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本片段剧情:球探总监格雷迪很不认可比利的改革思路,二人为此起了争执,最后比利不得不解雇格雷迪。比利还让从未打过一垒的哈特伯格做一垒手,这让高层们难以理解…… ……


Grady: Billy? Can we talk?

Billy: Yeah. Yeah. You're unhappy, Grady. Why?

Grady: Wow. May I speak candidly?

Billy: Sure, go ahead.

Grady: Major League Baseball and its fans, they're gonna be more than happy to throw you and Google Boy under the bus if you keep doing what you're doing here. You don't put a team together with a computer.

Billy: No?

Grady: No. Baseball isn't just numbers. It's not science. If it was, anybody could do what we're doing, but they can't. Because they don't know what we know. They don't have our experience and they don’t have our intuition.

Billy: Okay.

Grady: You got a kid in there that's got a degree in economics from Yale. You got a scout here with 29 years of baseball experience. You're listening to the wrong one. Now, there are intangibles that only baseball people understand. You're discounting what scouts have done for 150 years? Even yourself?

Billy: Adapt or die.

Grady: This is about you and your shit, isn't it? Twenty years ago, some scout got it wrong.

Billy: Whoa. Okay. Okay.

Grady: Now you declare war on the system.

Billy: Okay, okay, my turn. You don't have a crystal ball. You can't look at a kid and predict his future any more than I can. I've sat at those kitchen tables with you and listened to you tell parents, "When I know, I know. And when it comes to your son, I know." And you don't. You don't.

Grady: Okay. I don't give a shit about friendship, this situation, or the past. Major League Baseball thinks the way I think. You're not gonna win. And I'll give you a nickel's worth of free advice. You're never gonna get another job after this catastrophic season you're about to set us all up for. You'll have to explain to your kid why you're working at Dick's Sporting Goods.

Billy: I'm not gonna fire you, Grady.

Grady: Fuck you, Billy.

Billy: Now I will.

Grady: Good luck, Art.

Billy: Kubota. You never played ball, right?

Kubota: I played a little T-ball.

Billy: You're the new head scout. Congratulations. So Boston's gonna wait and see?

Peter: Yeah. Yeah.

Billy: It's just you and me, Pete. And we're all in.


Commentator A: I mean, it sounds like you're apologizing for what they're doing.

Commentator B: I'm not. I just don't know what you're gonna do with the budget that the A's have. Who are you gonna get?

Commentator A: I'm looking at the spring-training roster. You gotta be kidding me.

Commentator B: How so?

Commentator A: He looked like a clown out there.

Commentator B: Who?

Commentator A: Chad Bradford.

Billy: Tell me about Bradford.

Commentator C: I like him a little bit, but he's a specialist. He's not a guy that you say, "The eighth inning is yours, lefties vs. righties." In my opinion.

Commentator B: I don't know what Billy Beane and management understands about him. He only throws the ball about 82, 83 miles an hour. There must be something--

Commentator A: He is a freak, and not in a good way. Let me ask you this.

Commentator C: Talking about trying to win a division. We're counting on David to be the guy he was. I have my doubts. He's gotten old. That's why he's not in New York anymore, not in Cleveland anymore.

Commentator B: We paid him the money we should've been giving to Johnny Damon.

Commentator A: Hey. Jeremy Giambi. That's the one to worry about. You know, he gets comps up and down Vegas more than in Oakland. That should tell you something right there. Isn't that the deal with these guys? He has one good year. And he gets a huge offer and then he gets traded.

Art: Bob.

Bob: Harder.

Man: Billy, we have to talk about Hatteberg.

Billy: Go.

Man: There's just no feel for the spot. I think it's a long shot that he can be a big-league first baseman.

Billy: It's day one of the first week. You can't judge this yet.

Art: No, I think we can judge it. I mean, I like him, you know, but I can judge him. First base is the moon to him.

Billy: It wasn't to Giambi. Giambi's the worst first baseman in baseball.

Art: Gonna compare him to Giambi?

Wash: What are we talking about?

Billy: All right. What do you think, Wash?

Wash: The nice way to say it is he lacks confidence.

Billy: Well, give him some.

Wash: I'll do that, but we got Pena, who can play first. And he's looking mighty good out there.

Billy: We wanna go with Hattie. We got six weeks.



看电影学英语:点球成金 Moneyball 精讲之五

1. intangible: 无形的东西。

2. discount: 漠视;低估,贬损。请看例句:In his plans he discounted the expense.(他在计划中没有考虑费用。)

3. catastrophic: 惨败的。

4. T-ball: 软式垒球。

5. inning: <棒球> 局。

6. long shot: 远镜,远拍;没有希望的候选人。

7. mighty: 很,非常。请看例句:He thought himself mighty clever.(他自以为聪明得不得了。)



看电影学英语:点球成金 Moneyball 精讲之五

1. 他说的好些话,你必须打个折扣听。


2. 巨大的冰山出现在眼前。


3. 一年中这个时候发生火灾将是具有灾难性的。


4. 了解那些使你变得特别的无形的东西。






看电影学英语:点球成金 Moneyball 精讲之五


年轻人走进宫门,挨个走过每个房间,在最后的一间才找到了公主。可当他看着公主时,他是何等的吃惊啊!只见她那死灰色的脸儿布满了皱纹,双眼黯淡无光,头发变成了红色。“你就是那位人人都夸她的世上最美丽的公主吗?” 年轻人叫了出来。“这可不是我的本来面目,人眼只能看到我这种丑陋模样,你想见到我的真样子,可以看看这面镜子,它会显露我的真面孔给你看的。”她把镜子递到年轻人手里。他在镜子里看到了世界上最美丽的少女的形象,还看到她是如何伤心地泪流满面的。于是他对公主说:“我怎么才能救你呢?我什么都不怕。”公主说:“谁能得到水晶球,把它拿到巫师的面前,就可以破他的魔法,我也可以恢复原形了。”公主又补充说,“已经有那么多人为此而丧身,你年纪轻轻的,要是有什么三长两短,叫我于心何忍?”“谁也阻止不了我,”他说,“告诉我该怎么做。” 公主说:“你得知道,宫殿坐落在山上,从这儿下去有一口泉水,旁边会有一头公牛在等你,你得和它搏斗,如果你运气好把它杀掉,一只火鸡就会从它体内飞出来,它肚内有一颗蛋,烧得红红的,蛋黄中就藏着那水晶球。但鸟不会放下蛋来,除非迫不得已,如果蛋落到地上,立刻就会燃起熊熊大火,烧毁周围的一切,蛋也会自己溶化,里面的水晶球也不例外,这样一切都白费了。”
