Marley: Oh, my goodness. Can I have a big hug?
Julian: Hey.
Marley: Did she tell you? God, my mother is a walking mouth. A walking mouth.
Julian: Hello, Cammie. You look very pretty today.
Marley: What do you tell him?
Cammie: And I'm smart.
Marley: Good girl. Good girl. Oh grody, he's peeing!
Julian: So what was this morning about?
Marley: I don't know. I couldn't sleep.
Julian: I know. But why?
Marley: Well, a reminder: I'm dying. Yeah okay, and I haven't helped you, Um, get in touch with all the-- the anger and...
Marley: You know what? Just stop. I'm so not in the mood for a lecture right now.
Julian: Hey! It's obvious that you're scared. It's normal. It's fine.
Marley: Is it normal for doctors to screw their patients? We had a good time. Let's just leave it at that.
Julian: Wow! Whoa, already past tense.
Marley: Well, reality check: It's going to be past tense soon enough.
Julian: Hey, Marley, .. - Mmm. I love you.
Marley: Oh, great. Fantastic. You love me. What kind of guy falls in love with a dying girl?
Julian: Don't diminish what's going on between us, Okay? I know what I'm feeling.
Marley: I do too. I feel smothered and I need you to back off!
Julian: No, no...Are you okay?
Marley: Leave me alone!
Julian: Come on, let me help you.
Marley: I said: Leave me the hell alone! I'm sorry, sweetie.
Cammie: I wanna go home.
Marley: I know. I'm gonna take you home right now. I'm sorry. Let me see. Let me see that beautiful face. Let me see...
Renee: Hey, you're back early.
Cammie: Hi, Mommy.
Renee: Hi, pumpkin. Did you all have fun?
Marley: You're having a party.
Renee: No. Some of the other moms dropped by, Sort of an impromptu thing.
Marley: It's not contagious, you know.
Renee: Of course not. Um-- why don't you go back and play for a little bit.
Marley: Bye, sweetie, I love you.
Cammie: Bye.
Renee: I've just been really busy, you know. With the baby coming and...
Marley: Oh, really? You obviously have time for those women in there.
Renee: That's different. They're...
Marley: What? They're fat, boring and not dying? Want me to make this more palatable for you?
Renee: That's not what I want.
Marley: Are you just angry because you're going to have to find a new babysitter?
Renee: Yeah. Come on. That's exactly what I'm angry about.
1. walking mouth: 大喇叭,指的是玛蕾的妈妈很快就告诉了朱利安。
2. grody: (美国俚语)恶劣的、令人讨厌的、令人毛骨悚然的
3. in the mood for: 有情绪去做……,有心境做
4. back off: 让开,也可以指后退、放弃
例如:John was ready for a fight but he backed off at the last minute.(约翰要准备打一仗的,但到最后的时候却退缩了。)
5. Leave me alone: 不要打扰我,让我一个人呆会儿。
6. drop by: 顺便来访
例如:Drop by any time you are in town.(来城里的话就到我这儿来玩。)
7. impromptu: 事先无准备的,即席的
例如:The President gave an impromptu press conference.(总统临时举行记者招待会。)
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1. 天呐,我妈是个大喇叭啊。
2. 我没心情听教导。
3. 不要抹杀我们之间的感情,好吗?
4. 我觉得有点透不过气来,我希望你放手!
baby shower-迎婴聚会
In some countries, a baby shower is a way to celebrate the pending or recent birth of a child by presenting gifts to the parents at a party. The term "shower" is often assumed to mean that the expectant mother is "showered" with gifts.
Traditionally, baby showers were given only for the family's first child, and both men and women attended. The original intent was for women to share wisdom and lessons on the art of becoming a mother. Over time, it has become common to hold them for subsequent or adopted children. It is not uncommon for a parent to have more than one baby shower, such as one with friends and another with co-workers.
According to etiquette authority Miss Manners, because the party centers on gift-giving, the baby shower is typically arranged and hosted by a close friend rather than a member of the family, since it is considered rude for families to beg for gifts on behalf of their members. However, this custom varies by culture or region and in some it is expected and customary for a close female family member to host the baby shower, often the grandmother.
There is no set rule for when or where showers are to be held. The number of guests and style of entertainment are determined by the host. Most hosts invite only women to baby showers, although there is no firm rule requiring this. If the shower is held after the baby's birth, then the baby is usually brought, too. Showers typically include food but not a full meal.
Guests bring small or large gifts for the expectant mother. Typical gifts related to babies include diapers, baby bottles, clothes, and toys. It is common to open the gifts during the party.
Some hosts arrange baby-themed activities, such as games to taste baby foods or to guess the baby's birth date or gender.