英语听力汇总   |   征婚广告 Must Love Dogs 精讲之七






本片段剧情:莎拉无意间撞见鲍勃和年轻漂亮的同事朱恩在一起,顿时对这个男人心灰意冷。但是她很快就再次见到了杰克,而且对杰克好感大增。没想到鲍勃又找上门来,而且亲吻了莎拉,这一幕恰恰被中途折返的杰克撞见了…… ……

Bob: Sarah. Hi.

Sarah: I was in the trailer-hood. I thought I might stop by.

Bob: Oh, good.

June: Sarah? Is that you? Sarah! Hi!

Sarah: June? I didn't know you were...

Bob: No. No. This is good. We're all here. We can have a parent-teacher conference.

Sarah: Oh, I'll just go home now and go to bed and maybe stay there forever.

Bob: Sarah has a friend who lives practically next door.

June: Wow. That's cool. I love weird, huge coincidences.

Sarah: Yeah.

Bob: You sure you don't want to come in? We just opened a bottle of wine.

Sarah: Oh, I think I'd rather die, but thank you. Yeah.


Sarah: Oh. Hi.

征婚广告 Must Love Dogs 精讲之七

Michael: Hey. Jennifer kicked us out. Both of us.

Sarah: Oh, Mikey. God, I'm so sorry. She'll come around.

Jake: I told him it's the holidays. People are under a lot of stress, you know.

Michael: I love this guy. I do. I love him. I love him.

Jake: We've been talking. We've been here a while. You all right?

Michael: Yeah.

Sarah: Let's go.

Michael: Come on, Mother Teresa.

Jake: I hope it's okay that I stopped by.

Sarah: Oh, yes. Of course it is. I'm so glad you did.

Jake: Good. 'Cause we were talking on the phone, everything was going well, and then some strange woman said "emergency" and hung up. Then I don’t know, I called and no one answered, so I was a little worried.

Sarah: I think it's very sweet, Jake.

Jake: So it's just a false alarm?

Sarah: Yes. Definitely a false alarm.

Jake: Good.

Sarah: No, my father's friend, she got into a little bit of trouble, and I had to help her out, and so I went over there for a while. And after that I just drove around a while. Alone. I was alone. And...

Jake: Yeah, alone by yourself, sure.

Sarah: Yeah.

Jake: Well, anyway, the reason I stopped by...was I wanted to invite you out on my boat this weekend.

Sarah: I don't think that's such a good idea.

Jake: Yes, it is.

Sarah: No, because I... Boats are still on the water, right?

Jake: I hope so, otherwise I wasted a lot of time designing thehull. Yeah, actually, they're aquatic.

Sarah: Well, I don't even know how to row.

Jake: I'll teach you. I'd love to teach you how to row.

Sarah: Okay. How?

Jake: A challenge. We'll have a lesson right now. Okay?

Sarah: Okay.

Jake: So the thing about rowing is just you gotta relax, first of all. And then it's all about rhythm, balance...

Sarah: Rhythm and balance.

Jake: ...and timing.

Sarah: Watch those oars, pal.

Jake: Okay. And rhythm and timing, see?

Sarah: Balance and rhythm.

Jake: See, it's not that bad, is it?

Sarah: No, I like rowing.

Jake: Then you want to make sure you get, you know, your hair out of the way. (Jake kisses Sarah) (bumping sound) That's gotta hurt.

Sarah: Michael?

Jake: You okay, pal?

Michael: Oh, no. Don't stop what you're doing. I was on my way out.

Sarah: Easy there, Tex. Where are you going?

Michael: Oh, I just spoke to Jennifer. Everything's great. I got the couch, but the dog's gonna stay here.

Sarah: I think you should stay here too. You shouldn't be driving.

Jake: I'll drive him home. Okay?

Michael: Yeah.

Sarah: Oh, I thought we were gonna, you know, row the boat.

Jake: Oh. We will. Just stay exactly here and stay exactly you and I'll be back in about 15 to 20 seconds depending on traffic, all right? Just hold that thought. Where do you live?

Sarah: Of course you realize when Jake gets here, you'll have to excuse yourself. Bob! Bobby. No, Bob.

Bob: You dropped these on my driveway.

Sarah: Oh, thank you.

Bob: I'm really sorry. I'm sure that seemed pretty awkward, huh?

Sarah: Oh, no, no. Routine, really.

Bob: There's nothing going on there with me and June. She and Austin were late coming back from the museum, and I made her stay for dinner.

Sarah: Well, thank you for bringing these... (Bob kisses Sarah) (Jake makes noise) You're back.

Jake: Yeah, he... He passed out. He couldn't tell me where he lived.

Michael: 321 something.

Jake: Yeah, that was all I got.

Bob: I'm Bob, by the way.

Sarah: Oh, my manners have completely left me. I'm so sorry. Jake Anderson.

Jake: How you doing?

Sarah: My brother Michael.

Jake: Oh, sorry. Here you go.

Michael: Pleasure to meet you.

Sarah: This is Bob connor, parent at the school. We were just... what were we?

Bob: Sarah left stuff at my place tonight, thought it'd be better to get it back right away. I'll get out of the way. Talk to you tomorrow, Sarah. Okay?

Sarah: Okay.

Bob: Nice to meet you guys.

Jake: Pleasure. Hey, I better get going. Where do you want me to put him? Maybe I'll put him here.

Sarah: No, you don't...

Jake: We're sitting down now, buddy. Yeah, I... I better get going.

Sarah: You don't have to go. You could stay. Sit.

Jake: No, no, no. Really, I should go.

Sarah: Jake. Jake, please let me explain.

Jake: You don't have to.

Sarah: I want to.

Jake: I don't have any claim on you, Sarah. We've seen each other what, four times now? I realize that.

Sarah: You won't let me explain?

Jake: Let me do it. You were lying to me because you didn't want to hurt my feelings. I get it.



征婚广告 Must Love Dogs 精讲之七

1. trailer-hood: 拖车能到的距离范围内。莎拉的意思是她正好在附近。hood表示“邻里,街坊”。

2. parent-teacher conference: 家长会。

3. practically: 实际上,几乎。例如:It rained practically all night.(几乎整夜下着雨。)

4. come around: 觉悟过来,让步,改变立场。

5. false alarm: 虚惊一场。例如:

Although the concern over the "real-name relationship" proved to be a false alarm, it does reveal some problems.


6.help somebody out: 帮助某人摆脱困境/解决困难。

7. hull: 船身。

8. aquatic: 水栖的。

9. excuse oneself: 请求准予离开。请看例句:

The meeting lasted so long that Mr Laurence had to excuse himself to keep an appointment.


10. pass out: 失去知觉,不省人事。

11. I'll get out of the way: 我闪人了。

12. I don't have any claim on you: 我没有资格要求你做任何事。

have no claim on/to意思是“无资格得到……,没有对……提出要求的权利”。



征婚广告 Must Love Dogs 精讲之七

1. 我在这方面的知识几乎等于零。


2. 或许只是一场虚惊罢了。


3. 我离开一会儿,你不介意吧?


4. 我知道我没有向她要求的权利。







征婚广告 Must Love Dogs 精讲之七









