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本片段剧情:马特带两个女儿去医院看望她们余日无多的母亲。他让女儿们先在门外等候,自己先进病房。看着面如死灰的妻子,想到她竟然背叛自己,马特不由得怒火中烧,对着毫无知觉的妻子痛快地发泄了一通…… ……

Matt: Girls, let me go in for just a quick moment alone first. I'll be right out. You were gonna ask for a divorce so you could be with some fucking fuckhead, Brian Speer? Are you kidding me? Who are you? The only thing I know for sure is you're a goddamn liar. So, what do you have to say for yourself? Why don't you go ahead and make a little joke and tell me that I got it all wrong? Tell me again that I'm too out of touch with my feelings and I need to go to therapy. Isn't the idea of marriage to make your partner's way in life a little easier? For me, it was always harder with you, and you're still making it harder. Lying there on a ventilator and fucking up my life. You arerelentless. You know what? I was gonna ask you for a divorce someday. Daddy's little girl. I'm gonna bring your daughters in now. Alex is home from school. Try to be nice, okay? All right, here we go. Okay?

Scottie: Hi, Mom. Look who's here. Say something, Alex. Tell her how you were drunk the other night. Tell her how maybe you're an alcoholic.

Matt: Girls, be serious.

Alex: Hi, Mom. Sorry for being bad. Sorry for wasting your money on expensive private schools. Money you could have been using on facials and massages and sports equipment. Sorry for everything.

Matt: All right.

Alex: I'm sorry we weren't good enough for you, especially Dad.

Matt: Stop it. That's out of line.

看电影学英语:后裔 The Descendants 精讲之四

Alex: Or what? You gonna ground me? You gonna ship me off to another boarding school? You gonna give me a time-out?

Matt: I'll tell you what, goddamn it.

Scottie: You got served.

Matt: Scottie, go in the hall.

Scottie: She's the one out of line.

Matt: Go find Sid.

Scottie: He's smoking. I shouldn't be around second-hand smoke.

Matt: Go, let's go. Now, now, now, go.

Alex: Did you spank me?

Matt: You have no right to talk to your mother that way. She's gonna die in a few days. What if those were your last words?

Alex: I have every right to speak to her that way. I'm angry at her. How can you be so forgiving?

Matt: I'll be angry later. Right now let's just think about the good parts. Don't say that stuff in front of your sister. Don't spoil her for Scottie. Say something different.

Alex: Look, Mom, I know that we fought a lot. I just I always wanted to be like you. I am like you. I'm exactly like you.

Matt: You are like her. Mostly in good ways. Maybe some bad ways. Remains to be seen.

Alex: Yes.



看电影学英语:后裔 The Descendants 精讲之四

1. fucking up my life: 把我的生活弄得一团糟。

2. relentless: 残酷的,无情的。

Pressure to cut costs is relentless.(削减成本的压力是残酷的。)

3. facial: 脸部按摩,做面膜。现在美容业日渐发达,许多人会去做massage(按摩)、spa(水疗)或aromatherapy(芳香美疗)。

4. out of line: 出格,过界,没有分寸。

It was so bracing, so shocking, so out of line that I thought it a joke.


5. ground: 关禁闭,禁足。

All aircraft at London Airport were grounded by fog yesterday.(昨天由于大雾伦敦机场所有飞机停飞。)

6. time-out: (对顽皮孩子的)隔离处分。Time-out也可以表示“暂停”。

Concerned that the boy might get hurt, the referee called a time-out.(考虑到男孩可能会受伤,裁判叫了暂停。)

7. spank: 打……的屁股。

If you don't stop disturbing, your buttocks would be spanked.(如果你还不停止捣乱的话,你的屁股就该挨打了。)



看电影学英语:后裔 The Descendants 精讲之四

1. 竞争是无情的。


2. 我知道我有时候过分了点儿。但是我爱你要比那个傻瓜多得多。


3. 如果对话过于激烈,请求暂停或休息。


4. 有时候我会发脾气打他屁股。







看电影学英语:后裔 The Descendants 精讲之四



让游客感兴趣的还有夏威夷“没有规范”的服饰。与欧美人士穿衣讲究场合相反,夏威夷人无论场合时间,一套以夏威夷布裁制的夏威夷衫通行各处。男人穿的叫阿罗哈衫(Aloha Shirts),女性的花衫有长短之分,白天穿的略短,叫“慕”,晚上穿的长衫叫“慕慕”,以衣服长短命名名字,是当地人发明的科学。游客到此,都不忘带回几件“慕”或“慕慕”。
