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本片段剧情:艾玛去找乔伊,对威尔这 样喜欢自己表示不解,同时让乔伊把自己的歉意转达给威尔。金博把威尔给艾玛的信转交给她,威尔的真情最 终打动了艾玛,她决定去找他。 ……

Frederick Aiken: Sir.

Reverdy Johnson: Well, nice of you to show, Mr. Aiken.

Frederick Aiken: I'm sorry for being late, Senator.

Reverdy Johnson: You aware the trial of the conspirators begins today?

Frederick Aiken: Yes, sir. There's not a seat to be had.

Reverdy Johnson: Well, now you have one.

Frederick Aiken: How's that, sir?

Reverdy Johnson: I've taken one of the cases, and I want you to be my second chair.

Frederick Aiken: I thought the government was planning a military tribunal.

Reverdy Johnson: Oh, indeed. Stanton has chosen nine of his most loyal officers to be judges, all for Union. In fact, he's picked one of Lincoln's pallbearers to head the Commission. Uh, let's go.

Frederick Aiken: Uh, I'm sorry, sir. I might be being a little slow, but won't the War Department be handling the prosecution?

Reverdy Johnson: Stanton's most trusted judge advocate general, Joseph Holt, will be in charge.

Frederick Aiken: Then what are we to do?

Reverdy Johnson: Defend one of the eight.

Frederick Aiken: Defend one of the assassins?

Reverdy Johnson: Alleged assassins, counselor. I had a letter from the lady this morning. She runs a boarding house, a Mrs. Mary...

Frederick Aiken: Surratt?

Reverdy Johnson: Yes, that's it.

Frederick Aiken: Sir, her son John was Booth's right hand.

Reverdy Johnson: Well, if they suspect her son, they should try him.

Frederick Aiken: [laughs] They would if they could find him, but they've got 250 agents out looking for him. She built the nest that hatched this plot. President Johnson said it himself.

Reverdy Johnson: Well, I know this goes hard with you, Freddie, but... but what they're plannin', which is a military trial of civilians, is an atrocity.

Frederick Aiken: No, no. What she did is an atrocity.

Reverdy Johnson: There's no presumption of innocence, no burden of proof, no jury of your peers and no appeal.

Frederick Aiken: All right, you were one of Lincoln's pallbearers, too. How can you represent her?

Reverdy Johnson: She's entitled to a defense, Freddie, so I shall defend her.


看电影学英语:惊杀大阴谋 The Conspirator 精讲之一

General Hunter: Mary E. Surratt, in aid of the existing armed rebellion against the United States, you are charged with having received, entertained, harbored, concealed, aided and assisted John Wilkes Booth, John A. Surratt and their confederates... David E. Herold... Lewis Payne... George A. Atzerodt... Michael O'Laughlen... Edmund Spangler... Samuel A. Mudd... and Samuel Arnold... in traitorous and murderous conspiracy to kill then-President Abraham Lincoln, Vice President Andrew Johnson and Secretary of State William Seward. Pursuant to special orders number 211 and 216, how do you plead? What say you, madam? Guilty or not?

Mary Surratt: I am innocent.

General Hunter: In that case, as each of the defendants has entered a not-guilty plea, we will begin. Judge Advocate Holt, please proceed.

Reverdy Johnson: Just a moment, Your Honor.

General Hunter: What is it, Senator?

Reverdy Johnson: I... I wish to request an adjournment.

General Hunter: An adjournment? We just got here.

Reverdy Johnson: My client has been in custody for a month, wasn't allowed to contact counsel until yesterday.

Joseph Holt: General Hunter, a delay will only serve to prolong the nation's sorrow.

Reverdy Johnson: My learned colleague, you've had over four weeks to prepare your case, no doubt assisted by the entire War Department. I believe the defendant is entitled to equal consideration.

General Hunter: Senator Johnson, our fellow citizens must be permitted to put this tragedy to rest. The sooner we dispose of this matter, the better... for everyone.

Reverdy Johnson: Everyone but my client.

General Hunter: Judge Advocate Holt, please proceed.

Reverdy Johnson: In that case, I move for termination.

General Hunter: Termination?

Reverdy Johnson: On the grounds this trial is unconstitutional. The defendant is a civilian entitled to a public trial before a jury of her peers.

Joseph Holt: The attorney general has affirmed the legitimacy of this proceeding.

