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本片段剧情:艾玛与威尔是一对失联已久的青梅竹马。在威尔心中,艾玛一直占据最重要的位置,为了再见到她,威尔四处为家。艾玛的父亲病了,她回到家乡探病。威尔来到了乔伊的店里,乔伊夫妇鼓励他向暗恋了多年的艾玛告白。 ……


Joe: I'm gonna be frank with you. This is such an easy to operate oven that I let my son operate it.

Joe's wife: Joe, this is fantastic! 

Joe: This is a three-year-old...

Joe's wife: I'm so proud of you. I mean, it's been long enough.

Joe: Hold on to this for a second. My wife needs me right now. I keep my family in the store. I'll be right back. I'll be right with you.

Joe's wife:I'm really proud of you.

Joe: What is it?

Joe's wife: He said he's gonna knock on Emma's door and tell her everything.

Joe: That a boy. When?

Willie: Soon.

Joe: How soon? 

Willie: Soon.

Joe: Soon. Okay. But how soon, Will?

Willie: Today or tomorrow.

Joe: Listen, Will.

Willie: Let's listen to Daddy.

Joe: I want you to look at me in the eyes, and I want you to give me your word of honor... that today, or tomorrow, you're gonna go to Emma's house and you're gonna knock on her door... and you are finally gonna get this asinine bull honky over with. Okay?

Willie: Gabe... I'm gonna tell Emma everything. Okay? I'm gonna tell her that I love her. Yeah? That I've always loved her. That in my dreams... I breathe her in... I inhale her, and I feel her right here. Here. Here. In the blood in my heart. Here. Blood. Heart.

Joe: Okay. Hold on. Just wait a second, Will.

Wilie: What?

Joe: In the blood in your heart? That's insane.

Joe's wife: In his blood. It's very nice. You know, what's wrong with you? Let him go on.

Customer: I'm sorry, sir, but I am just not used to being ignored. Now...

Joe: I'm really sorry. Uh, actually, let me ask you a question. I see you've got your lovely husband here, and he's being very patient. What would you say if he came to you one day, and...he told you that in his dreams he sucks you into his lungs, and at that point you go into his bloodstream? And you're actually... physically you are inside of his blood, inside of his heart... the chambers and valves and such. How would that make you feel?

Customer: Oh!

Joe: Well, now.





1. be frank with: 跟你老实说,坦白跟你讲

例如:I'll be frank with you. (坦白跟你说吧。)

To be very frank, I think you have very little chance of getting the job.(坦白地说,我认为你获得这项工作的机会微乎其微。)

2. for a second: 一会儿,片刻

3. That a boy: 对了,就这样

4. word of honor: 诺言,on one's word of honor就是指以某人的名誉担保

5. inhale: 吸入,吸气,深吸一口气就可以用inhale deeply来表示。

例如:City dwellers inhale foul air.(城市居民吸进污浊的空气。)

6. in the blood: 这里是指心脏中的血液,in the blood还可以用来表示“生来就有的”,例如:Acting runs in their blood. (演戏是他们家族遗传的天分。)

7. insane: 极愚蠢的,荒唐的

例如:It's completely insane to fly in this weather.(只有十足的疯子才会在这种天气飞行。)



1. 跟你说实话吧,这个灶具的操作太简单了,连我儿子都会。
2. 这才是好样的。
3. 我希望你看着我的眼睛,而且我希望你对我发誓。
4. 抱歉,先生,但我不习惯被晾在一边。






在与爱情有关的模式里,谁才是决定什么是正常的标准的人呢?在一个如此地独一无二的爱情故事的衬托下,我们选择从不同的视角去重新观察这个世界,包 括随着生活的节奏与环境的不断改变,究竟会对人与人之间的联系产生什么样微妙的影响?作为一对从小一起长大、青梅竹马的好朋友,艾玛·特威斯特(蕾切尔· 比尔森饰)和威尔·唐纳(汤姆·斯图里奇饰)从很久以前就已经失去了对方的消息了,甚至久到艾玛都快想不起来还有这么一个人的存在了——但是对于威尔来 说,艾玛却一直是他生命中最最重要的人。


Waiting for forever《等到永远》精讲之一   

相信他们之间有着一条永久性的联结的纽带,威尔紧随在了艾玛的身后,她去哪儿,他就去哪儿,同时又不肯让对方知道自己的存在……威尔没有家、没有 车,甚至就连一份真正意义上的工作都没有,他靠着类似于变戏法的街头表演来养活自己,而这还是因为这么多年来,他一直想要在艾玛面前炫耀一番,才慢慢地积 累下了这些表演的技巧。由于艾玛的父亲理查德(理查·詹金斯饰)生病了,她决定回到他们的家乡小镇,尝试着想要摆脱她那过于复杂的爱情生活以及不成功的电 视表演事业,而这恰好也成了她和威尔的一个机会,教会了他们应该如何去正确地面对爱情、死亡以及属于他们自己的先入为主的偏见,继而对什么才是生命中真正 重要的企盼发出了质疑。