英语听力汇总   |   The Age of Innocence《纯真年代》精讲之二









本片段剧情:纽兰去艾伦的住所拜访她,昔日对艾伦的爱意又涌上心头。他经过花店,才想起今天差点忘了给未婚妻梅订花,他给梅订了一束铃兰后,给艾伦也订了一束黄玫瑰…… ……


Ellen: Mr. Archer. So how do you like this odd little house? To me, it's like heaven.

Newland: You've arranged it delightfully.

Ellen: Yes. Some of the things I managed to bring with me. Little pieces of wreckage. At least it's lessgloomy than the van der Luydens'...and not so difficult to be alone.

Newland: I'm sure it's often thought the van der Luydens' is gloomy though I've never heard it said before. Tell me, do you really like to be alone?

Ellen: As long as my friends keep me from being lonely. I see you've already chosen your corner. Please, sit.

Newland: Thank you.

Ellen: This is the hour I like best. Don't you?

Newland: I was afraid you'd forgotten the hour. I'm sure Beaufort can be very intriguing.

Ellen: He took me to see some houses. I'm told I must move, even though this street seems perfectly respectable.

Newland: Yes, but it's not fashionable.

Ellen: Fashionable? Is fashion such a serious consideration?

Newland: Among people who have nothing more serious to consider.

Ellen: Perhaps I've been too independent. All I really want is to feel cared for and safe.

Newland: Thank you. The van der Luydens do nothing by halves. All New York laid itself out for you last night.

Ellen: It was so kind. Such a nice party. Cream or lemon?

Newland: Lemon, please. The van der Luydens are the most powerful influence in New York society. They very seldom receive because of Cousin Louisa's health.

Ellen: Perhaps that's the reason then.

Newland: Thank you. The reason?

Ellen: For their influence. They make themselves so rare. But of course you must tell me.

Newland: No, it's you telling me. Thank you.

Ellen: Then we can both help each other. But I need help so much more.

Newland: There are so many people already...to tell you what to do.

Ellen: I think they're all a little angry with me for setting up for myself.

Newland: Still, your family can advise you, show you the way.

Ellen: Is New York such a labyrinth? I thought it was all straight up and down, like 5th Avenue. All the cross streets numbered and big honest labels on everything.

Newland: Everything is labeled, but everybody is not.

Ellen: Then I must count on you for warnings too.

Newland: All the older women like and admire you. They want to help.

Ellen: I know, I know. As long as they don't hear anything unpleasant. Does no one here want to know the truth, Mr. Archer? The real loneliness is living among all these kind people who only ask you to pretend.

Newland: No, you mustn't. Madame Olenska. Ellen.

Ellen: Does no one cry here, either? I suppose there's no need to.


Storekeeper: Oh, Mr. Archer, good evening. We didn't see you this morning and we weren't sure whether to send Miss Welland the usual...

Newland: Lilies of the valley. Yes, let's make that a standing order.

Storekeeper: Very good, sir.

Newland: And those yellow roses. I'll give you another address.

Storekeeper: Very good. George. Mr. Archer. Two separate orders.

Newland: They'll go at once?

Storekeeper: At once, sir.


May: It's wonderful to wake up every morning with lilies of the valley in my room. It's like being with you.

Newland: They came late yesterday, I know. Somehow the time got away from me.

May: Still, you always remember.

Newland: I sent some roses to Cousin Ellen too. Was that right?

May: Very right. She didn't mention it at lunch today, though. She said she got some wonderful orchids from Mr. Beaufort and a hamper of carnations from Henry van der Luyden. She was so very delighted. Don't people send flowers in Europe? I know you do consider it a long time.

Newland: Very long.

May: But the Chivers were engaged for a year and a half, the Lefferts engaged for two. I’m sure Mama expects something customary.

Newland: Ever since you were little, your parents let you have your way. You're almost 22. Just tell your mother what you want.

May: I couldn’t refuse her the very last thing she'd ever ask of me as a little girl.

Newland: Can't we juststrike out for ourselves, May?

May: Shall we elope?

Newland: If you would, why not?

May: You do love me, Newland. I'm so happy.

Newland: Well, why not be happier?

May: I couldn't be happier, dearest. I tell you, I showed Ellen the ring. She thought it was the most beautiful setting she ever saw. She said there was nothing like it in the Rue de la Paix. I do love you, Newland. Everything you do is so special.[page]






1. odd: 古怪的。例如:I don't know what to make of his odd behaviour.(我不知道如何理解他的古怪行为。)

2. intriguing: 迷人的。

3. labyrinth: 迷宫。

4. lilies of the valley: 白色铃兰花。

5. standing order: 长期有效的订单。

6. the time got away from me: 我忘了时间。

7. a hamper of: 一篮。

8. customary: 惯常的,通常的,合乎习俗的。例如:

Cafés and coffee houses are an Austrian tradition, and it is customary to take an afternoon break for a strong cup of coffee.


9. have one's way: 自主行事,想做什么就做什么。例如:I won't let you have your own way.(我不会让你为所欲为。)[page]





1. 这是上课的一种惯例么?

2. 他只不过是假装温顺,然后就可以为所欲为。

3. 她垂下眼睛望着膝上那一大束铃兰。

4. 你有过这样的古怪的经历吗?









铃兰花的英文名是Lily-of-the-valley,铃兰花只伴着五月的春风开放,它的花语是幸福再来(return of happiness)。铃兰花白色而细小,一朵朵密生的小花,像唤起幸福的小铃铛,散发着沁人心脾的花香,似乎表达着想要“抓住幸福”的强烈愿望。


这种有香味的小花,在法国的婚礼上也常常可以遇见,将她送与新娘,是祝福新人“幸福的到来”。 铃兰花,是那样的纤细、柔美,弥漫着优雅的气质,林间的微风轻轻掠过,引领着你回到生命中最难忘的那一个五月的春天。她的香味,茫然又幽静,若有若无,似乎太高贵而不易接近,就仿佛是那典雅柔美的女性气质,怀着温婉而又无忧无虑的浪漫情怀,缓缓绽放着迷人的气息。“谷中之百合”(lily of the valley),是英人对铃兰的一种俗称,在英国,她还有“女人的眼泪”(lady-tears)、“天堂之梯”(ladder to heaven)之名,浪漫、清雅而又情意深深。意大利人则给了铃兰“世界之福”的名字。古老的中国,铃兰又名“君影草”,她生长在沟谷林下,藏于寂寞的深山,花自芬芳,与幽兰相伴,藏于深山不以无人而不芳,正是“君当如兰”的寓意。

