英语听力汇总   |   美国派4:美国重逢 American Reunion 精讲之六






本片段剧情:芬奇终于向大家坦白,自己过得并不好,只是吹牛而已,大家让他不要放在心上。几个人一起来找史蒂夫勒,恰好碰到史蒂夫勒的老板对他冷嘲热讽,史蒂夫勒彻底和老板闹翻,与众人离去。 ……

Classmate: Welcome, you guys. Listen, find your nametag, find out what table you're sitting at. Ashley, so good to see you! Oh, my God. Billy! Oh, my God, you're looking so svelte. You used to be morbidly obese. I was concerned.

Kev: Hey.

Jim: Hey, guys.

Kev: Hey, Jim.

Jim: Oz. Where is Mia?

Oz: She flew out this morning.

Jim: Oh. I'm sorry, man.

Kev: What about Michelle?

Jim: I am not sure yet.

All: Finch!

Kev: What happened? I called the police department a thousand times.

Finch: I appreciate that, Kevin. But my mom, actually, bailed me out. Guys, I screwed up. That bike belongs to my boss. And I was promised a raise, and I didn't get it, so I simply borrowed it. The truth is that my life isn't interesting at all. I am an assistant manager at a Staples in Bayonne, New Jersey. I lied to my best friends, and I'm sorry.

Jim: You know, Finch, just because you sold out and got a boring job like most of us, that doesn't mean you should be embarrassed.

Oz: Yeah, come on, man. None of that shit matters.

Finch: That means a lot, gentlemen.

Kev: What about your arm?

Finch: Oh. I spilled coffee on myself while I was driving.

Jim: No.

Finch: It hurt like a bitch, though.

Oz: I'll bet.

Kev: Jesus, Finch.

Jim: Oh, hey, check this out, you guys. Crazy, huh? Look at us. A lot of memories. "Steve Stifler." "Hopes to keep the party going with his boys."

Oz: Any sign of him yet?

Kev: I don't think he's going to show.

Jim: Stifler?

Stifler: How'd you find me?

Kev: We asked your mom.

Finch: Oh, no. I didn't do anything.

Jim: We wanted to apologize for what we said last night. We didn't mean it.

Stifler: Yeah, you did. I get it, you guys think I'm a dick.

Jim: Okay. Well, maybe you are kind of a dick. But, you're a fun dick. And you're our dick.

Kev: Yeah, man. You were one of the biggest reasons that high school was awesome.

Stifler: Yeah, high school was awesome. Then we graduated and everybody started getting jobs and getting married and having kids and all that other stupid shit. Now, look at me. I'm the bitch of this place.

Jim: Look, Stifler, none of our lives are perfect.

Finch: Especially mine.

Jim: But what do you say we keep this party going, and hit up this reunion together?

Boss: What the hell is going on here? Oh, my God. This is the jackass. You're not even close to being finished and you're up here "chilling with your posse"?

Kev: Sorry, we can explain.

Stifler: No, Kevin. Allow me.

Boss: Yeah, Kevin, allow him. This better be good, Stafler.

Stifler: It's Stifler, fucker.

Boss: Oh, wow. Who the hell do you think you are?

Stifler: Are you acting tough in front of your girlfriend? Huh? Because we both know she's only with you for your money. Definitely not for your dick. Because anybody that's peed next to you knows it's the size of a leprechaun's pinkie.

Boss: That's not true.

Stifler: "That's not true." Oh, yeah, it is. Look, just because you got a fancy office and I don't even have a desk doesn't change who we really are. The truth is, you're still a dork, and I can still kick your ass. But I'm not going to. You know why? Because I'm the fucking Stifmeister. And if you even look at me again, I will shit in your briefcase. Dudes? By the way, I had no clue what I was doing with any of this shit, so you got a lot of work to do.



