由于薇诺娜参演的缘故,约翰尼对《剪刀手爱德华》这部影片情有独钟、十分偏爱。他说:“能和心爱的人一起工作,而且还有钱可赚,那种感觉简直是棒透了!”
薇诺娜的恋爱史证明她此言不虚。她最早引起人们关注的恋情是与约翰尼·德普(Johnny Depp)的关系,随后又与摇滚乐队“灵魂避难所”(Soul Asylum)的主唱戴夫-皮尔纳(Dave Pirner)出双入对,近来的知名恋人则有马特·达蒙(Matt Damon)。但这并不是说薇诺娜只喜欢与歌星、影星们来往,事实是,当她与凡夫俗子约会时,媒体根本不感兴趣。她说:“我并不想遮掩什么,但似乎没有人想知道电脑专家伊恩是谁。”
但薇诺娜在票房上的失意,却从其它方面上获得了某种补偿。如果说朱莉亚·罗伯茨赢得了观众,那么薇诺娜·瑞德则赢得了影评家的喝彩。1989年的《邪恶》(Wicked)及《石南花》(Heathers)等影评使得她成了注重形象的年轻观众的偶像,同时也为她赢得了好莱坞制片商的信任。在此之后,薇诺娜出演了一系列好评如潮的影片,如《吸血鬼德拉库拉》(Dracula)、《纯真年代》(The Age of Innocence)、《小妇人》(Little Women)、《磨难》(The Crucible),等等。在与丹尼尔·戴-刘易斯(Daniel Day-Lewis)及加里·奥德曼(Gary Oldman)等大牌明星演出对手戏时,年轻的薇诺娜毫不逊色。即使是失败的影片,如1993年根据伊莎贝尔·阿连德(Isabel Allende)的回忆录改编的影片《灵屋》(The House of Spirits),薇诺娜的美好形象也吸引了众多忠实的观众前往影院捧场。在多数女主角都极度活跃甚至亢奋的时代,薇诺娜以其一双会说话般的褐色大眼睛证明了自己是一位沉静的巨星。(来源:百度百科)