Billy: Oh, thank you.
Wash: Thank you, ma'am.
Billy: Very kind. How's the elbow, Scott?
Scott: You know, it's good. It's really good. It's great. Uh... I can't throw the ball at all.
Billy: Yeah. You've thrown your last ball from behind home plate. That's what I'd say.
Scott: Well...
Billy: Good news is, we want you at first. We want you to play first base for the Oakland A's.
Scott: Okay, well, I've only ever played catcher.
Billy: Scott, you're not a catcher anymore. If you were, our call wouldn't have been the only one you got.
Scott: Yeah. Hey, listen, no, I appreciate it.
Billy: You're welcome.
Scott: But the thing is, is...
Billy: You don't know how to play first base. Scott.
Scott: That's right.
Billy: It's not that hard, Scott. Tell him, Wash.
Wash: It's incredibly hard.
Billy: Hey, anything worth doing is. And we're gonna teach you.
Scott: Wait a minute here. I mean, but what about--?
Billy: Jason's gone, Scott.
Scott: You want me to take Giambi's spot at first base?
Billy: Yeah.
Scott: What about the fans?
Wash: Yeah. Maybe I can teach one of them.
Billy: The fans don't-- Good one. Fans don't run my ball club.
Scott: Honey, what are you doing awake? Sweetheart, can you...? That's my daughter. You got kids?
Billy: Uh, yeah, a daughter. Scott, this is a contract to play ball for the Oakland A's. A copy's been sent over to your agent. Discuss with your wife, let us know. Thank you. Bye-bye.
Scott’s wife: Bye.
Billy: Oh, and, Scott.
Scott: Yeah?
Billy: Don't tell anyone about the first-base thing.
Scott: Yes, sir.
Wash: Okay. Happy holidays.
Scott: All right.
Billy: Any of these?
Casey: Um... I don't know.
Billy: Do you--?
Casey: This one's cool.
Billy: Is that good or bad? Butterflies.
Casey: They're okay. Look, that one's pretty. I like the red.
Billy: Should we try? No?
Casey: Oh, I like this one.
Billy: Yeah?
Casey: Dad, look at this one. Look how it's red.
Billy: It's beautiful.
Casey: This one's pretty.
Billy: Let's try it out.
Casey: Just right here?
Billy: Why don't we go over there? Can we go over there? Oh, honey, you need to sing. That's so good. That's beautiful.
Casey: Sometimes I sing. It's fun to sing with your song, but I don't want people to listen to me.
Billy: Well, honey, I think people would love to listen to you. That's beautiful. Would you sing a little for your dad? Right here in the middle of the store?
Casey: Little bit.
Billy: Little bit.
Casey: You ready?
Billy: I'm ready.
Casey: Okay.
♪ I'm just a little bit
Caught in the middle ♪
♪ Life is a maze
And love is a riddle ♪
♪ I don't know where to go
Can't do it alone, I've tried ♪
♪ And I don't know why ♪
♪ I'm just a little girl
Lost in the moment ♪
♪ I'm so scared
But I don't show it ♪
♪ I can't figure it out
It's bringing me down ♪
♪ I know I've got to let it go ♪
♪ And just enjoy the show ♪♪
(Year 1984)
Commentators: Billy Beane was taken in the first round of the amateur draft. I think this is a steal, to get Billy Beane. He's young, he's talented. A true five-tool player with speed. This guy is a can't-miss prospect. This is a great sign for the New York Mets. And it could be the turnaround that they've been looking for.
Referee: Ball one.
Commentators: I'll take Billy Beane over Strawberry. Billy Beane, an interesting pick, turned down a scholarship. He could've gone to Stanford. Sometimes you don't find out till you get to the big leagues...
Referee: Strike!
Commentators: This guy has never failed at anything. He's coming out of high school. Billy was gonna go to college. He could've been a great quarterback.
Referee: Strike three.
(Year 1985)
Commentators: There's not an organization in baseball who would not have taken a chance on this young guy. He didn't pan out. That happens every year. Some do, some don't.