美国派4:美国重逢 American Reunion 精讲之六

1. nametag: 名牌,用户标签

2. svelte: 苗条的

3. morbidly: 病态地

4. bail me out: 把我保释出来

bail out用在经济中也可以表示援助,帮助摆脱困境,比如bail-out payment就是指援助款。

In the recent crisis no banks could manage to bail out the companies feeling financial pressure.(在最近的这次危机中,没有一家银行能帮助那些处于困境的公司渡过难关。)

5. screw up: 弄糟了,搞砸了

6. check this out: 来看看这个

7. hit up: 请求

My friend hit me up for 10 dollars.(我的朋友请求我借给他十美元。)

8. leprechaun: 爱尔兰民间传说中的小妖精

9. pinkie: 小手指



美国派4:美国重逢 American Reunion 精讲之六

1. 你以前胖得都病态了,我还在操心呢。


2. 不过实际上,是我妈妈保释我出来的。


3. 因为我们都知道她跟你一起只为你的钱。


4. 顺便告诉你,我自己都不知道怎么在搞这报告,所以你得好好忙活了。








美国的保释金制度起源于英国,由于欧洲的贵族司法,英国的地方司法官很早就有在审判前释放嫌疑犯的权力。但为了限制和规范这种“保释”,1677年,英国议会通过的《人身保护法》(the Habeas Corpus of Act 1677)明确将保释作为一项基本的法律制度。

保释制度在美国同样也曾被多次修正,包括1789年的《司法条例》(The Judiciary Act of 1789),1966年的《保释金改革法》(Bail Reform Act)和1984年该法的新版本。最初的保释制度比较势利,所谓有钱能使鬼推磨,富人付得起高额保释金,获得自由,而穷人只好在监狱里蹲着。后来各种改革使情形大为好转,甚至出现了商业化的保释金经纪公司。



      美国派4:美国重逢 American Reunion 精讲之六



除了以下特殊情况,一般嫌犯都是可以被保释的。 嫌犯有逃匿的意图。IMF总裁卡恩第一次出庭时提出了保释请求却被法官拒绝,因为担心卡恩离开美国就不会再回来。历史上也曾发生过类似的事件,最著名的当属1978年法国导演波兰斯基(Roman Raymond Polański),他在美国犯下了猥亵幼女案,但在保释期间逃去法国,再没回来过。嫌犯可能会继续犯罪,对社会造成危害。嫌犯可能会和证人“打交道”,干扰案件调查。嫌犯自身的安全考虑。如果嫌犯是重要的证人,为避免被灭口,最好也不让他自由活动。嫌犯之前有保释期间逃匿的经历。


保释的形式有很多种,其中最主要的当然是现金,有时候也可使用支票或者信用卡。有钱人多采用这一形式,他们会给法庭全额支付规定的保释金数额。保释期间如果嫌犯规规矩矩,按时出庭,审判完后这笔钱会还给当事人。也就是说,这些钱是押在法庭手里的,并不是交完就没了。 除了现金,另外较常见的形式是财产抵押。如房产。此外,如果嫌犯没有足够的现金,也可雇用保释金经纪人(bail bondsman)为自己作担保。保释金经纪人是独立于当事人和法庭之外的第三方,他们的公司被称为“担保公司”(surety company),是一种特殊类型的保险公司。当事人向保释金经纪人支付一定数额的保费(通常为保释金数额的10%),保释金经纪人会向法庭提交保证书,保证当事人如期出庭受审。如果当事人跑掉了,并且后来没抓回来,保释金经纪人就得向法庭赔付全额的保释金。因此,保释金经纪人的活儿也不轻松,他得不停地和当事人联系,确保他不会跑掉;如果不幸跑掉了,还得雇佣“赏金猎人(bounty hunter)”,去抓捕那些逃匿的嫌犯们。杜恩·李·查普曼(Duane Lee Chapman)就是著名的赏金猎人之一,外号“猎狗”。他抓获过数千名通缉犯,其中有些甚至连FBI也束手无策。不过,这种商业化的保释金制度在伊利诺州、威斯康辛州和肯塔基州等地并不合法。