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本片段剧情:马特去寄宿学校找大女儿,却发现她深夜不归,在外酗 酒。小女儿也不让他省心。多年未曾带过孩子的马特在两个女儿面前显得手足无措。然而,更让他受打击的是,他从大女儿里那里得知妻 子出事前竟背着他和别的男人偷情…… ……

Scottie: I don't like eggs.

Matt: Why didn't you tell me before I made them?

Scottie: I thought they were for you.

Matt: Good morning. How you feeling? Hung over? Why am I not surprised? I thought you were supposed to be getting your act together.

Alex: I have gotten my act together. I was just drinking. I've been doing really well, actually. Nobody ever seems to notice that. Grades are better. I was in that stupid play you guys didn't bother to see. Do you even remember the name of it? That's what I thought. So what? What if I got drunk on the one night you happened to stop by? So fucking what?

看电影学英语:后裔 The Descendants 精讲之二

Matt: Hey, hey, watch your language around Scottie.

Alex: I don't care.

Matt: Anyway, listen, it's nice to see you. Welcome home. Here. You want some eggs?

Alex: I can't believe that. What? Oh, my God.

Matt: Hey, Alex?

Alex: What'd she say?

Matt: Can I talk to you for a minute?

Alex: Uh. The pool's really dirty. Wait, what?

Matt: Hey, I really need to talk to you.

Alex: She didn't say... she didn't say anything to me. Oh, my God, I can't believe she... Hey, uh, yeah, yeah, I gotta go. Okay, I'll see you later. What day does the pool guy come?

Matt: He comes... You know, I don't know when he comes.

Alex: Awesome. Sid's coming over.

Matt: Who's Sid?

Alex: A really good friend from Punahou. We were in school together for years.

Matt: Oh. Okay.

Alex: He wants to be here for me with all this shit happening.

Matt: Do I know his parents?

Alex: Nope. He might stay over too. Is that cool?

Scottie: Hey, Alex, over here.

Alex: What the fuck? Get out of my underwear, you freak.

Matt: No. Okay, no, no, no.

Scottie: Don't I look divine?

Matt: Back inside. Put on a swimsuit.

Scottie: Why?

Matt: Now.

Alex: Real good job you're doing.

Matt: That's part of why I brought you here. You have to help me. I don't know what to do with her.

Alex: Maybe if you spent more time with her, she wouldn't act like such a complete spaz. Get her out of town. Go camp on Kauai. That's what Mom used to do with me whenever I was losing it.

Matt: Hey, listen. No, listen. Listen to me. Your mother's not well.

Alex: Yeah, obviously.

Matt: No. They just told me she's not gonna wake up. We know for sure now. The doctors are gonna stop caring for her. Your mother wanted it this way. She has this...she has this will, see, that says that we have to do it this way. We both do. You understand what I'm saying? That's why I got you. Honey, we're letting her go.

Alex: Why did you have to tell me in the goddamn pool?

Matt: Alex. Alex.

Alex: What? What do you want?

Matt: I just found out yesterday. We have to go through this thing together, you and Scottie and me. And I have to go around and tell people what's happening. Family and a few close friends. Sometimes I'm gonna need you to come with me. Sometimes I need you to watch Scottie.

Alex: You want me to go around with you and tell people that Mom's gonna die? What's the point of that? Breaking the news, watching them cry, dealing with their emotions? How depressing is that gonna be? Just call them.

Matt: Alex, nobody wants to do any of this. But we have to tell your grandpa and Tutu and a few friends. They have the right to know, and they have the right to say goodbye.

Alex: I don't wanna talk about Mom with anyone.

Matt: Look, whatever you two fought about over Christmas, you have to drop it. Grow up. You love your mother, your mother loves you.

Alex: I can't drop it.

Matt: You have to.

Alex: You really don't have a clue, do you? Dad... Dad, mom was cheating on you. That is what we fought about. When I was home at Christmas, I caught her with a guy. It made me sick to see her near you. I went back to school thinking that that was it, that I was just done with her. I was gonna call and tell you everything and...and then the accident happened and... I was waiting until she woke up, I guess. You didn't even suspect, right? Right? It disgusted me too. You're always so busy.

Matt: "Caught her with a guy" what does that mean?

Alex: I was on my way to swim in the Black Point pool with Brandy and suddenly I see Mom and some douche bag walking into a house. His house, I guess.

Matt: Just some guy, it could be anybody.

Alex: No, he had his hand on her ass. It was gross.

Matt: Then what?

Alex: Then nothing. Then they went into the house. A few days later, I told her I knew what she was doing.

Matt: And?

Alex: And first, she acted like she had no idea what I was talking about. Like I'm fucking blind. And then she got, like, super mad and yelled and denied it. That was when I decided that I didn't want anything more to do with her.

Matt: Who is he?

Alex: I don't know, some guy.

Matt: What's he look like?

Alex: Dark hair.

Matt: Watch your sister.



看电影学英语:后裔 The Descendants 精讲之二

1. Hung over: 宿醉。名词形式为hangover。

2. get one’s act together: 振作起来。

Before you go enjoy your Friday evening, I suggest you all get your act together and think what can be done.(在你们去尽情享受周五之夜前,我建议你们最好振作起来,想想有什么办法解决。)

3. Punahou: 普纳荷。这是美国总统奥巴马的父母相识相恋的地方,普纳荷中学出了两位总统——中国的孙中山和美国的奥巴马。

4. stay over: 过夜,留宿。

I gotta get up really early, so you can't stay over. Cool? (我明天要早起,所以你不能在这里过夜。好吗?)

5. divine: <口>极好的。

The concert we attended last night was simply divine.(我们昨晚听的音乐会真是棒极了。)

6. spaz: <俚>(被人蔑视的)笨家伙,怪人。

7. lose it: 失去理智。

8. don't have a clue: 毫无头绪,什么也不知道。

Working hard at that point becomes irrelevant when you don’t have a clue to what you’re doing.(当你自己都毫无头绪不知道自己在干什么的时候,苦干已经无济于事了。)

9. done with somebody: 和某人断交。影片中艾利克斯指的是发现母亲的外遇后,她决定以后都不理母亲了。

10. douche bag: 混蛋。

11. gross: 令人恶心的。

It sounds so gross when you say it out loud.(把这件事说出口,听起来真恶心。)



看电影学英语:后裔 The Descendants 精讲之二

1. 因为他的合同已经被终止,塞弥尔不得不搬到一个帐篷里过夜。


2. 靴子令你看起来迷人极了,你知道吗?


3. 我不知道你在说什么。


4. 拿出你的行动来吧,法比奥!



1. Because his contract had been terminated, Samuel had to move to a tent to stay over.

2. Boots do make you look divine, you know that?

3. I don't have a clue what you're talking about.

4. Come on Fabio, get your act together!





看电影学英语:后裔 The Descendants 精讲之二

“夏威夷”一词源于波利尼西亚语。公元4世纪左右,一批波利尼西亚人乘独木舟破浪而至,在此定居,为这片岛屿起名“夏威夷”,意为“原始之家”。最早发现该群岛的欧洲人是西班牙的胡安•盖塔诺,而真正使夏威夷为世人所知的是英国航海家库克船长(Captain James Cook),他于1778年登上夏威夷群岛。

1795年,卡美哈美哈一世(Kamehameha)征服了夏威夷其他部落,建立夏威夷王国。1882年,卡拉卡瓦国王下令建造约拉尼宫(Iolani Palace)。卡拉卡瓦国王的妹妹、夏威夷最后一任国王也曾经居住在这座王宫里,现在王宫被辟为夏威夷博物馆。



