Parker: He was also saying that the Shoguns bred these Akitas for combat and hunting. So I guess in a way they're kinda dog royalty.
Wife: Did Ken give you any ideas where you could find this royal dog a home?
Parker: I put up ten flyers already. You know, someone's gonna claim Hachi.
Wife: Who's Hachi?
Parker: This. That's what was on his collar. That's the symbol.
Wife: You named him?
Parker: No, I didn't.
Wife: Parker, You want to keep him.
Parker: No, I do not.
Wife: You do.
Parker: I don't want to keep him.
Wife: Admit it. You do.
Parker: I wasn't even thinking about this.
Wife: Yes.
Parker: Hachi? Where'd you go?
Wife: Oh, no! Parker, that's months of hard work!
Parker: Oh, God! I'm sorry.
Wife: I want him to stay out there all night, Parker He's not coming back in do you hear me? End of discussion.
Parker: I hear you. I hear you. I heard you before. I hear you right now. Hachi. Come on, buddy. Come on. Yeah, you're coming inside. Let's go. Okay. See if I can find you here. Yeah, there you are. Your bloodline goes back at least 4,000 years...maybe much more. Yeah. What else we got here? Yeah. You like that? It says the first partnership...between man and animals was you. Did you know about that? Did you know that already? You did, didn't you? Yeah, you did. Shut this down. Let's see if we can settle you down now. Hey, this looks pretty good, huh? All right, stay there. Stay there now. Okay? All right. All right, stay. Stay there. Okay. I'll just stay for a little bit.
Wife: Excuse me.
Parker: I was just coming up.
Wife: Yeah. Yeah, sure.
Parker: Just one night. One night only, okay? Be a good boy. Stay there. All right, you'll be fine. I can't believe it. He loves the Yankees.
Wife: No, really? Really?
Parker: He does.
1. Shoguns: 幕府时代的将军,幕府的首领。8-12世纪日本的最高指挥官,日本的统治者。
2. Akita: 秋田市(日本本州岛西北岸城市);秋田犬
3. kinda: 有一点,有几分
I kinda hoped we'd be able to meet up some time this week.(我真希望这个星期的某个时候我们还能意外地见上一面。)
4. flyer: (广告)传单
5. claim: (根据权利)要求,认领,索取
The old man claimed the land.(老人要求得到这块土地。)
6. stay out: 呆在户外,不在家
The child stayed out all night.(那孩子彻夜未归。)
7. bloodline: 血统,种系
8. settle down: 安顿下来
Uncle George didn't settle down until he was nearly fifty.(乔治叔叔一直到快五十岁时才安顿下来。)
9. Yankees: 这里指洋基队。Yankee也可以指“美国人,美国佬”。
比如:He doesn't mind being called a Yankee.(他不介意人家叫他做美国佬。)
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1. 我已经贴出十张传单了,会有人来领小八的。
2. 你帮它取了名字?
3. 帕克,我辛苦好几个月做的。
4. 你的血统可以追溯到四千年前,可能更久。
Yankee一词具有丰富的含意。对于别国人来讲, Yankee是指美国人,俗称美国佬。在美国南部,Yankee是指美国北部各州的居民,即北方佬;而对多数美国北方人来说,Yankee意味着新英格兰人。然而在新英格兰人眼中, Yankee可能指从缅因州来的人。
据说,从前德国人把做干酪(cheese)的荷兰人称为Jan Kees,译成英文就是John Cheese。十七世纪初,荷兰一些“约翰‧干酪”移居美洲新英格兰(New England,指现在美国东北沿海六州),他们见早些时候移居当地的英国人在山坡瘠地上开辟牧场,认为是徒劳无功的蠢事,于是把Jan Kees这个含有嘲谑意味的绰号转赠给那些英国人。Jan Kees渐渐变做Yankees,也渐渐流行起来,嘲谑意味则淡了很多。美国南北战争期间,北方人都叫做Yankees;到了第一次世界大战时,Yankee更成为所有美国兵的绰号,往往略作Yank。现在,凡是美国人都可以叫做Yankee或Yank了。
另一些人则认为此词出自苏格兰词 yankie(指尖刻聪明的妇女)。
还有一些人推测yankee是印第安人读“English”一词或读“anglais”一词的发音。 anglais是法语中“英语”或“英国人”的意思。
Yankee Doodle 洋基歌