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本片段剧情:大学教授帕克在火车站遇到走失的小狗八公,它孤苦无依的身影惹起他的怜悯,多方寻找它的主人却无果,只能暂时寄养在家里。但帕克的妻子不同意家里再养狗。帕克只好把八公放在了院子的狗窝,并答应妻子把狗送走。 ……

Parker: Hey, buddy. Are you lost? Come here. You got lost here, bud? Someone must be looking for you. This guy was wandering around.

Carl: Really? Out on the platform?

Parker: On the platform, yeah.

Carl: Well, good for you for finding him.

Parker: Yeah. Well, I'll tell you what. This crate was out there. It was broken. I don't know what's going on, but anyhow, someone's gonna be here for him', so if you'll just hold him here.... You just hold him till they come.

Carl: No, I can't. I can't do that, professor.

Parker: Well, he was out there. No one's gonna leave this dog.

Carl: No, I know that. I know no one's gonna leave it. They'll be back for it. So you take him with you. And when anyone shows up I'll tell them that you have him.

Parker: Someone's gonna be here. They're gonna come for him.

Carl: No, you don't understand I'm gonna have to put this in here for like the whole night if nobody comes. If they're not here... I'll lock him in here and he'll be safe for the night but all I can do is take him to the pound in the morning.

Parker: Good thing it's Friday. We'll find out where you're headed and until then you can stay with me. All right. Sit right here. Sit right here. Okay, yeah. Okay. Okay. Stay, stay. Chew on those, it's okay. Stay.

Wife: Hello, handsome.

Parker: Hi.

Wife: Hi. How'd it go?

Parker: It was great.

Wife: Good. You miss me?

Parker: Not a bit. You?

Wife: No. Didn't think about you once. I have a little surprise.

Parker: Yeah, well...I have a little surprise for you, too.

Wife: Come on. We have some catching up to do.

Parker: Yeah. Catching up. I can't wait to catch up.

Wife: Did you hear something?

Parker: That was a branch against the window. I ran into this interesting situation at the station tonight.

Wife: Why don't you tell me about it in the morning? How does that sound?

Parker: It's okay, okay, okay, it's all right.

Wife: Parker! We had an agreement.

Parker: I know, I know

Wife: Or did you forget?

Parker: No, I didn't forget. No, it was-- He was at the train station just kind of lost. Carl was gonna send him to the pound tomorrow I thought....

Wife: You just thought you'd bring him home and talk me into keeping him? Right?

Parker: I don't wanna keep him, I don't. Tomorrow morning I'm getting up and I'll find out exactly where he belongs, okay? I promise you, I will do that. All right. This was Luke's stuff. Okay, here you go. In there.



看电影学英语:忠犬八公的故事 Hachi:A Dog's Tale 精讲之一

1. buddy: 伙计

2. wander around: 徘徊,游荡,转来转去

They had wandered around town for a hour.(他们在镇子里转来转去,足有一个小时。)

3. crate: 条板箱,柳条箱

4. show up: 出席,露面

Uncle George didn't show up for our wedding because he forgot.(我们的婚礼,乔治叔叔没有来,因为他忘了。)

show up也可以指揭露,暴露

I intend to show up this liar.(我打算揭发这个说谎者。)

5. pound: 动物收容所,走失动物认领栏

6. Not a bit: 一点也不

not care a bit就是指“毫不在意”

7. branch: 树枝。这里的意思是,有声音是因为树枝敲打窗户。

8. talk into: 说服,劝说某人做某事

talk out of则是指“说服(某人)放弃

talk into还可以指(通过谈话)取得,进入。例如:

He has talked himself into a position where he will have no option but to go.(他通过耍嘴皮子得到了一个职位,现在他只能硬着头皮去了。)



1. 这家伙在附近乱跑。


2. 你有没有听见什么?是树枝敲打窗户。


3. 你以为可以带回家,说服我养它,对吧?


4. 我并不打算养它,我明天会查明它主人是谁。



1. This guy was wandering around.

2. Did you hear something? That was a branch against the window.

3. You just thought you'd bring him home and talk me into keeping him? Right?

4. I don't wanna keep him, I don't. Tomorrow morning I'm getting up and I'll find out exactly where he belongs, okay?






八公每天准时陪伴帕克上班,傍晚五点准时出现在火车站门口迎接帕克下班,这可是他们的约会时光!在小镇车站的站长,卖热狗的小贩,附近商店的老板娘的眼中这都是已经习以为常的画面,周围的人都很喜欢 Hachi,肉铺的老板娘会喂食给Hachi,并嘱咐它不要告诉自己的老公,而有趣的是他老公也会瞒着老婆偷偷给Hachi喂食,看到帕克从车站出来叫出那一声熟悉的“Hachi”,八公兴奋地扑上前去撒娇的样子,已经成了车站每天上演的画面。然而,有一天当帕克和往常一样去上班的时候,八公突然反常对着他叫,可能动物对未来有一定的预感,八公知道他的主人将会发生不测,所以尽量的拖延时间希望它的主人可以留下,以前从来不屑于玩捡球的八公一反常态的叼起了球。然而,帕克教授却没能理解那位日本朋友说过的,秋田犬如果捡球的话肯定是因为有特殊的原因,八公最终无力挽回一切,只能眼睁睁的看着主人离去……


