英语听力汇总   |   The Age of Innocence《纯真年代》精讲之三









本片段剧情:艾伦想和丈夫离婚,纽兰正好在她所委托的律师事务所工作,他想劝说艾伦放弃离婚的想法,因为在那个年代的纽约,离婚依然不为世人所接受。艾伦本想通过离婚开始自己的新生活,但纽兰的劝说让她改变了主意…… ……


Beaufort: You refuse such an invitation on threat of death.

Ellen: Is it so bad?

Beaufort: Not if you have a taste for slow agony.

Ellen: It is something I've neglected to cultivate.

Beaufort: Three days with the van der Luydens! Take your fur and a hot-water bottle.

Ellen: Is the house that cold?

Beaufort: No, but Louisa is.

Ellen: Mr. Archer.

Beaufort: Join me at Delmonico's on Sunday instead. I'm having an oyster supper in your honor. Private room, congenial company, artists and so on.

Ellen: That's very tempting. I haven't met a single artist since I have been here.

Newland: I know one or two painters I could bring to see you if you allow me.

Beaufort: Painters? Are there any painters in New York?

Ellen: Thank you, but I was really thinking of singers, actors, musicians...dramatic artists. There were always so many at my husband's house. May I write tomorrow night to let you know? It's too late to decide this evening.

Beaufort: Is this late?

Ellen: Yes, because I still have to talk business with Mr. Archer.

Beaufort: Of course, Newland, if you can persuade the countess to change her mind about Sunday, you can join us too.

Ellen: You know painters, then? You live in their milieu?

Newland: Not exactly.

Ellen: But you care about such things?

Newland: Immensely. When I'm in Paris or London, I never miss an exhibition. I try to keep up.

Ellen: I used to care immensely too. My life was full of such things. But now I want to cast off all my old life to become a complete American, and try to be like everybody else.

Newland: I don’t think you'll ever quite be like everybody else.

Ellen: Don't say that to me, please. I just want to put all the old things behind me.

Newland: I know. Mr. Letterblair told me.

Ellen: Mr. Letterblair?

Newland: Yes, I've come because he asked me to. I'm in the firm.

Ellen: You mean it'll be you who'll manage everything for me? I can talk to you. That's easier.

Newland: Yes, I'm here to talk about it. I've read all the legal papers. And the letter from the count.

Ellen: It was vile.

Newland: But if he chooses to fight the case, he can say things that might be un... might be disagreeable to you. Say them publicly...so that they could be damaging even if...

Ellen: If?

Newland: Even if they were unfounded.

Ellen: What harm could accusations like that do me here?

Newland: Perhaps more harm than anywhere else. Our legislation favors divorce, but our social customs don't.

Ellen: Never?

Newland: Well, not if the woman...has appearances...in the least degree against her, has exposed herself by any unconventional behavior...to offensive insinuations and...

Ellen: Yes. So my family tell me. Our family. You'll be my cousin soon. And you agree with them?

Newland: What could you possibly gain that would make up for the scandal?

Ellen: My freedom.

Newland: But aren't you free already? It's my business to help you see these things just the way the people who are fondest of you see them...your friends and relations. If I didn't show you honestly how they judge such matters, it wouldn't be fair, would it?

Ellen: No, it wouldn't be fair. Very well. I'll do as you wish.

Newland: I do want to help you.

Ellen: You do help me. Good night, cousin.[page]





1. hot-water bottle: 热水袋。

2.I'm having an oyster supper in your honor: 我将为你举办一个牡蛎宴。in one's honor意思是“向某人表示敬意”。

例如:She has no idea that the party is in her honor.


3. congenial: 意气相投的,性格相似的,合得来的。

4. milieu: 周围。

5. keep up: 跟上,不落后。

6. vile: 卑鄙的,无耻的。例如:Do not mix with vile characters.(不要与卑鄙的人交往。)

7. unfounded: 没有事实根据的。例如:

The rumor that he was arrested was unfounded.(关于他被捕的传闻是没有根据的。)

8. insinuation: (含贬义的)暗示。例如:

The father could no longer control himself when his son threw back an insinuation.







