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Jamie: LA's so nice. 

Dylan: And everyone's so genuine and level-headed.

Jamie: Thanks for this. You're good peeps.

Dylan: You're the good peeps, dude. You haven't met my family. You don't know what you're in for.

Jamie: Okay.

Dylan: You know these planes pretty much land themselves?

Jamie: Nobody cares. You sound like an asshole.

Dylan: She's from New York.

Jamie: I'm sorry. Wow. This looks normal.

Dylan: It is.

Jamie: Thank you. Wow, you grew up here?

Dylan: It was my grandfather's. He bought it when there was nothing else here. My dad and my sister and her son live here now.

Jamie: Why would you move to New York?

Dylan: I was conned by some headhunter.

Sammy: You're here.

Dylan: Sammy!

Sammy: Hey, Uncle Dylan. What's up, buddy?

Sammy: How are you?

Dylan: Jamie, this is my nephew, Sam the Magnificent.

Jamie: Hello. 

Sammy: May I offer you a light for your cigarette?

Jamie: I'm sorry, I don't smoke.

Dylan: Just pretend. He's a magician.

Jamie: Of course I'll have a cigarette. Smoking is great for you. Wow. Thank you, good sir.

Sammy: My pleasure, my lady.

Dylan: Oh, my God. I got it, I got it. Sammy. I got it, I got it. Just stay still. I got it, I got it.

Annie: Sammy! Are you okay?

Sammy: All part of the illusion.

Dylan: Jet Skis later? 

Sammy: Definitely.

Dylan: Still into magic, huh?

Annie: Yep. But I'll take that over him sexting his friends any day. Dilbert!

Dylan: Banannie. Jamie, this is my sister, Annie.

Annie: Hi. 

Jamie: Thank you for having me.

Annie: Oh, please. It's nice to have Dylan bring a girl home.

Jamie: We're just friends.

Annie: Oh, no, I know. If you were his girlfriend, he never would've brought you here. This one has intimacy issues.

Jamie: I know.

Dad: Dylan. 

Dylan: Dad.

Dad: Dylan. Oh, man. How you doing, buddy?

Dylan: I'm good. I miss you guys, but I'm good.

Dad: Dede Spencer? Dede Spencer?

Jamie: Jamie. Dylan's friend.

Dad: I'm sorry. I... 

Jamie: That's okay.

Dad: No, for a minute you reminded me of a girl I used to know.

Jamie: No, that's okay. It happens.

Dad: Nice to meet you.

Jamie: Pleasure meeting you. You have a beautiful house.

Dad: Thank you. Pool's a little cold, but it's very expensive to heat, so...I think I'm gonna goin and check the tide tables 'cause I'm gonna take the boat out early in the morning. You should come.

Jamie: I would love to.

Annie: We sold the boat. The doctor doesn't want you driving the boat any more.

Dad: Turning to mush. It's good to see you, buddy. Nice to meet you.

Jamie: It was nice meeting you, too.

Dad: Jamie. See?

Jamie: Yes.

Dylan: What's with the pants? 

Annie: He doesn't like them any more. He's getting worse. It's so good to have you here. Go show her the beach.

Dylan: Let me show you the beach. Come on. 

Annie: Go, get sandy. Get all messed up. Okay.

Jamie: Dylan never told me about your dad.

Annie: Yeah, it's been tough on him. They were real close. Dylan doesn't quite know how to deal with the Alzheimer's.

Jamie: I'm sorry.

Annie: He'll be his regular old self and everything seems fine, and then just in a flash, he's gone. That's Dylan when he was nine.

Jamie: Are those braids?

Annie: He was going through a Kris Kross phase. Remember them?

Jamie: Is that your mom?

Annie: No, that's Dylan's speech therapist. He had a stutter. It got real bad when he was nervous. 

Jamie: He had a rough childhood. 

Annie: His math tutor called it "character-building." 

Jamie: Math tutor?

Annie: No, we're talking, like, 8 times 6 equals 1,200. But he's very visual, thank God.

