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Hal: Whoa.

Tomar-Re: Have you concluded admiring yourself?

Hal: Uh...Yeah.

Tomar-Re: Well, your ring translator is functioning properly. Your mask will appear when protection of your identity is required. There is no need for it on Oa.

Hal: A talking fish.

Tomar-Re: Actually, my race is Xudarian. Our DNA does somewhat resemble your own ichthyological species. I am Tomar-Re, protector of Sector 2813 and home to—

Hal: 80,012 galaxies, 2.34 million sentient species. How do I know that?

Tomar-Re: The induction process. It activates the ring’s higher functions, including a working knowledge base. In truth, we were curious. The process had never been attempted on a species as young as humans before. As you are the first to be chosen, I’ve been sent to welcome you here.

Hal: And here is?

Tomar-Re: Welcome to Oa. This planet has been our home for countless millennia. It was created for us by the Guardians.

Hal: Guardians?

Tomar-Re: There stands their Citadel. They are immortals, among the most ancient of races. They made all you see and are responsible for all we are and do. Since time immemorial, the Green Lantern Corps has served as the keepers of peace, order and justice throughout the universe. To be chosen to join its ranks is the highest of honors...and the greatest of responsibilities.

Hal: Yeah. Yeah, that part I heard about.

Tomar-Re: We’re going to fly now.

Hal: Fly?

Tomar-Re: Absolutely.

Hal: All right. I can do that.

Tomar-Re: Join me.

Hal: I can do that. Yeah! Whoa! What is that?

Tomar-Re: It’s the energy that’s generated from the Central Battery. Its power comes from the will of every living creature in the universe. It, in turn, charges your lantern, which, in turn, charges your ring. Even your suit is comprised entirely of energy.

Hal: What’s with all the green?

Tomar-Re: Green is the color of will. The Guardians harnessed will because it’s the strongest source of energy in the universe.

Hal: There’s so many.

Tomar-Re: The stars you can see from your home planet on the clearest night...your sector is a thousand times larger. And 3600 Lanterns, each with a sector just as vast.

Thaal Sinestro: Lanterns, I’ve called you here to this unprecedented gathering because we face an unprecedented danger. Our four Lantern brothers were killed by an enemy called Parallax. An enemy we don’t yet fully understand. We do know it’s powerful enough to destroy entire civilizations. Powerful enough to defeat even Abin Sur...our finest warrior...whose light can never be replaced. The Guardians have charged me to lead a squadron of Lanterns in an assault on Parallax. We will seek out and find this enemy. And we will destroy it. Alone, we are now vulnerable. United, we are still invincible. We have never been defeated. Will we be defeated now?

All Green Lanterns: No!

Thaal Sinestro: It was for this moment that we were created. But I don’t need to tell you your duty. I don’t need to tell you who we are.

All Green Lanterns: We are the Corps! We are the Corps! We are the Corps! We are the Corps!

Tomar-Re: Your will turns thought into reality. To master the ring, you must learn to focus your will and create what you see in your mind. The ring’s limits are only what you can imagine.

Hal: Do that again.

Tomar-Re: Now you try. Concentrate. The ring will inform you where there is an imminent threat. This particular threat’s name is Kilowog. He’ll be your combat training officer.

Hal: Whoa!

Kilowog: Never let your guard down, poozer. Welcome to Ring Slinging 101. Or as I like to call it: The worst day of your worthless life.




1. ichthyological: 鱼类的。

2. sentient: 有知觉力的,有感觉力的。

3. immortal: 不死者,长生者。

4. Since time immemorial: 自古以来。immemorial的意思是“(因年代久远而)无法追忆的,古老的,远古的”,例如:There have been ponies on Dartmoor from time immemorial.(自远古以来,达特穆尔高原就一直有小型马。)

5. harness: 利用;控制,驾驭。请看例句:They will harness the sun's energy to heat homes.(他们将利用太阳能为住宅供暖。)

