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(keys jingle)

David: Ow.

Katie: My eyes are closed.

David: Close your eyes.

Katie: My eyes are closed.

David: I swear to God, if I'm going to be a captain of industry, we might as well enjoy the perks. You're looking.

Katie: No I'm not.

David: Okay. Do you want to count it down?

Katie: You do it.

David: Five...

Katie: Mm-hmm.

David: ...four, three, two, one. Open them.

Katie: Oh. Ohh. (laughs) Oh my gosh.

David: You like it up there or you want to come down?

Katie: I want to come down.

David: Come on down.


All Good Things《所有美好的东西》精讲之三

Katie: Hi. It's gonna be so beautiful here. Do you ever think about having kids? Come on. Don't you want a little David running around the house? Pulling at your toes in the morning? Smushing food in your hair? Are you saying no?

David: Can't we just talk more about the apartment and, you know, whether this is going to be a dining room or a living room? Or... you know? (lighter flicks)

Katie: Are you saying "not now" about kids or not ever?

David: Not ever. (groans)

Katie: David...is there something wrong with you?

David: Yeah. There is something wrong with me.


David: (murmuring) Are you saying no? (murmuring continues)

Katie: David?

David: Yeah?

Katie: Are you okay?

Lawyer: David, did you ever have any kind of psychiatric treatment?

David: Well, after my mother died, I was sent to psychiatrists. A lot of them, actually. I didn't find them very helpful.

Lawyer: Was there anyone in your life with whom you did talk openly about your past?


Deborah: David, you cocksucker! Get over here and give me a hug. How are you?

David: Look at her. I swear to God, I had no idea that people like her even existed. She's perfect.

David’s friend: (laughs) What do you mean by perfect?

David: I mean there's nothing that I do that she doesn't like.

David’s friend: She hasn't known you long enough.

Katie: It must be so exciting, having your first book published? You know, I was thinking of taking some classes. Maybe premed.

Deborah: How's, uh...how's David doing working for his dad?

Katie: Oh, he doesn't say or he just says "Okay."

Deborah: Well, that's him. It's like...like when he lost his mother.

Katie: When did she pass away?

Deborah: Pass away? She jumped off the roof, cracked her skull open like a walnut on the driveway. David saw the whole thing. He hid under a table for a week. When he came out, it was... it was like he never had one.

Katie: One what?

Deborah: A mother. And... and that was it. Excuse me, Katie. Smile.


Deborah: She's very sweet.

David: Unbelievable.

Deborah: What?

David: You're the only person I know that can say "sweet" like you're cursing.

Deborah: I did... sweet is a great thing. I wish I was sweet.

David: Yeah, I wish you were sweet too.

Deborah: Mm-hmm.

David: What'd you say to her?

Deborah: Nothing. I didn't say anything to her. We were just talking. I just met her.

David: Nothing? Mm-hmm.

Deborah: Anyway. I've missed you. Quit it! I'm being sweet. I've missed you.

David: I've missed you too.

Deborah: You surprised me a little. You're married to a nice blonde shiksa? (laughing) Well, I wouldn't put it like that. You're working for...you're working for your dad, David? Which you said you'd never do. When's the baby shower?

David: Come on. You know, it's still me.

Deborah: Does that girl know how fucked up you are? No, we're gonna...we're gonna straighten you out, David. We are. I know a great therapist and you're gonna love her because...because she doeshouse calls.




1. perks: 津贴;额外补贴。例如:What perks does this job give you?(这个工作给你什么额外补贴?)

2. count down: 倒数。

3. smush: 压碎,压成糊状。

4. premed: 医学院预科。

5. driveway: 私人车道。

6. Quit it: 别闹了。

7. shiksa: 非犹太姑娘。

8. baby shower: 新生儿送礼派对。为了庆祝新生儿诞生所举办的温馨派对。

9. fucked up: 精神不正常的,有神经病的。也可以表示“混乱的,乱糟糟的,被搅成一塌糊涂的”。看一下例句:Our team fucked up again today.(我们队今天又输得一塌糊涂。)

10. straighten out: (使)好转,(使)改正。请看例子:A warning from the judge should help to straighten him out.(法官的警告该有助于使他改邪归正。)straighten out也可以表示“整理,清理,澄清”,例如:I don't know how to straighten the mess out.(我不知该如何收拾这个烂摊子。)

11. house calls: 上门诊治。



1. 形势会好转的。
2. 他迷途知返,成了一个好青年。
3. 一堆没出息的家伙,给我停手。
4. 他的额外津贴包括公司提供的一辆汽车。





什么是baby shower

Although the custom of helping expectant parents plan for a new baby has been a tradition for centuries, the origin of the modern baby shower is unknown. There is evidence that ancient cultures, such as the Egyptians and the Romans, often bestowed small gifts upon newborn children, or presented the parents with a hand-made gift after the child was born. However, baby showers as we know them today were not common until after World War II - possibly one of the first manifestations of the baby boom. 

Baby showers have always served several purposes. They allow friends and family to share the joy and excitement of welcoming a new life into the world, and they provide emotional support to new parents. It is not uncommon for an expectant mother or father to be nervous about their new role as a parent. A friendly word of advice from a friend or family member can be extremely helpful, and the presence of everyone who attends the shower is a supportive gesture that many appreciate.

The expense of a baby can put quite a strain on a couple's budget, especially if the mother will no longer be working. Baby showers offer a chance for friends and family to help expectant parents with the costs of preparing for and caring for a newborn. New parents always need both fun and practical things, and hand-made gifts or toys create memories that last a lifetime.

Traditionally, baby showers were celebrated by a new mother and only her closest friends after the baby had been born.

At the time, it was considered presumptuous to hold a baby shower before the child was born (which is still the case in some cultures.) Over time, however, old traditions have relaxed, allowing for "couple showers" to which men are invited, and celebrations in the workplace that co-workers can attend. It is no longer necessary to wait until the baby is born, unless the mother-to-be prefers to wait until after she has given birth.

All Good Things《所有美好的东西》精讲之三

就像准新娘在新婚前夕的“新娘送礼派对”bridal shower一样,“新生儿送礼派对”baby shower就是为了庆祝新生儿诞生所举办的温馨派对。shower原意是“阵雨”的意思,但是baby shower上,其实没有baby也没有水。


Baby shower由来已久,早在美国殖民地时代,妇女们就聚集在准妈妈的家中,一边缝制婴儿衣服、裁剪尿片,一边传授育儿经。在商品发达的今天,婴儿用品应有 尽有,凡想得到的都买得到。大家都带着精心选购的礼物来到派对的场所,或是主办人的家中,或是公司里,或是教堂内。即将出世的宝宝若是个男孩,那么房间布 置会是蓝色调;若是个女孩,则是粉色调。房内最宽大舒适的椅子一定是准妈妈的“宝座”, 椅子上还会系着一串串蓝色气球或粉色气球。


在派对上,宾客除了问候准妈妈外,主办人也会带着大家玩小游戏,让大家和准妈妈互动起来,或者彼此多认识,小游戏的赢家也会另外得到奖品。Baby shower的压轴好戏是拆礼物的时间,准妈妈看到大家带来的礼物,惊喜之余也会感谢大家帮忙省下许多婴儿用品的费用。