Billy’s mother: I mean, if you're having any doubt at all about this...Having the scholarship...
Scout: Your son was born with a God-given ability.
(Year 1986) (Year 1987) (Year 1988) (Year 1989)
Commentators: Few scouts can go into the mind of a young man and determine whether he's really confident about what he can do. So you can sign him based on his ability, but then he's gotta be successful to be confident. And once he becomes confident, that's when you've got something. You make a decision on what you see. And if things don't pan out, you move on. That's baseball. Many are called, few are chosen.
1. home plate: 本垒。
2. incredibly: 非常,很。看一下例句:I felt incredibly embarrassed.(我感到非常尴尬。)
3. maze: 迷宫。
4. amateur draft: 业余运动员选拔赛。
5. steal: 以极低廉价格买来的东西。请看例句:At $50 this TV set was a steal!(这台电视机只卖五十美元,真是便宜!)
6. turnaround: 转机。
7. turn down: 拒绝。例如:His proposal was turned down.(他的提议被拒绝了。)
8. pan out: 成功。请看例句:Uncle George's plans never pan out.(乔治叔叔的计划从来没有成功过。)
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1. 他困惑不堪,语无伦次。
2. 她哥哥应征入伍。
3. 没人知道事情结果将会怎样。
4. 这本书只卖10块钱,真是便宜。
吉他的祖先,可以追溯到公元前两三千年前古埃及的耐法尔,古巴比伦和古波斯的各种古弹拨乐器。考古学家找到的最古老的类似现代吉他的乐器,是公元前 1400年前生活在小亚细亚和叙利亚北部的古赫梯人城门遗址上的“赫梯吉他”。8字型内弯的琴体决定了吉他属乐器特有的声音共鸣和乐器特点,这也成为吉他与其它弹拨乐器的最显著特点。
文艺复兴时期是吉他的鼎盛时期。十六世纪四对复弦的吉他和它的近亲——用手指弹奏的比维拉琴,在演奏与创作方面都达到了很高的水准。吉他和比维拉琴不仅深受民众喜爱,而且还常常成为宫廷乐器。当时的吉他、比维拉大师有米兰、纳乐瓦埃斯、穆达拉,以及十七世纪时五组复弦的巴洛克吉他时代大师桑斯、科尔贝塔、维赛等。他们的许多作品现在仍是现代古典吉他曲目中的不朽财富。当时吉他、比维拉琴等乐器所使用的记谱方法还不是现在的五线谱,而是用横线来代表各弦,用数字或字母表示音位和指法,与现在民谣吉他中使用的六线谱类似的图示记谱法。 当时著名的鲁特琴大道兰和魏斯等人的作品经后人改编,在今天的古典吉他曲目中占有重要的位置。伟大的巴洛克音乐集大成者巴赫所创作的不朽作品如大提琴、小提琴组曲、奏鸣曲的吉他改编曲,在古典吉他曲具有不朽的价值。十八世纪后期鲁特琴和比维拉琴逐渐退出了历史舞台,五对复弦和其后出现的六对复弦吉他也渐渐完成了它们的历史使命。1800年前后,全新的六根单弦的吉他以其清晰的和声及调弦方便等优点很快得到了几乎全欧洲的青睐,古典吉他的黄金时代终于到来了。
十九世纪初,活跃在当时吉他音乐中心巴黎、维也纳还有伦敦的最著名的 吉他大师有索尔,阿瓜多,朱利亚尼,卡罗利,和卡尔卡西。其中索尔和朱利亚尼除了是吉他大师外还是出色的音乐家,他们以杰出的才华为六弦古典吉他创作了包括协奏曲在内的第一批大型曲目,为六弦吉他日后的发展奠定了基础。尤其索尔在创作上承袭海顿、莫扎特的古典音乐传统,除写作歌剧、舞剧音乐外,还为吉他创作了包括系统的练习曲、教程在内的大量优秀作品,被音乐评论家称为“吉他音乐的贝多芬”。