Reverdy Johnson: Has he furnished a verdict as well?

General Hunter: Senator. You will mind the horror which summons us.

Reverdy Johnson: Indeed. We all mourn the loss of our leader, but in our grief, let us not betray our better judgment and partake in an inquisition.

Military commission member: Inquisition? How dare you? Sounds to me like we have the enemy among us. Maryland not being among our most loyal of states during the war, its senator ought to certify his allegiance to this court.

Reverdy Johnson: I have served this nation as its attorney general. That is certification enough.

General Hunter: Nevertheless, we may require counsel to sign this oath of loyalty as prescribed by Congress.

Reverdy Johnson: I am a member of Congress, the same body that creates armies, authorizes military tribunals and makes major generals like you.

General Hunter: Our authorization comes from the War secretary, Edwin Stanton, and by order of the president.

Reverdy Johnson: If our founding fathers had desired tyranny to prevail, the president and his War secretary would have been granted such indiscriminate powers, but they drafted a Constitution with laws against such powers. They did so precisely for times like this.

General Hunter: Order! Order! Order!



看电影学英语:惊杀大阴谋 The Conspirator 精讲之一

1. conspirator: 同谋者。

2. second chair: 次席律师;助理律师。指帮助首席律师(lead counsel)询问证人、向法庭辩论某些法律点,以及处理对候选陪审员的预先审查(voir dire)、作开庭陈述、法庭辩论总结等的律师。

3. military tribunal: 军事法庭。

4. pallbearer: 护柩者,抬棺者。

5. judge advocate general: 军法署署长。

6. boarding house: 寄宿公寓。

7. try: 审理,审判。请看例子:Their case will be tried next month.(他们的案子将在下个月开审。)

8. hatch: 策划。看一下例句:They hatched a plan to murder the king.(他们密谋杀害国王。)

9. I know this goes hard with you: 我知道这对你来说很难。

10. atrocity: 残暴的行为。例如:The aggressors committed appalling atrocities.(侵略者犯下了骇人听闻的暴行。)该词还可以表示“庸俗不堪(或使人极不愉快)的事物”。看一下例子:The new library building is an atrocity.(那幢新建的图书馆大楼难看极了。)

11. presumption: 假定,设想。

12. pursuant to: 根据,依照。

13. plead: 辩护,抗辩。

14. not-guilty plea: 无罪抗辩。

15. adjournment: 休庭。

16. prolong: 延长。看一下例子:People have all along been seeking to prolong life.(人们一直在寻求长寿之道。)

17. entitled to: 有权享有。

18. dispose of: 解决,处理。

19. unconstitutional: 违反宪法的。

20. proceeding: 诉讼;诉讼程序。

21. verdict: (陪审团的)裁决。

22. inquisition: 恣意镇压;严密审讯。

23. certify: 担保,保证;证明。

24. allegiance: 忠诚,忠贞。

25. prescribe: 规定,指定。例如:Do not prescribe to me what I'm going to do.(不要规定我做什么事。)

26. authorize: 授权给。



1. 他们策划推翻政府。


2. 未被邀请而去参加宴会是冒昧的。


3. 他没有理由抱怨。


4. 所有孩子都参加了游戏。









导演罗伯特•雷德福找来了好莱坞表演经验丰富的罗宾•怀特饰演玛丽•苏拉特一角,这个名字咋一听可能感到陌生,但是一提《阿甘正传》(1994)中那个让阿甘倾心一生的简,或许大家立刻就能唤起对她表演的回忆。而她与西恩•潘戏剧性的多次欲离婚又不离的婚姻也是好莱坞八卦传统节目,不过在2010年正式结束这段折腾的婚姻后,怀特倒是可以尽情在《女同谋》中演绎一个万人唾弃声中的疑犯的复杂情感。而律师一角则由詹姆斯•麦卡沃伊诠释,想想在 2007、2008年间,凭借《赎罪》(2007)、《通缉令》(2008),他备受关注,风头甚劲,这位英伦文艺青年一度被认为是前途无量的当红小生。但是之后,他接片势头明显放慢,人气大减。不过,从《最后一站》(2009)这样的电影中,你依然可以感受他的文艺气质和演技,这一次在《女同谋》中的角色,也是他积蓄力量,再次凭借气质和演技征服好莱坞的绝佳机会。



