Jamie: Okay. So, what is your type, anyway?
Dylan: No, I don't have a type. It's more about what's inside.
Jamie: Oh, please! Okay, what about her?
Dylan: Yeah. I could get to know her inside. And she's reading a book.
Jamie: It's probably Nicholas Sparks.
Dylan: I'm gonna go talk to her.
Jamie: What?
Dylan: What do you mean, "What?" We said we wanted to date again. I'm gonna go talk to her.
Jamie: Now? Here, in front of all of these people?
Dylan: I didn't say I was gonna rape her. I said I was gonna go talk to her. Excuse me. I'm Dylan. Nice to meet you. The Notebook. Nice meeting you.
Jamie: Well?
Dylan: We talked. We laughed.
Jamie: Yeah.
Dylan: She's Belgian.
Jamie: Explains the reading.
Dylan: I showed her where the balcony was, because that's where she is meeting up with her husband. Anniversary trip to New York. Three kids. Christof, Karlina and Pepijn. Shut up. Why are you still laughing? At least I gave it a shot.
Jamie: Fine. I'll go next. See if I still have game.
Dylan: Okay.
Jamie: Yes.
Dylan: Right here. Eleven o'clock. Iced coffee.
Jamie: Handsome, but doesn't know it. Staring at a tree, which means he's actually in the park for nature and not to watch women sunbathe.
Dylan:Or he's retarded.
Jamie: Don't care. I'm going in. Excuse me.
Parker: Yes?
Jamie: Hi.
Parker: Hello.
Jamie: I'm Jamie.
Dylan: Yeah. Yeah, that works.
Jamie: Okay.
Parker: Nice to meet you.
Jamie: Okay. His name is Parker. He's a children's oncologist. And I have a date this Saturday.
Dylan: Nice.
Jamie: Thank you.
Dylan: Why'd you wave to me?
Jamie: I told him you were my gay best friend, so he wants to set you up with his brother.
1. It's more about what's inside: 其实我属于心灵美那种。
2. anniversary trip: 结婚周年游
3. give it a shot: 试试看,shot在这里指“尝试”。
“考试月”就要到了,有些运气好的学生可能会make a good shot at the exam(猜中试题)。
4. Eleven o'clock: 十一点钟方向。
5. iced: 冰的,比如iced coffee(冰咖啡),iced tea(冰茶)。
Iced还可以表示“覆有糖衣的”,比如an iced cake(覆有糖衣的蛋糕)。
6. sunbathe: 日光浴,沐日光浴
例如:Apparently Bronwyn likes to sunbathe in her nothings.(显而易见,布朗温喜欢裸体日光浴。)
7. retarded: 智力迟钝的,弱智的
例如:Her younger daughter was mentally retarded.(她的幼女是一个弱智儿童。)
8. oncologist: 肿瘤医师,肿瘤学家
9. set up with: 这里的意思是:所以他想撮合你和他的哥哥。
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1. 其实我属于心灵美那种。
2. 这边11点方向。
3. 盯着棵树,说明他真来公园放松,而不是来看美女日光浴。
4. 所以他想撮合你和他的哥哥。
20世纪20年代,可可·香奈儿(Coco Chanel)在乘坐游艇旅行时,偶然晒出一身古铜色的皮肤,随即在时尚界引起了一股日光浴的潮流,这是现代日光浴的流行的起源。那时维多利亚时代刚刚结 束,解脱了束缚的年轻人跳着风格怪异的查尔斯顿舞。日光浴如同华丽的短裙、短卷发和汽车等新鲜事物一样,似乎也成了那个时代自由的象征。
日光浴又称为“美黑”,随着过量暴晒会形成日照灼伤即所谓“晒伤”。美黑最早的由来就如它的名字"sun tanning"──日光浴。美黑出现在西方是上世纪的中期,它代表了欧美人士一种日晒文化──享受阳光。美黑和度假直接联系到了一起,度假就离不开阳光 海滩。美黑到如今已经几乎成为了一种身份的象征。具有一身古铜色皮肤人们,说明他们经常去阳光充足、费用昂贵的高尚度假区晒太阳,所以“黑皮”是一张最好 的显示身份的名片。
日光浴 - 分类
日光浴的方法主要有两种:天然的(sun tanning)和人工的(sunless tanning)。天然的就是太阳光浴。