(cheering, applause)
(party chatter)
Girl: Harriet, just say it. You can enjoy smoking, all right?...
Woman: ...No, 'cause you called me.
Katie’s brother: My little sister's going to go to medical school. Can you believe this?
Friend: Congratulations, David. You must be so proud.
Katie’s mother: Where is the campus?
Katie: It's in the Bronx. It's in the city. And it has one of the best pediatric programs in the country.
Katie’s mother: Jim, I always thought you would become the doctor.
Katie’s brother: Thank you, Ma. That's nice. I feel much better about my life. (laughs)
Katie’s mother: I'm kidding.
Katie: That's real nice, Mom.
Katie’s mother: It's all right, Jim.
David: Um, I can't find your jacket. Do you know where you put it?
Katie’s mother: Oh, you're not leaving?
Katie: No.
David: Yes. I gotta drive...
Katie’s brother: Sit down, David. Come on, what are you drinking?
David: I gotta drive all the way back to the city. So, Katie?
Katie: Uh...what? I...I...I'm not going anywhere. Jim, Jim, sit down.
David: I'm just... I'll go start the car.
Katie: Do whatever you want. I'm not... I'm not leaving yet. (scoffs) What? What is so important that we have to rush home for? What, David?
David: (groans) I'll be waiting in the car. (mutters) "What's so important that we have to rush home for?"
(engine starts)
(engine shuts off)
(glass breaks)
(door slams)
David: Where are you going? Where you going to go? Where you going to live? 'Cause if you leave me, I'm not going to be able to subsidize your lifestyle. Which I don't think that you want. I don't want that. Look, can we just... think about this for a second?
Katie: I've never been closer to anyone and I don't know you at all. (scoffs)
Katie: Maybe I should go stay at my mom's until I sort things out.
Lauren: You're joking, right? Why would you give up everything you've done just because of him? And you're not leaving New York to move back to...Long Island... yuck.
Waitress: Ma'am, I'm sorry. Your card was declined.
Katie: What? I... Try it again.
Waitress: Well, I already did.
Katie: Um...I don't understand. Um...
Waitress: Do you have another card, or cash? It's only $22.75.
Katie: I know how much it is.
Lauren: Here. What the hell are you looking at? Eat your salad.
Katie: I just need enough money to get through school.
Consultant: Look, I'm trying to explain. Your husband is the beneficiary of a number of family trusts, most of which were set up a long time ago.
Katie: I know that.
Consultant: That means that as long as you're married, you can have access to his money, but if you separate, if you divorce him, you won't get any money, because he doesn't have any. Not of his own.
Lauren: Motherfuckers.
Consultant: Regardless, families like the Marks set their assets up this way to protect them from divorces.
Lauren: Motherfuckers!
Consultant: Okay, could you just not...just not do that? These people play hardball. If you want a settlement, you're gonna have to think of a way to motivate them.
(thunder rumbling)
(rubbing chopsticks)
David: How was your day?
Katie: Good.
(rubbing continues)
Katie: I... had lunch with Lauren today.
(rubbing stops)
David: What else did you do today?
Kel: What the hell is that?
Kel’s husband: Someone's on the terrace.
Kel: Call the police.
Kel’s husband: Oh God. Jesus, Jesus.
(Katie panting)
Kel’s husband: What happened? What the hell happened? Kel, call the police.
Katie: No no. No! No no no. No no no...
Kel’s husband: Shh-shh, okay. David. Katie's next door with us. She's scared to come home.
David: Mm-hmm. Well, we had a fight. But it's nothing, you know? It's nothing. I mean, it's not nothing, but you can tell her to come home. It's over. Will you tell her to come home, please?
Kel’s husband: Actually I think she should stay with us tonight. Just let things cool off between you.
Katie: Thank you.
David: Good night. Thank you.