1. 在学生们为她举行的聚会上,她沉浸在幸福之中。

2. 拖延的习惯是在家庭环境中形成的,但家庭环境并不直接导致拖延。

3. 继续战斗直到你们取得胜利。

4. 她的担心并非空穴来风。











伊迪丝·华顿(Edith Wharton, 1862年1月24日-1937年8月11日),美国女作家。作品有《高尚的嗜好》、《纯真年代》、《四月里的阵雨》、《马恩河》、《战地英雄》等书。

原名伊迪丝·纽伯·琼斯(Edith Newbold Jones),是纽约名门望族琼斯家的女儿。她在家中接受了良好的教育,后来多次出国旅行。1885年她和一个比她大13岁的有钱的波士顿人爱德华·华顿结了婚。此人性格虽好,但他们却很少共同之处,几年以后,爱德华患了精神病,最终导致了他们的离婚(1913年),从此以后,伊迪丝长住巴黎,并参加了红十字会,一战后仅回过美国一次,直到1937年去世,葬在凡尔赛。

伊迪丝出生于纽约上流社会,但家境富裕程度一般。年轻时的她害羞而热爱读书,并不乐于参与上流社会的活动,而是更喜欢用自己的双眼观察这个圈子。她将聪明才智用于记录“老纽约” 家庭的虚荣——紧紧守护与日俱下的财富以及从荷兰祖先那里承袭而来的古老声望——及要跻身上流社会、取代“老纽约”的百万“暴发户”们。在第五大街府宅的会客厅里,在边道上朴素的褐砂石屋子里,在雅致的宾馆中,在破旧的租来的房间中,在时髦的避暑胜地,到处都有伊迪丝的写作素材,足够她一生享用并成为那个时代最受人尊敬的成功的小说家之一。伊迪丝去世后声誉逐渐下降,仅仅被人们当成了“畅销作家”。近几年,其作品开始复苏,得到了应有的认可。

伊迪丝本人的生活就带有小说的因素。1885年,她平淡地同波士顿人特迪·华顿结婚。特迪虽然富有,但毫无情趣,远远不如妻子的才华。伊迪丝在无所事事与富足中度过几年时光,在马萨诸塞州的罗尼尔市搭建自己的度假之屋“山峰”(The Mount);频频到萨拉托加、新港(Newport)、纽约的富人圈里进行社交活动。在此期间,她开始尝试儿时梦想的文学职业;短篇小说集《高尚的嗜好》(The Greater Inclination)(1899)赢得了一些青睐。在20世纪早期,她平稳地创作了多部小说,成了真正有名气的作家;而同时婚姻也出现了危机(特迪挪用她的信托基金,花在对他更依顺的年轻女人身上),她大部分时间都住在欧洲,并没有丈夫的一直陪伴。1906年至1909年她认识了莫顿·富勒敦,并深深爱上了他,但不幸的是,富勒敦竟然是一个下流粗俗的男人。1913年,她同特迪离婚,从此她只同文化圈的有名男人保持纯粹的友谊关系——最有名的是亨利·詹姆斯,还有瓦尔特·贝瑞(Walter Berry)及伯纳德·贝伦森(Bernard Berenson)。(她1911年出版的最有名的短篇小说《伊坦·弗洛美》(Ethan Frome)基调灰暗,很可能折射出她彻底摆脱了对婚姻的幻想。)她在欧洲永久定居下来,以越来越高的稿酬为生。在豪华的巴黎公寓及法国南部花园别墅里,经常以文人的身份热情慷慨地招待刚出茅庐的年轻作家们。


伊迪丝·华顿起初是为了排遣上流社会家庭生活的苦闷而开始写作的。她从1880年开始发表小说,1889年第一部短篇小说集问世,获得了意外的成功。1905年长篇小说《快乐之家》出版,使她成了20世纪前20年最受欢迎的美国作家。1920年出版的《纯真年代》(The Age of Innocence)为她获得了普利策奖。她一共写了19部中长篇小说,出版过11本短篇小说集,还有大量的非小说作品。

