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本片段剧情:重新孤身一人的莎拉开始在网上疯狂地发广告,但是约会的男人总有这样或那样的问题。于是她想到了鲍勃,便主动给他打了电话。在一夜春宵后,莎拉还沉醉在甜蜜的余温中,鲍勃就拍拍屁股准备走人了…… ……


Salesman: I'll be right there. Hi, can I...? Look who's here. It's you.

Sarah: Yes, your worst nightmare. The single-chicken-breast lady.

Salesman: Hey, you wanna at least hear the specials?

Sarah: Ahh!

Salesman: Look, I'm supposed to tell them to you, that's all.

Sarah: Just the chicken breast.

Salesman: It's rough out there, huh? You wanna talk about it?

Sarah: You know, you're not a bartender.

Salesman: Have you tried the Internet? I mean, it really works. You know, I met my wife online, and she...

Sarah: Chicken. Now.


Sarah: Why not?

征婚广告 Must Love Dogs 精讲之八

Bragging date guy: And I've been to Italy a lot too. I just got back from Rome...where I took this fabulous in-depth tour called "As the Romans Do." The guide was incredible.

Sarah: I took that tour. Big fat guy, right?

Bragging date guy: Before that, Switzerland. Well, I got caught in a snow storm.

Sarah: I almost died in a blizzard once.

Bragging date guy: I lived up in the Alps for a year.

Sarah: They had to cut me out of the snow with scissors.

Bragging date guy: My aunt had a farm. In the morning, we'd warm ourselves with the coals of the fire. I learned to make goat cheese.It was very Heidi.


Sarah: Well, I just think it's wonderful how much you care about your children, Peter. Really. It's not always the case. I'm a teacher, I know.

Peter: Well, it's just my daughter. She's 14. But she's everything to me.


Sarah: Were you surprised that I called?

Bob: Little bit. But happy.

Sarah: Well, I figured what the hell. It's time to take control of my life. New Sarah.

Bob: I liked the old Sarah, you know.

Sarah: New and improved. Good morning.

Bob: Hi.

Sarah: Hi.

Bob: What time is it?

Sarah: It's a little after 9.

Bob: Damn. Do you mind if we take that and go? I don't wannarun into traffic.

Sarah: Oh, it's Sunday.

Bob: Yeah, I got a game today. You gonna eat that?

Sarah: No. Here.

Bob: Thank you.

Sarah: You did sleep with June, didn't you?

Bob: Does it matter? Really?

Sarah: It's just that you told me nothing happened.

Bob: Well, I knew we'd be great together, I didn't want anything to get in the way of that. And we were.

Sarah: Yeah.

Bob: That was fun. Thanks a lot. I'll call you. You mad at me?

Sarah: No, I'm not mad at you.

Bob: Good, I was afraid something had changed...

Sarah: I'm mad at myself for ever having trusted you. For not listening to that voice in my head that said: "He is a shallow, self-centered bastard." Which is what you are, you stupidhead! OK. Maybe I have been teaching preschool too long, but you took advantage of me. You knew how vulnerable I was. You knew I was the weak impala of the herd. And you pounced on that with that whole sensitive dad-of-the-year act. And, "we're adopting a puppy." And the fake professor thing with these fake glasses. These aren't even real, are they? Oh, sorry. I just hate guys like you. I hate guys like you!



征婚广告 Must Love Dogs 精讲之八

1. It's rough out there, huh?: 日子不好过,是吧?rough在这里的意思是“难受的,艰难的”,例如:They have been having a rough time recently.(他们近来的日子很不好过。)

2. in-depth tour: 深度游。例如:

Self-guided tour, in-depth tour, and theme tour will be the new demands of the future outbound travel market.(自由行、深度游和主题游是 出境游未来发展趋势。)

3. incredible: 棒极了。

4. blizzard: 暴风雪。

5. It was very Heidi: 很像海蒂过的生活。海蒂是瑞士著名儿童文学作品中的人物形象。

6.I figured what the hell: 我想,管它呢。

7. run into traffic: 堵在路上,遇到交通堵塞。

8. get in the way: 妨碍,阻碍。

Ms. Right types are hard to change, as their personal pride tends to get in the way of understanding others and the world around her.


9. preschool: 幼儿园。

10. impala: 黑斑羚。莎拉说她现在是一群羚羊中最弱的一只,意思是她现在十分脆弱。

11. pounce on: 抓住并大肆利用某事物。例如:

The scientists doing the experiment have pounced on the effect of the particular moment.(做实验的科学家们抓住了这个特殊时机的效果。)



征婚广告 Must Love Dogs 精讲之八

1. 周围没有人,男人想,管他呢!


2. 但生活阻挡了你的去路,总有些夜晚,你躺在那里,夜不能寐、心灰意冷。


3. 这是一种主考人喜欢抓住的粗心错误。


4. 在这一系列闹剧发生后,她在学校过的并不愉快。







征婚广告 Must Love Dogs 精讲之八






1937年上映的同名电影《海蒂》由著名童星秀兰·邓波儿(Shirley Temple)主演。秀兰·邓波儿是美国电影史上最出色的童星之一,导演艾伦德万将这部古典小说拍得流畅动人,邓波儿的演出更是无懈可击。

征婚广告 Must Love Dogs 精讲之八