6. unprecedented: 史无前例的,前所未有的,空前的。

7. squadron: 一队,一群。

8. invincible: 无敌的,不可征服的。

9. imminent: (危险等)逼近的,即将发生的。例如:Rain seems imminent.(看来就要下雨了。)



1. 巴顿家族自古以来就住在这个村里。


2. 治理那条河流要花两三年时间。


3. 这个成长率是前所未有的。


4. 正义的事业是不可战胜的。







Green Lantern《绿灯侠》精讲之四


有一个漫画故事,说的是在地球上是人类进化的天堂,但是在地球内部却存在另一个由进化后的昆虫统治的文明世界,最终地下的昆虫为了地上的生存权与人 类开始了战争。据悉,美国的人造卫星“查理7号”到北极圈进行拍摄后,在底片上竟然发现北极地带开了一个孔。这是不是地球内部的入口?另外,地球物理学者 一般都认为,地球的重量有6兆吨的上百万倍,假如地球内部是实体,那重量将不止于此,因而引发了“地球空洞说”。一些石油勘探队员都在地下发现过大隧道和 体形巨大的地下人。我们可以设想,地球人分为地表人和地内人,地下王国的地底人必定掌握着高于地表人的科学技术,这样,他们——地表人的同星人,乘坐地表 人尚不能制造的飞碟遨游空间,就成为顺理成章的事了。


该观点认为,外星人就在我们中间生活、工作!研究者们用一种令人称奇的新式辐射照相机拍摄的一些照片中,发现有一些人的头周围被一种淡绿色晕圈环 绕,可能是由他们大脑发出的射线造成的。然而,当试图查询带晕圈的人时,却发现这些人完全消失了,甚至找不到他们曾经存在的迹象。外星人就藏在我们中间, 而我们却不知道他们将要做什么,但没有证据表明外星人会伤害我们。


有这么一种观点:人类的祖先就是外星人。大约在几万年以前,一批有着高度智慧和科技知识的外星人来到地球,他们发现地球的环境十分适宜其居住,但 是,由于他们没有带充足的设施来应付地球的地心吸引力,所以便改变初衷,决定创造一种新的人种——由外星人跟地球猿人结合而产生的。他们以雌性猿人作为对 象,设法使她们受孕,结果便产生了今天的人类。


我们所看到的宇宙(即总星系)不可能形成于四维宇宙范围内,也就是说,我们周围的世界不只是在长、宽、高、时间这几维空间中形成的。宇宙可能是由上 下毗邻的两个世界构成的,它们之间的联系虽然很小,却几乎是相互透明的,这两个物质世界通常是相互影响很小的“形影”状世界。在这两个叠层式世界形成时, 将它们“复合”为一体的相互作用力极大,各种物质高度混杂在一起,进而形成统一的世界。后来,宇宙发生膨胀,这时,物质密度下降,引力衰减,从而形成两个 实际上互为独立的世界。换言之,完全可能在同一时空内存在一个与我们毗邻的隐形平行世界,确切地说,它可能同我们的世界相像,也可能同我们的世界截然不 同。可能物理、化学定律相同,但现实条件却不同。这两个世界早在200-150亿年前就“各霸一方”了。因此,飞碟有可能就是从那另一个世界来的。可能是 在某种特殊条件下偶然闯入的,更有可能是他们早已经掌握了在两个世界中旅行的知识,并经常来往于两个世界之间,他们的科技水平远远超出我们人类之上。


有些人认为,UFO来自于第四维。那种有如幽灵的飞行器在消失时是一瞬间的事,而且人造卫星电子跟踪系统网络在开机时根本就盯不住,可以认 为,UFO的乘员在玩弄时空手法。一种技术上的手段,可以形成某些局部的空间曲度,这种局部的弯曲空间再在与之接触的空间中扩展,完成这一步后,另一空间 的人就可到我们这个空间来了。正如各种目击报告中所说的那样,具体有形的生物突然之间便会从一个UFO近旁的地面上出现,而非明显地从一道门里跑出来。对 于这些情况,上面的说法不失为一种解释。