1. pediatric: 小儿科的。
2. sort out: 弄清楚;解决好;恢复正常,整顿好。请看例子:We have to sort things out between us.(我们得把我们之间的事情弄弄清楚。)又如:Don't worry, things will sort themselves out in the end.(别担心,情况最终会恢复正常的。)
3. yuck: 啐!(表示反感、不快的拟声)
4. beneficiary: 受益人。
5. have access to: 可以获得或使用。看一下例句:Only a few people have access to the full facts of the case.(只有少数几个人能看到有关该案全部事实的材料。)
6. play hardball: 采取强硬方式。hardball的意思是“强硬方式,强硬手段”,也可以作形容词用,表示“强硬的”,例如:field hardball questions in a TV interview(在电视采访中对刁难的问题应答如流)。
7. settlement: 赠与的财产。例如:make a settlement on somebody(赠与某人财产)。
8. terrace: 露台。
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1. 我需要把自己的问题解决好。
2. 这种新轿车入后座很方便。
3. 这会儿动真格的了,不再是演习。
4. 她走到庭院的露台上。
夫妻共同财产权意味着在婚姻存续状态中,由丈夫或妻子任何一方所取得的财产,无论动产还是不动产,均属于夫妻共同财产。一般来说,夫妻一方因劳动所 得的收入或用该收入购买的财产,均属于夫妻共同财产。如果原为一方所有的财产因另一方的贡献而获得实质性增值时,则该项财产转化为共同财产。
夫妻双方对共同财产享有平等的管理权、控制权和处分权,在就共同财产进行协商时享有平等的地位。如果没有配偶的同意,夫妻任何一方对共同所有的不动 产不得单独买卖、转移、处理或设定超过一年期以上的抵押。在债务承担的原则上,为共同生活所付费用或所欠债务,应由夫妻双方共同承担。
个人财产包括:夫妻一方在婚前取得的财产;夫妻一方在婚姻存续期间因赠与、继承取得的财产(比如从一方父母处获得赠与或继承的动产或不动产),以及 此类财产日后产生的收益;法律规定为夫妻一方所有的财产;夫妻双方约定为一方所有的财产。大多数实行共同财产制的州,均把婚后在个人财产基础上产生的收益 也视为个人财产。夫妻双方对各自的个人财产享有独立的管理权、控制权和处分权。夫妻双方均有权通过遗嘱自由处分其个人财产和其名下的共同财产的一半,不受 必留份的限制。同时,夫妻双方各自负担因其个人财产而产生的税款和个人债务。
分别财产制也在很多州实行。美国很多州的立法深受英国普通法的影响,所以这些州主要以分别财产制为夫妻法定财产制。其主要内容表现为:(1)财产的 所有权。夫妻双方对各自的婚前财产和婚姻存续期间所获得的财产独自享有所有权。另外,夫妻也可以共同拥有一部分财产作为夫妻共同财产。(2)财产的管理、 使用、收益和处分。夫妻双方各自管理自己的财产,并独立行使收益权、处分权。夫妻也可以通过夫妻财产契约作出约定,由丈夫管理妻子的财产。夫妻一方经对方 授权,可以作为对方的代理人代对方从事交易活动或实施其他法律行为。(3)债务的承担。因夫妻双方对其各自财产享有唯一的所有权,且独立行使管理权、使用 权、收益权和处分权,故夫妻双方各自承担其个人债务。
综上所述,美国有关夫妻财产制的法律规定,是由一系列的判例法和制定法所组成。其中体现出美国社会对私有财产保护方面无可动摇的某些基本原则,这说 明,男女婚姻关系的特殊性,依然无法撼动私有制社会财产法律的基石。当然,根据一般性法律规则,夫妻双方可以另外通过签订契约对法定财产制作出变更,比 如,将一方婚前的财产变更为夫妻共有。
根据契约自由的原则,美国和英国一样,美国法中也没有明确就约定财产制作出规定,通常夫妻约定的契约具有优先效力。比如,夫妻一方愿意让与自己的全 部或部分财产权利给对方(比如在房产证书上加入另一方的名字等),法律理所当然地予以认可。在美国,涉及夫妻之间的财产赠与,无论动产还是不动产,政府均 免征各项税赋,这几乎是世界发达国家的一种惯例。
研究的结果表明,美国在夫妻财产制度方面的做法,其实和世界上其他发达国家的做法基本上大同小异。看来,在商品经济阶段,将夫妻财产划分为共有财产 和私人财产显然是现代社会逐渐趋同的潮流。中国最近在婚姻立法方面出现的部分革新和进展,似乎也在不由自主地融入了西方发达国家的这些特征。比如,将夫妻 一方在婚前取得的财产以及夫妻一方在婚姻存续期间因赠与、继承取得的财产(比如从一方父母处获得赠与或继承的动产或不动产)视为私人财产。这些规定的直接 后果,可以使这些私人财产不至于因为婚姻关系破裂而导致法律上显失公平的后果。
不过,近期中国婚姻立法方面这些看上去“与世界接轨”的规定,其实并不是解决问题的全部。包括美国在内的西方国家,尽管在财产权方面作出了严格的限 制并对私人财产起到了公平保护的作用,但同时,在离婚诉讼案件的实际处理上,婚姻家庭法院则通常对处于弱势的一方(主要是那些无工作收入和无工作能力的女 方,当然也不排除有些收入羸弱的男方)作出法律救济,要求另一方支付丰厚的抚养费来维持对方原有的生活水平和质量,由此获得权利和义务的平衡。