Jamie: Can you please explain to me this photo? 

Annie: That is my 12th-birthday surprise party. Amazing moment.

Dylan: Hey. I'm exhausted. I'm gonna go to bed. Jamie, you all good with your room?

Jamie: Yeah. No, it's perfect. Thank you. Thank you for everything.

Dylan: Sammy and I built a saw-a-girl-in-half box, so just be careful on your way to bed.

Annie: He's not using a real saw, is he?

Dylan: Of course he is. He's magnificent. I'll make sure he brushes his teeth, and you, don't believe anything she says. She's a liar.

Annie: He's a pretty special guy. 

Jamie: Yeah, I think so.



1. level-headed: 冷静的

2. good peeps: 好伙伴

3. con: 欺诈

con做名词也可以指“骗局,反对,反对的理由”,比如:This so-called bargain is just a con! (这种所谓的大减价不过是个骗局!)

4. Jet Skis: 喷气式滑水车,水上摩托

5. still into magic: 沉迷于魔术,into这里的意思是对……极有兴趣,热衷于,入迷。

比如:She's really into pop music.(她很迷流行音乐。)

6. sexting: 发送性短信, 由sex与texting组合而成的词,即通过电子设备发送带有露骨性暗示意味的短信或图片。

7. It happens: 这种事经常会发生。

8. tide table: 潮汐表

9. mess up: 混乱, 弄糟

例如:Don't mess up my hair: I've just combed it.(别把我的头发弄乱,我刚梳好。)

10.speech therapist: 语言治疗师

11.stutter: 口吃,结巴

12.character-building: 性格使然



1. 而且每个人特别真诚,特别冷静。
2. 我被猎头欺骗了。
3. 没事,这种事经常会发生。
4. 他的数学家庭教师说这是性格使然。






New research shows that "sexting" is not as common among young people as earlier findings suggested.

Last week the Crimes Against Children Research Center at the University of New Hampshire released two studies. The researchers interviewed more than one thousand five hundred Internet users between the ages of ten and seventeen. Just two and a half percent of them said they had either sent or received naked pictures over their mobile phones or the Internet.

Earlier surveys had suggested that as many as twenty percent of teens were involved in such activities. But one problem is that some of those findings included young adults -- eighteen- and nineteen-year-olds.


Friends with Benefits《朋友也上床》精讲之四

Dan Rauzi is senior director for technology programs for the Boys and Girls Clubs of America. He says another problem is confusion among teenagers about what exactly "sexting" means.

DAN RAUZI: "For example, the University of New Hampshire study -- what they found was that what some teens called sexting were really maybe pictures of themselves in a bathing suit."

Mr. Rauzi says these and other suggestive images have sometimes been reported as sexting.

Marian Merritt is the Internet safety advocate for the computer security company Norton. She says the New Hampshire researchers considered this confusion in the latest research.

MARIAN MERRITT: "They segmented the really most egregious or dangerous kinds of images people might be posting and sending from texts that might be more suggestive."

Ms. Merritt says very few of the images in this latest study would have been considered illegal.

MARIAN MERRITT: "The kinds of images or videos that might constitute child pornography is very low. It's only one percent. So the good news is it's a very rare phenomenon and most young people are not engaging in these kinds of behaviors."

Everyone knows young people are early adapters of technology. Dan Rauzi say their experimentation often raises concern with adults -- like the recent fears about sexting. But it also has another effect.

DAN RAUZI: "We get a new technology in and teens, they push that envelope and in some ways as a society help us see all of the possibilities with new technologies, as well."

The new study appeared in the journal Pediatrics. In a second study, the New Hampshire researchers found that very few sexting cases investigated by police led to arrests. Marian Merritt is glad about that.

MARIAN MERRITT: "The other bit of good news is that over the last several years we've seen law enforcement across the country start to take a more modulated approach, and not going for full enforcement of, you know, a mistake - a momentary lapse in judgment from young people who don't understand the power of the images they may be sharing."