Hallie: Hello. Grandfather? l'm home.
Grandfather: ls that my little girl? That tall, gangly thing?
Hallie: Yes, it's me.
Grandfather: Oh, welcome home. Did you have a good time, sweet pea?
Hallie: Uh-huh, great.
Grandfather: What are you doing?
Hallie: Just smelling.
Grandfather: Smelling?
Hallie: l'm making a memory.
Grandfather: Oh.
Hallie: Years from now, when l'm all grown up, l'll always remember my grandfather, and how he always smelt of, peppermint and pipe tobacco.
Grandfather: Good to have you back.
Mom: Annie? Annie?
Hallie: Mother.
Mom: You're back.
Hallie: l can't believe it's you.
Mom: And l can't believe it's you. And with short hair. Who cut it for you?
Hallie: A girl l met at camp. Do you hate it?
Mom: No, l absolutely love it. You got your ears pierced? Well, are there any other surprises? Belly button rings, tattoos? Ah, darling, what is it?
Hallie: l'm sorry. lt's just--l've missed you so much.
Mom: Oh, l know. lt seems like it's been forever.
Hallie: You have no idea.
Mom: So, come on. Tell me, did you like everyone? Was it fun? Ah, Martin
Martin: l found a stowaway in your suitcase.
Hallie: Oh, my God. Cuppy!
Mom: Cuppy?
Hallie:- He-- He belongs to my friend, the one l was, umm, telling you about. l can't imagine how he got into my suitcase.
Martin: Well, since he's not our Cuppy, shall we dispose of the little creature?
Hallie: No! l mean, no. l'll-- l'll mail him to her. She loves this thing a lot--a lot, a lot. And she's, like, slept with this thing her entire life. And she could never be, like, say, in a foreign country without him. No, no l'll take care of it. That will be all, Martin. Thank you.
Mom: Hello. Oh, hi. How's the photo shoot going? Hmm. Well, can't you manage without me? l mean, Annie just got home from camp. Hmm. Yeah.[page]
妙语佳句 活学活用
1. gangly: 身材瘦长的
A gangly youth dressed in jeans and trainers stepped in from the corridor.(一个穿着牛仔服和运动鞋、身材瘦长的年轻人从走廊走进来。)
2. sweet pea: 香豌豆,这里是外祖父对她的爱称。
3. peppermint:薄荷,薄荷油
Peppermint oil is very good for regulating digestive disorders.(薄荷油能很有效地调节消化系统失调。)
4. pipe tobacco: 斗烟叶;斗烟丝;烟丝
The smell of pipe tobacco always takes me back to the time I used to sit on my grandfather's knee.(烟斗烟丝的气味总让我回想起我过去坐在祖父膝盖上的那些日子。)
5. belly button ring: 肚脐环
6. tattoo: 纹身
Because the color remains under the skin, a tattoo is usually permanent.(因为颜料在皮肤下面,所以纹身的图案一般不会消失。)
7. stowaway: 偷渡者
8. dispose of: 处理,解决,这里指扔掉。
9. photo shoot: (尤指为模特或名人进行的)照片拍摄
The fashion models spent hours preparing for the photo shoot.(那名时尚模特儿花了好几小时准备拍照。)[page]
林赛·罗韩(Lindsay Lohan,1986年7月2日-)是出生于美国纽约市的女演员、女流行乐歌手。她3岁就已成为模特,陆续为多个名牌产品在杂志和电视上做商业广告,后来加入影视事业,先以肥皂剧起步,后来踏上电影舞台,主演《天生一对》、《辣妈辣妹》、《贱女孩》等电影,以其喜剧成名。年少成名的林赛·罗韩酗酒、吸毒、酒醉驾驶,负面新闻不断,感情生活也相当丰富,先后和影星裘德·洛、富家子哈里·摩顿、魔术师克里斯·安吉尔、滑雪板选手莱里等传过绯闻。
童星出生的Lindsay Lohan,生来就注定要成为巨星:三岁开始接拍60多支广告及A&F/Calvin Klein童装代言商品、专业平面/舞台模特儿、从事戏剧之演出、最年轻的MTV电影奖主持人、7岁就上的节目、游泳/篮球/体操/跳舞样样行……相貌甜美出众的她,注定从小就是镁光灯下的追逐焦点!在电视剧《Another World》中的亮眼表现,让她跃上大银幕。这个幸运的小女孩早在1998年就在家庭喜剧电影《天生一对》(The Parent Trap),一人分饰荷莉,安妮两角,她纯真自然的出色表演同样给我们留下了十分深刻的印象。
因为出演《贱女孩》(Mean Girls)而一炮打红的18岁的美国影歌双栖话题女王Lindsay lohan,自从踏入歌坛后更是人气飙升,炙手可热。这使得她当之无愧地赢得了风靡全世界的“芭比娃娃”一般的待遇。
Lindsay Lohan于1996年在电视剧《Another World》中奉献了她第一次表演,是该剧自开播以来第三位扮演Ali Fowler的女演员。在完成迪斯尼的三部电影合约后,她又回到荧屏,出演电视电影《娃娃看天下》(2000)和《小记者大侦探》(Get a Clue,2002)。她还在短命喜剧电视剧《贝蒂》(Bette,2000)的试播集中扮演了角色Rose。2001年6月,Lindsay Lohan暂时离开了表演。一年后,她开始了新的音乐事业,于2004年12月发布了首张唱片专辑《Speak》,畅销货架。
但她并没有舍弃电影表演事业,在此之前,Lindsay Lohan又出演了另一部小说改编剧本的迪斯尼影片,同由杰米·李·柯蒂斯参演的《辣妈辣妹》(Freaky Friday,2003),翻拍自1976年的同名影片。该片票房大赚,评论家也对Lindsay Lohan和柯蒂斯的出色表演赞不绝口。Lindsay Lohan因此获得了2004年MTV最具突破女演员奖,以及土星奖和又一次青年艺术家奖的提名。
2004年,Lindsay Lohan主演的《贱女孩》(Mean Girls,2004)令她真正一炮而红。走红后的“堕落天使”Lindsay Lohan负面新闻不断,可谓是好莱坞少年成名的典型案例。(来源:百度百科》)
1. 那是我的外孙女吗?那个高高瘦瘦的小家伙吗?
2. 你还藏着多少惊喜?肚脐环还是纹身?
3. 我在你的箱子里发现了一个偷渡者。
4. 既然不是你的,那我们可以把它扔掉了?